Here is the seventh chapter. The first part of this chapter, the Mental Track, will be in Sceptile's point of view. :D

Disclaimer: I did not create Pokemon.

Anyhow | With that said | I hope you like this seventh chapter.


Mental Track of How I Survived the Days With the Horror

Day One:

2 a.m.:

Woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. For absolutely no reason at all. Screamed (which embarrassed me to the extreme), which woke up Bulbasaur, who yelled, or lectured, me for 5 minutes. Went back to sleep.

3 a.m.:

Woke up again, and remembered why the hell I woke up an hour ago.

See, I must have had a nightmare about Kenza. And now, an hour later, I had it again. Just the thought of having to live two days with her, with Pikachu (which makes it worse), with Meganium - no, no, the other one (which makes me feel bad because of how I treated her), and with everyone else (which makes it a lot more stressful and a lot harder to hide) makes turning stealth-mode and joining Team Rocket sound good.

I'm going back to sleep now.

3:15 a.m.:

Okay, I can't really go back to sleep now, because... well...

Noctowl is staring at everybody.

3:25 a.m.:

Starting to get seriously stressed and wide-eyed, I really need some sleep, and Noctowl is still there.

Glaring at him doesn't seem to be helping.

3:30 a.m.:

I'll probably never fall asleep, and I'll die and perish and suffer an early death.

9:30 a.m.:

I woke up, and everybody else was long gone, off to their usual childish bickering and quarrelling and fighting, and then I got hit in the head with, pathetically, an extremely weak *sigh* Bubbles, for ether's sake, and the sorry thing was, I actually felt dizzy afterwards.

I went to get some food because I'm hungry.

When I got to just outside the... uh... Place Where We Have Food, I immediately wished that I hadn't gone there. 'Cause it was like a nightmare come true. The only other pokemon there was Kenza, bad enough on her own, and Pikachu.

But wait! Nobody's seen me yet! I can just go right back and sulk in some random place in the huge forest!

But wait! The hunger. The hunger's intense, man.

But wait! I can deal with a bit of hunger, easy. I won't go through a possibly exceedingly embarrassing incident just because of a bit of hunger.

How childish would that be?

9:35 a.m.:

Don't say I didn't try.

So right as of now, I'm keeping a perfectly natural neutral face and eating food, not looking at Kenza though knowing perfectly well she's there with her horribleness, listening to Pikachu rant about basically everything in his life. It's such a privilege to listen to Pikachu talk about... well, anything.

As of now, as long as he doesn't talk about me, or Kenza, or Hoenn, or that place where Kenza's from, or about me and Kenza, or about grass types in general, I'm willing to listen to anything he says.

" another badge..."

"Oh, yes, yes, congratulations on every single thing you've achieved since I last saw you."

"...strange pokemon..."

"Mm hm, I agree with you."

"...good place, Sinnoh..."


"...Team Rocket did something..."

"I see."

And that was it. I went out of that place and my first ordeal alive, without having to even talk or look at Kenza.

Neither of the two pokemon I'd least like to see right now even came close to mentioning anything about that dreadful affair.

By the way, I ate many, many food in the hopes of being able to go through the day without eating and therefore seeing anybody.

10:40 a.m.:

I was enjoying my peace when out of nowhere, Corphish started hitting me. And when I asked him why, he said it was a dare from Swellow.

I dared him to repeat that dare to me again.

He didn't dare do it.

11:20 a.m.:

A bunch of pokemon were arguing about something, when Swellow suddenly looked up and yelled at me, "Hey Sceptile? Remember when the Hoenn pokemon were travelling back here to Kanto with Ash to do something, I forgot? Remember that time?"

I was incapable of movement or speech or brain process for a few moments, before I replied, "Yes..."

And I waited for the worst.

It didn't come, thankfully. In fact, Swellow didn't even say another word to me.

Swellow simply turned back and said to Bulbasaur and the Johto pokemon, "See? Told ya. We DID see Kanto before being sent here."

Oh. So he was just trying to prove something. For a second there I thought he remembered that incident.

Okay, good.

... Wait, he was using me as evidence in one of their petty fights?!

I beat him up.

1:00 p.m.:

I was able to skip lunch without my stomach making too much of a fuss.

However, I had to spy on everybody behind a tree to see which direction their conversations were going, and here's the track.

Torkoal, Muk, and Kingler, Pikachu: Should or should not Kingler learn Hydro Pump. Check.

Corphish, Swellow, Glalie, and Heracross: If Pokemon were able to kill, and who they would enact that action on if it was possible. From what I could see, Glalie was positively infuriated. Check.

Cyndaquil, Totodile, Bulbasaur, and B- Meganium, and Kenza: How much more superior starter Pokemon were than others. Check. However, I can't help but notice that Meganium - the non-horrible one - kept looking around distractedly... She seems extremely quiet, at least quieter than she usually is, and downcast.

I hope this doesn't have anything to do with what I said to her a while back. I still haven't apologized to her, or even talked to her since that rather harsh encounter. I feel terrible now.

The rest of the day until approximately 10:00 p.m. passed significantly well, without me having to converse or socialize with anybody I don't desire to.


Sceptile nearly killed himself flinging onto the rather thin pile of leaves where he slept. The day had been utterly exhausting, and it was high time he got some shuteye. It was that simple.


"Will you please shut up, ya pathetic excuse of a vermin!" Noctowl was really starting to get on Sceptile's bad side, which, quite frankly, you don't want to be on. Still, Sceptile wasn't all that cold as most- no, everybody thinks he is. He thought of all Ash's Pokemon as friends, by his definition of friends, which was "people you can count on to save you when you are mortally wounded and who you will in return also save when they are mortally wounded". So, he didn't really mean it when he said that to Noctowl.

The hoot or whatever sound owls make stopped immediately.

Thank goodness. The sound was even more annoying than last night. At least then, it had been simple hoots. Today, however, it sounded as if the bird was choking in a slightly feminine way. Disgusting.

He drifted off as the thud, thud sound indicated Noctowl going away...


Sceptile's eyes jerked open with absolute confusion whilst pain erupted on his head due to an inconveniently placed branch. That was not Noctowl. The thud, the rhythm...

It was beginning to nag at his brain. He bolted up and in a blur of green, flew silently through the forest behind him, on the lookout for any sign of life-

He stopped abruptly. There, not ten feet away, was Meganium, silently stifling her tears. It was a heart wrenching scene. Sceptile, torn with guilt, made a move towards her.

Then he stopped again. No, he can't do this. He had no idea what to say, to apologize, to show his regret.

He didn't have the courage.

It's me who's the pathetic excuse of a vermin.

And he ran back.


Okay, yay!I finally updated this story, and just in time for an early Christmas gift and greeting for all who's reading this story, follower or not~

Which by the way reminds me ;) Thank you to all who have supported me by favouriting/following my very first FanFic!

And to linkkirby8692, thanks for the review :D And I actually got this story idea from that exact story! So I guess this is the rewrite... You guys should check that story. It's called "Love Blooming a Second Time" by Anime FanFic Fan.

So, I will be continuing this story, all through til the very end when that little Complete sign shows up :D

Anyhoo, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Fun, Lazy Holiday! This story, after almost half a year of total deadness is finally updated and this is my virtual gift to everyone~!

And I got this present for free.