Multikirby is gone, in case you haven't figured it out yet. I am the new author. For now, at least.

Chapter 33


Coran stared at Mew in a mixture of anger, confusion, shock, betrayal and sadness. "You''re the Voice? Why?"

"Well, I'll tell you in a bit, but first, to make sure there's no resistance, Earthquake!" Mew raised her hands and cheered.

The ground tremored violently beneath the tired bodies of the Pokémon present. Cries of pain rang out through the whole battlefield, with some stopping abrubtly. Coran couldn't take it; he pressed his paws to his ears to shut out the wails of agony. Finally, the shaking stopped, and Coran was too drained to move a muscle.

"Alright, there we go. Can anybody move? Anyone at all? No? 'Kay, good. Thanks for that TM, by the way, Monty!" Mew said, blowing the bloodied Servine a kiss.

Monty stared at Mew, hurt glistening in his eyes.

"Okay, Coran, to answer your question, yes. I am the Voice. I said that twice already. As for why...well, I hate humans," Mew stated simply.

Everyone stared at her in confusion.

Mew sighed, rolling her eyes. "I guess that was a little vague, sorry. Let me start again. I hate humans. A lot. And so, a few months ago I made a virus that targets humans and kills them. Do you know how hard that is? Making a plague that only kills humans? It's hard! Mankey DNA is really close to it. I managed to get away with Mankeys only being sick for a few days.

"But then I saw something that really made me angry. I planned on killing humans because of their greedy nature. But then, in the final days of the plague, I found that Pokémon were starting to adapt human mannerisms. Like taking things that aren't theirs and setting up shop, selling them for money, something we had never had before," Mew narrowed her eyes, staring at Banette and Shuppet, who suddenly looked a lot more uncomfortable.

"Or something even more disgusting; the Exploration Team Federation. There was an entire federation dedicated to charging for help. They will not help you unless you offer something in return. It is one of their rules. I was angry! I hated rescue teams! They were put in such a positive light, but they refuse to help unless you offer them money, or items, or slavery!"

Squirtle looked away from Mew, realizing she was talking about her.

Mew smirked. "I think you see where I'm coming from, huh, Squirtle? All that talk about meeting the budget...that just proved my point. Pokémon were turning into humans. And so...they had to die, too. It's a little sad, yes. But I'm Mew! The Pokémon with the DNA of all Pokémon in her! I can make a whole new world where nobody is greedy, or mean, or human."

"M-Mew...not all humans are bad...I swear!" Coran called up to her, coughing from the pain inside his chest.

Mew turned to look at him with eyes of fire. "Oh? And I assume you're talking about yourself, Mr. Coran Viziden?"

There was a collective gasp around the battlefield, followed by nervous murmuring. Coran looked about wildly, becoming paranoid from the murmuring.

"Humans. They're so greedy, selfish, concieted. They think that they're so great, that they're the only ones that matter. They come into a new area with complete disregard with whoever's already there, including other humans, they take over, and expand, expand, expand! They deplete all their natural resources, then blame their community-made, community-voted government for their problems. Their solution? Go somewhere else and deplete those natural resources! What a sound plan! The area fifty miles from here has unlimited resources! They'll never run out! What happens ten years later? RRGH!" Mew fumed. She was getting really angry now. "And do they think about what these resources do? They sustain life. All life. Not just theirs. And so when all the trees are cut down to make room for a karaoke club, habitats are destroyed. And then there's Pokémon that they hunt to extinction! Some think they're heroes for making sanctuaries where they keep the last remaining Pokémon in captivity. Oh, and maybe other humans can pay to get in and see them! It's not heroism! It's greed!"

Coran was getting really scared now. "I...I don't..."

"So...Coran," Mew said quietly, suddenly calm. "Tell me, what makes you different? What makes you unselfish? Unconceited? Un...ungreedy?"

Coran thought for a moment. "I...I don't know how to answer that question...but-"

"Oh, so I'll answer it for you. First of all, let's get this out of the way right now. Pokémon present before me today," Mew announced with mock formality. "This Riolu before you is a human in disguise!"

