Throughout the day Isabella was asked the same question by numerous people. "Where's Phineas? He said that Ferb would help with-" fill in the blank. She was starting to think that maybe she knew part of what happened.

At lunch, Isabella took her seat at their table in the cafeteria. Adyson soon arrived followed by the rest of the girls. Katie was the last to arrive. "So, are we all attending the Jubilee for past and present Fireside Girls?" Everyone nodded and Katie continued. "Isabella, you told Phineas to tell Ferb that the extension needed to be completed this weekend right?" Isabella nodded sadly. "Yeah, I mentioned it. Though, maybe we should just build it ourselves. We know what we're doing."

Everyone looked at her as though she had grown an extra head. Gretchen was the one to speak up. "It's not that we don't know what we're doing," she said, as she looked at the rest of the girls, "it's just that we've got other commitments we need to take care of." She finished. The girls nodded in agreement. "Besides, we don't want to ruin our nails." Holly chimed in.

Isabella looked at each of the girls and shook her head. "I know we all have clubs and activities we belong to, but does anyone know if Ferb's got any commitments? It seems that everyone has demanded pieces of his time, not taking into consideration that he might not be able to help?" Katie and Milly started to laugh. "Both Phineas and Ferb will help anyone who asks. It's in their nature to help." That was Milly, Katie built on that. "You keep Phineas quite busy outside of school. Ferb doesn't have a girlfriend so he's got all the time in the world."

Adyson and Gretchen looked to the table, then Adyson spoke. "I asked Ferb if he could fix my car last week. Once he took a look at it, he said he needed to order a couple of extra parts. He hasn't gotten back to me yet. I was going to ask him about it this morning, but he wasn't in class." Everyone, except Isabella, stopped eating and looked at her. Gretchen shook her head. "Ferb wasn't in class? That's unusual." Ginger nodded. "Come to think of it, I didn't see Phineas this morning either."

Isabella took a quick sip of her drink. "Phineas wasn't feeling well, he stayed home." She replied quietly. All eyes turned to her. "Is he okay? What happened? I hope this doesn't ruin your plans for the weekend." Isabella offered a small smile to the girls. "I don't know girls. This morning he was…" she trailed off trying to put into words what she saw, "...not himself."

Milly and Katie shared a quick glance. "I think whatever Phineas has is contagious, Isabella's acting strange today." Milly said as the two girls moved further away from Isabella. Gretchen looked toward Ginger who looked at Adyson. Gretchen spoke up. "It's okay Chief, I'm sure Phineas will be feeling better in no time." She tried to cheer up her friend.

Isabella offered Gretchen a fleeting smile. "I hope so, but that all depends on…" She trailed off, not wanting to tell them. This should come from Phineas. Gretchen cocked her head to the side, waiting for her to finish. "Isabella?" The shorter girl asked and Isabella shook her head. "Nothing." She replied with a fake smile.

Lawrence sat at the kitchen table holding a photograph of his son. Phineas walked in and sat across the table from him. "Have you heard anything?" Lawrence shook his head but didn't look up. "Nothing." He couldn't keep the despair out of his voice. Phineas nodded then tried speaking again, but nothing came out.

When the doorbell sounded Lawrence got up and went to answer it. Phineas watched from the doorway between the kitchen and living room.

Lawrence opened the door. "May I help you?" He asked the State Trooper as he let the other man into the house. The trooper took his hat off. "Good afternoon sir, I'm Officer Anderson." Lawrence nodded and indicated the officer could follow him further into the house.

Officer Anderson looked over at Phineas who continued to stand in the doorway, then turned his attention back to Lawrence. "Mister Fletcher, we've finished examining your son's car. Would you like us to return it to you?" Lawrence nodded solemnly. The trooper made a notation. "I'm sorry, we've not found him yet. There are search parties going through the park as we speak." Lawrence nodded again, unable to speak.

The doorbell sounded again. "I'll get that." Phineas said quietly and went to open the door. Another officer stood there. "I'm officer FitzGerald, I need to speak to the parent of a F. Fletcher." Phineas tried to look beyond the officer but couldn't, he nodded and invited the officer in. "Excuse me sir," Phineas tried to keep his voice steady, " you know where my brother is?" Officer FitzGerald shook his head.

After school, Isabella and the girls went to her house. It was Friday and they were getting everything organized for the Jubilee next weekend. As they walked down Maple Drive, they noticed two police cruisers in front of the Flynn-Fletcher house. "What's going on?" Ginger inquired. Isabella shook her head, and slowly replied. "I don't know."

The girls were sitting in the living room and Vivian brought out some chips and salsa. She then looked out the front window. "Oh dear." Isabella looked up at her mother. "Do you know what happened Mama?" Vivian looked sadly to her daughter. "Si, Ferb's car was found at Adjacent State Park last night, abandoned. He's missing and everyone thinks he's dead."

The girls turned to look out the window. "I can't believe that." Adyson whispered. "Did anyone say how? Or Why?" Vivian shook her head. "It appears that he drove there sometime yesterday afternoon and left his car. He's not been seen nor heard from since." She said then went back to the kitchen leaving the girls alone. "Poor Phineas." They chorused.

