Loki sat on his throne, brooding silently. Finally, he had everything he always wanted: his rightful place on the throne, crowds of adoring followers, and a kingdom at his disposal. But something seemed hollow. Everyone saw Odin when they looked at him, and it rankled him that they hadn't given him the respect he deserved. They had to be tricked into thinking he was his spineless old father.

And then there was Jane.

The thought of Jane sent surges of contrary and potent emotions through Loki's mind. At first there was rage. He brushed his long fingers against the scar that snaked across his throat. It may have been invisible to everyone else, but whenever he looked in a mirror it reminded him of her. Rage bled into a burning bloodlust- a desire to make her pay for what she'd done and show her the enemy she'd made. But most perplexing was the insidious thread of a different type of desire. A lust not just for Jane's blood but for her body as well. He didn't just want to destroy her. He wanted her to beg him to ravage her, and he wanted to hear her screams of pleasure to turn to screams of terror as she realized what he was going to do to her.

But how?

Loki leaned back in his throne and pondered. He felt suddenly better about his odious disguise as he realized it would fool Jane as easily as it fooled his subjects. Surely there was a way that Odin, high king of Asgard, could convince Jane of Midgard to come to his realm. What would appeal to her? She was obviously fascinated by science. He snarled as he thought of the putrid machine she'd rigged up. Perhaps that wasn't the way to go. What else did Jane of Midgard hold dear?

He smiled ruthlessly. He knew exactly what she desired. The same petty infatuation that brought them together in the first place.

And he knew exactly what he would do.