So i got some mixed reviews for the last chapter. I would just like to say it was short cause i was busy but i wanted to put something up. I thought something was better than nothing. Thank you to everyone who gave me positive reviews and ideas. Those of you who gave me negative reviews you don't have to read the story. I really don't want someone to tell me every single little mistake i made. I don't mind criticism but don't tell me I'm not original. I am just going to do an idea i had now but for the next chapter i will start doing all the ideas you guys gave me. Please review thanks -hoa264

AN- For this chapter Eddie is in Sibuna and it takes place during S2 during the task where they have to cross the beam. Also Peddie is together. Enjoy

Chapter 2: Sibuna tunnels

Eddie's POV:

"Okay so who's going first?" Amber says staring at the beam.

I look at the beam and am about to say I'll go first, but suddenly Patricia steps on the beam.

"Patricia no get off!" I step forward to get her, but Fabian holds me back.

"Don't distract her or she'll fall." Fabian whispers.

I look praying to God that she doesn't fall. When suddenly she slips and falls. She screams as she grabs onto the beam. She tries to get back up, but she can't. I push past everyone and start moving on the beam. At first I go slow, but she is losing grip so I rush forward and pull her up. I hug her in my arms for a minute or two. Then these swinging pendulums come down. They swing back and forth. I look at Patricia who is looking up with fear in her eyes. I don't want to move just yet. I don't want to get her hurt. I hear the others yelling our names.

"Are you okay?" I look down at her.

"Y-yea I'm okay now." She says a little unsure.

I tell her to stay right next to me as I put my arm around her waist and guide her back to the others. We finally make it back. She hugs everyone and then I pull her in my arms and swing her around. I kiss her forehead and we all go back upstairs. I bring Patricia over to the couch and she lays her head on my shoulder. I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead again and whisper soothing things to her until she falls asleep. I sit there with her until I eventually fall asleep next to her, so happy I can hold my Yacker.