A couple of hours later, the girls stopped whispering amongst themselves when they saw Linda's car pull into the driveway. She got out of the car and entered her house.

"Would you girls like something for dinner?" Vivian poked her nose into the living room. Isabella looked around at everyone shaking their heads. "No thanks Mama. I guess we're not hungry." They went back to whispering amongst themselves only to stop when another police cruiser pulled up in front of the neighbour's house, followed by a flat-bed tow truck with Ferb's Spyder.

The girls continued to look out the window. They collectively gasped when they saw Phineas come out of the house and accept the car. They watched as he unlocked the driver's door and slipped inside. "Ferb's going to kill him." Milly whispered. "Yeah." The rest of the girls acknowledged and continued to watch.

Phineas sighed as he sat in the driver's seat of the roadster, running his hands over the smooth leather steering wheel. He then bent over and picked up a piece of paper from the floor. It was a note, his eyes teared as he read Ferb's neat printing . "It must have slipped when he closed the door."

Phineas put the key in the ignition and tried to turn it over. He took a look at the gauges, "How could you let your car run out of gas?" Phineas got out of the car and jumped off the flat-bed. He ran into the garage and brought out a jerry can and proceeded to empty its contents into the gas tank on the front of the car. He then got back into the car and tried to put the car into reverse.

After a couple of attempts, and a little grinding of the gears, Phineas managed to get the Spyder into reverse and carefully backed off the truck and into the driveway. He got out of the car, and with a smile and wave toward Isabella, went to check the trunk of the car. He then closed the hood and walked to the front of the car and opened the trunk.

Isabella and the girls were watching out the front window. "He looks good in that car." Isabella sighed. "I wonder if he'll be able to drive it." She finished. Ginger whipped her head around and stared at her friend. Gretchen turned around and started heading for the stairs. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She declared and Adyson turned around. "I'll go with you."

Isabella watched as Phineas ran his hand along the car's lines before turning to go into the house. Vivian brought out some sandwiches, placing them on the coffee table, for the girls to eat. She then proceeded to speak to Isabella in Spanish. "Isa, you shouldn't be spying on the neighbours like that. They've lost a member of their family, you should be more respectful." Isabella waved her mother off.

Vivian suggested the girls sit in the back yard. "Okay Mama." Isabella reluctantly agreed and lead the girls out. "I wish we could see what was going on." Isabella mused. Ginger had her phone out and was looking through the local news sites to see if there was any word; Gretchen and Adyson looking over her shoulders. Holly, Milly and Katie were sitting on the pool deck, their feet splashing softly in the water.

No one noticed the patio door open. "Isa, there's someone here to see you." Vivian called out and all the girls looked up and saw Phineas standing there. Isabella sprang to her feet and rushed up to him, flinging her arms around his neck. Phineas' arms wound around her, pulling her close.

Isabella looked into his eyes. "Why are you here?" She asked him. Phineas pulled her closer. "Remember how I said that Ferb would help build the extension on the Fireside Girls' lodge?" Isabella nodded and Phineas continued. "I'll build it for you."

Isabella released him. "Why? We were supposed to go out tomorrow." Phineas looked sadly at her. "That's another thing. I don't feel up to taking you out tomorrow." Isabella took a couple of steps back and raised her voice. "You don't want to go out with me?" The rest of the girls looked up at her.

Phineas held his hands up defensively. "That's not what I'm saying." Isabella was crying, trails of mascara streaking her cheeks. "Then what are you saying?" She screamed. Phineas was obviously upset as well, but he had to try to make her understand. "I'm saying that I'm worried about my brother. We've not heard from him and no one can tell us anything. Do you have any idea how many police officers have been to the house in the past twenty-four hours? We don't want to open the door anymore for fear that the next officer will tell us that we have to identify Ferb's body."

Adyson stood up and walked over to Phineas and hugged him. "I don't know what to say except, I'm sorry." The rest of the girls took turns offering him a few words of encouragement and a quick hug. Gretchen was the last to step up to him. Her hands were clasped in front of her as she looked at the patio. "I want you to take care of yourself. No matter what happens."

Phineas hugged her. "Thank you. You take care too." He released her and made his way to the Garcia-Shapiro's back gate. He paused and looked over his shoulder. "I'll finish that extension for you tomorrow, Isabella." He said as he tried to make eye contact with her; she didn't look at him. Phineas opened the gate and quietly closed it behind himself.

"Who wants to sleep over tonight?" Isabella asked her friends. No one could stay, and by 11pm Isabella was alone in her room; looking out the window. There were four police cruisers parked across the street and she could see another one turning onto Maple Drive.

Lawrence was standing in his backyard looking up at the night sky when Phineas stepped up beside him and asked, "What now?" Lawrence shook his head. "I don't know, son. I just don't know." Phineas nodded and stood beside his step-father in silence.

A minute later Lawrence broke the silence. "I'm searching for answers to questions I can't ask." Phineas nodded. "So am I." They both heard another car come to a stop just outside the gate, its doors closing. Lawrence hung his head and muttered something about how all this not knowing is going to kill him.

The back gate opened and an officer stepped through. "Lawrence Fletcher?" Lawrence visibly shrank when his name was called, he then looked up and started crying. The officer nudged the green-haired teen forward. Lawrence rushed over and embraced his son.