Screams echoed out from the battlefield. Suddenly Coran felt a lot more alone. Eyes were staring at him. Monty's. Shuppet's. Phari's. Marvin's. All of them were boring into him. He tried to look for Squirtle, but when he found her, he was denied any support. She was still recoiling from Mew destroying the integrity of her childhood dream.

"I'll prove it to you later, but for now...This human believes that we are not real! He thinks we're just entertainment!"

Coran stood up shakily. "That's not true! I-"

"I heard you Coran. I heard everything. You're a human. You think we aren't real. You're the only real one here. If that isn't conceited, I don't know what is. That's another thing. Humans have closed minds. If they hear about something they can't explain, they believe it to be fantasy. Not real. Fake! Because if humans can't explain it, it obviously can't exist, since humans are the be all end all. It makes me sick."

Coran's throat bunched up painfully as tears started welling up in his eyes. "I...I don't..."

"Well, we can't have any of that in our...I new world, can I? So yeah, I'm going to have to kill you. But before I do that, there's more."

Coran stiffened.

"On the day of the death of the final human, the last remaining family was hunkering down in a cabin. A family of four. A mother, a father, a boy and a girl. The parents and the girl were very, very sick, if you know what I mean. The parents made a last ditch effort; they sent their children to Perlex Forest, where they believed a cure lied," Mew started, turning her head slowly to look at Shuppet and Banette, who were starting to back away slowly.

"And that darn late Celebi...Those kids didn't die of the virus. They died from the forest's charms. So they could regenerate as Pokémon. When I found out...Well, Celebi isn't with us anymore. So...what do you have to say to that, Shuppet and Banette? Or...should I say...Shari and Ben Cherish?"

They're...they're human? Shuppet's human?

"Yes, they're human too. Although, you shouldn't be too surprised. As I said, they chose to practice one of the most human practices out there; taking things free and selling them. Those berries? Seeds? Orbs? They weren't yours. Any Pokémon could've found them, until you stole them and charged for them on your shelves. So, you'll be next."

Coran stared at Shari across the way, who was looking at Mew with so much fear it was a wonder she hadn't fainted yet.

"But wait! There's more! Another example of a human practice; love and hope. A while ago, there were two Pokémon, living happily with each other in love. Then one of them went missing. If this happened to a normal Pokémon, they wouldn't have cared. After all, the point of mating is reproducing. Nothing else. But these two...they were in love. And so they hoped and hoped for years and years, causing themselves unnecessary sadness, waiting for the other to come back. Love is cruel. Hope is cruel. Cappy, Phari, you know what I'm talking about, right?"

Cappy clutched a sobbing Phari closer to him, staring up defiantly at the deranged legendary. "You're insane!"

"Pokémon shouldn't have feelings of love. That love has haunted both of you for so many years. You would have been much happier on average if there was no love, as it should be. Love is human."

"B-but...he's given me so much...I could not be happier without him!" Phari yelled, wiping tears from her eyes.

Mew crossed her arms. "Exactly my point. If he's not with you, you're sad. That's love. So you two have to die. Actually, to be safe, everyone here has to die. But..." she laughed. "I'm sorry for stalling, but there's one more example that really stood out to me.

"Tolerance. This sounds so positive, right? Tolerating others?" Mew asked, waiting for a response.

There was a quiet agreement among the battlefield, unsure of where this was going.

"It's not. Tolerance means that if you're imperfect, it's fine. It's not your fault. We can work around that. But then you're forced to watch as they mess up more and more, and you keep telling him that it's fine. But it isn't. You should not tolerate anything less than what is required. And...however much it pains me to say this, Monty. That story you told me yesterday. About you playing in the woods. You not only tolerated humans, you idolized them. So...You have to die too. And it really, really pains me to say that. Not only did you seal your fate to die with that story, but you also...sealed theirs," Mew finished, pointing at Ben and Shari.

Everyone on the battlefield was dead silent. Squirtle got up slowly from the ground. Her eyes connected with Mew's. "P-please...don't do this...Coran's innocent. Everyone's innocent-"

Mew started laughing raucously. "Everyone's innocent?! That's hilarious! Nobody's innocent! I was going to listen, but that last statement destroyed any chance of that happening. Okay, Coran, brace yourself," Mew turned to the terrified Riolu, who decided now would be a good time to get up and run for his life.

