Hello all. :) First of all I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. This is for all my stories in fact. I've just hit a bit of a block, but know that nothing is abandoned and I have every intention of completing all my stories. However, I recently discovered that my parents may know my username on here. I want the freedom to write whatever I want without being judged by them, so I have to delete this account and make a new one with a different username. I tried just changing my pen name, but when I look up jennakat01 on google, it still shows my profile. I apologize for the inconvenience, but if you wanna read slashy goodness or batshit crazy Harry I have to do this. :) My new name will be Apathetic LambChoppi and all my stories will show up there, unchanged. Please switch to following those. :) Thank you so much and I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and Christmas!

I've seen that some people have been having trouble finding this new profile. The 'easy' URL is on my actual profile and this is the other URL for that page.


Hopefully everyone will be able to find it. I'll start adding all my stories to that page later today, so if you don't want to follow me as an author, you can just follow the story still. I won't delete this account until all my stories are on there just so you know. That'll be later this week. Thanks for all your kind words and have a wonderful existence!

(If you still can't, don't be afraid to PM me or something. I'll personally PM you back with my other account so you can find it.)