SAISAKU ;; vocabulary

tumblr word meme, petrichor:
the smell of dry rain on the ground

"I don't know what to call it," Sakura says, dipping into a long stretch as they began their cool down.

Sai is puzzled. "Call what?"

"The smell," she clarifies.

She daintily touches her toes and nonchalantly, Sai gives himself a sniff. He smells just like one would expect to smell after a workout, and the word he knows is the proper one to describe the scent is sweaty. Had he known Sakura would take offense to his natural smells after a training session, perhaps he would have suggested a different weekly activity for staying in touch after he left Team Kakashi to make room again for Sasuke.

"I don't know what you're trying to say," he says, nearly defensively.

"The smell," she repeats. Her tone is agitated. "The smell once the rain dries, like the earth is in the air."


"It's called petrichor," he tells her, and she fixes him with an odd stare and quirks her eyebrow.

"Really? Where did you learn that?"

"A book," he answers sheepishly.

Sakura rolls her eyes. "Of course you did."