A terrible energy pierced his heart, knocking him to the ground with a terrible crash. He heard a scream, but he couldn't understand what it was saying. Putting his hands on the ground to steady himself, he started to pull himself


Coran scrambled to his feet, looking at himself. He was clothed. He had skin. Arms. Legs. Feet. He was human.

It felt so unnatural. A roar of noise came from all around him, as Pokémon screamed at him. He tried to understand, but he couldn't. It was just words. No meaning.

"I can't hear you! I can't understand! What are you saying?!" he cried, tears flowing from his eyes as his friendships with the Pokémon were effectively severed. "Squirtle!? Monty?! Phari!? Where are you? What's happening?"

All around him were his coworkers. Friends. Were they? They were shouting at him. What were they shouting? He just heard names. Noise. Slumping down onto the worn ground, his head sunk into his hands, and he wept.

The Pokémon were silent for only a moment, then chaos erupted all over the battlefield.

"Coran's actually a human?!" Monty yelled.

Phari clutched Cappy. "Is that him? Where did he go?"

"I think that is him," Cappy said quietly.

Shari and Ben exchanged glances. "He was...he wasn't a Pokémon," Shari said quietly.

"See? Told you so!" Mew gloated.

Squirtle dashed up to Coran, but kept her distance. She didn't know how he would act now that he was a selfish, concieted human...

Why would he act any different? He's...he's still Coran, She thought. Nonetheless, her feet refused to go any closer to Coran, who was now weeping into his hands. C'mon! Go comfort him!

"So, Squirtle? What are you waiting for? Go to him. He needs support, you know. Having a form you've adopted for half a year ripped away from you has got to be a pretty harrowing experience, don't ya think?" Mew asked, smirking. "He's waiting for you."

Squirtle gave another uneasy look at the human. He looked so...unnatural. He had...he had clothes on. He had long spindly arms. But he's still Coran! He's still Coran! He's still Coran!

Squirtle squinted her eyes shut, shutting out the mocking scorn of Mew, and the murmurs of the Pokémon near her. "He...he can't understand me, can he?"

Mew shook her head. "Wouldn't that be something? But no, he's completely oblivious to what any of us are saying."

Squirtle's heart dropped. How much pain is he going through? Hearing us talk, but hearing nothing but...whatever he's hearing...That's it.

Opening her eyes, she ran towards the human - No. Not the human. Coran. - Coran, and pressed up against him. She knew saying anything would just make it worse, so when his head lifted, she just looked up at him and smiled sadly.

Mew was speechless. Or disgusted. "Well, it won't make any difference."

Monty stood up slowly, his legs still shaking from the trauma they had recieved not fifteen minutes earlier. He began making his way to Coran. "It''s not fair to assume he's any different now."

Shari and Ben were next. The looked at each other and nodded, and started walking towards him.

Slowly, Pokémon after Pokémon made their way to Coran, who's sobs were starting to die out as he realized what they were trying to tell him.

They still trusted him.

Mew crossed her arms in frustration. "Agh...fine. You want to play heartwrenching? Let's get heartwrenching."

As each Pokémon gathered around Coran in a ring, watching him with emotions varying from pity to sadness to bittersweet happiness. But what mattered to Mew was that they still gave her just enough space. She flew into the middle of the ring the Pokémon had formed.

"Alright. Sorry to break this up, but he needs to die. Any physical objections? If anyone wants to try to stop me, you're welcome to try."

And some did try. Weak projectile attacks came floating up to Mew's position, but she easily dodged them. The Earthquake and the battle did exactly what she wanted; removed any chance of resistance. She looked over her shoulder to check if Xerneas and Yveltal were still out.

They were. She'd get rid of them later.

Looking back at Coran, she talked directly to him through telepathy.

"You understand what I'm going to do now, right?"

Coran looked up at her with hatred she had never seen before. "You're going to kill me."

Mew brought a purple, sharp glowing rock from the ground. "At least you humans are smart."

Coran defiantly stared at Mew for a few moments. If he so much as moved his head, pain sparked throughout his whole body. He couldn't move, let alone fight. He broke the stare, and looked down at his friends, ignoring the pain.

