Note: I do not own NCIS:LA, or anything else you might recognize.
Also, this is set post-Deep Trouble, except let's just assume that case was wrapped up fairly simply and without Sam and Callen disappearing in the submarine, just for the sake of simplicity.
The day started like any other, Kensi sat at her desk finishing an overdue report and absentmindedly picking at a snack cake, not a Twinkie - much to her chagrin - but some cheap imitation the gas station by her apartment was trying to pass off as the genuine article. She was not impressed and any other day it would have inspired a rant, but today she was much too distracted.
Deeks had given back her father's knife. She was wracking her brain to find a meaning, any meaning, behind the action besides the obvious. He didn't want her anymore, he was over whatever he had felt for her and was using his usual excellent communication skills to let her know.
She threw her half eaten snack cake in the trash can beside her desk and tried not to focus on the many reasons he could not want her anymore; had he met someone else while she was away? Agent Del Campo, God forbid? Had he been disappointed with their night together? Or maybe he'd just wanted something physical? Maybe he didn't see her the same way after what had happened in Afghanistan?
Kensi shook her head and stretched her back, trying not to obsess too much over Deeks, since she was starting to feel like one of those angsty teenage girls she'd always laughed at in high school. She was a grown woman, she scolded herself, a Federal Agent for God's sakes!
Just as quickly as she'd once again steeled her resolve, it was shattered, as she heard Deeks' off key warbling enter the bullpen, to the tune of what she could only guess was an old Beach Boy's song.
"Oh for the love of God, make it stop" she said, feigning plugging her ears.
"Somebody's grumpy this morning, in the midst of our lady phase are we, Fern?"
She quickly retrieved her half eaten snack cake from the trash, launching it with precision at his infuriating mop of blonde hair and smirking as he wiped frosting from his nose.
"Well, there it is, off label Twinkies would throw anyone into a murderous rage."
"Shut it, Deeks."
"Come on Sugar Bear, you don't mean that."
Sam inadvertently saved Deeks from any further aggression by entering the bullpen with a large stack of papers under his arm and dropping them on the younger man's desk.
Deeks looked up, horrified, and, for once, speechless.
"You're joking."
"Sorry buddy" Sam smirked, not looking terribly sincere.
"This is abuse, you won't get away with this" Deeks groused as he sat down and pulled the first folder from the pile.
A shrill whistle broke the brief silence in the bullpen as Eric appeared at the top of the stairs with what Kensi deemed a concerning smille on his face.
"I don't like this" she muttered to Sam.
"Tell me about it, it always creeps me out when he looks happy about a case."
This is just kind of a general opening chapter, they'll get longer and a bit more focused. Review if you feel like it.