"You aren't going to try to run away?" Mew asked with mock surprise.

Coran lifted his head back slowly to meet her gaze. "You know exactly why that's not possible."

He sighed in defeat. "Is it going to be quick, Mew?"

"Yes, Coran. It'll be quick."

Coran's eyes glistened. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry I let you down."

"You know, Coran, I feel like I should tell you this. You're amazing. I truly mean that," Mew said, smiling genuinely.


"The Voice was a means to kill Pokémon efficiently. If the influence of the Voice stops, you're supposed to die. End of story. When I slapped you as a Chansey in Faren Heights, I expected you to drop dead. But you didn't. You made a full recovery. I don't know if it's because you're a human or not,'re impressive, Coran. You might want to distract yourself...what was that song you were singing right before I froze you? It went! This is the end...close your eyes and count to ten..." Mew sang softly.

Coran, beginning to sob again, closed his eyes. "F-Feel the earth move, and then...hear my heart-"

A bright flash of pain erupted in Coran's chest, followed by numbness. The edges of his vision blurred, before turning white.

Coran Viziden was dead.

The ground was so cold...and white...and dry. It was like nothing he had ever felt before...

Is this heaven? Coran thought, looking around.

", you can't be...he killed you!? No! No, no, no!" A voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw a boy.

He was about his age. Fifteen, or sixteen. He was a frail kid, and he didn't look very strong. He was looking at Coran with wide eyes of terror, shaking his head in denial.

"No...You're dead? You can't be dead!" he said softly to himself, before collapsing to his knees on the...ground.

Was there a ground? Everything he saw around him was white. He couldn't tell where the ground stopped and the sky began.

"What's going on here?"

The kid looked up. "I'm...I'm so sorry. This is my fault."

"Who are you?"

" name is Multikirby. I brought you to where you were. I put you through a lot of what you just experienced. And...I killed you."

"W-What? I'm dead?"

"Y...Yes. You're dead. We're dead. I'm...I'm"


"CORAN!" Squirtle screamed as she witnessed the boulder pierce his heart. "NO!"

Silence reigned on the bloody battlefield as all eyes were glued to Coran as his life force left him. As Mew retracted the rock from his chest, Coran slumped to the floor, dead.

"No! No, no, no, no! Please! Wake up!" Squirtle screamed. "Wake up! Do you need a berry? I have berries! Monty, give me a berry, quick! Wh...why...why aren't any of you MOVING?!We need to wake him up!"

Monty stepped forward and put a leaf on Squirtle's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Squirtle. He's gone. There's nothing we can do."

"NO! There has to be something! Don't we have Oran Berries! Sitrus Berries! Reviver Seeds! Anything!" Squirtle cried as tears started flowing from her eyes.

"Reviver Seeds...only work when you're fainted..." Shari said quietly. "We both know that. He's...he's dead, Squirtle."

Phari walked forward to Coran's corpse. "She...she killed him...You killed Coran!" she yelled, looking at Mew.

"Mm...what? What's with all the dirty looks? It's not like I'm going to treat any of you any differently. But...just so none of you will leave...Psychic barrier!" Mew raised her hands up, making a glowing pink dome surrounding the battlefield.

"" Squirtle said, seething.

"Well, anyways," Mew yawned, ignoring Squirlte's statement. "Ben and Shari are next. I need to get rid of actual humans first. So if you could...wait, what?...Oh, hi. Yeah, I killed him, like you asked me to. Hold on...You said I could-! Aagh...fine. I'll have them over."

Everyone looked strangely at Mew, who had seemingly been talking to the air. "Change of plans, guys. You're coming with me. As for the rest of you...well, you're doomed anyways. Ciao!"

And with that, Mew disappeared with Ben, Shari, Monty and Squirtle being teleported with her.

The ones left behind looked at the smoking rings where they once stood. "They're gone!" Cappy exclaimed.

So...'No Pokéballs Allowed' is done. As I have already told you, I am not Multikirby. As for who I really'll find out soon enough, one way or another...Hmm hmm hmm...Ahahahahaha...