Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men or any of its associated movies.

Author's Note: So in honor of the release of X-Men: Days of the Future Past, I just went through all the previous movies and well, this was an idea in the back of my mind for a long, long time. Because Wolverine is just too awesome.


Isabel Carnahan was feeling decidedly awkward.

For one thing, she had never been in a job interview before. For another, her interviewer had the ability to read her mind. All in all it was promising to be a complete fiasco.

'Miss Carnahan-' Professor Xavier's voice sounded again in her mind and Isabel nearly flinched back with the intensity. Clearly he had noticed because he paused and glanced at her sympathetically.

"Um.. Just Isabel." She finally managed to stay, keeping her eyes on the man's. Isabel, who had been living all her lives in the streets had learned at a young age that a person's eyes were the best way to judge them and Professor Xavier's eyes were unnervingly old: as if he had lived too long and seen far too much.

"Isabel." This time he didn't use his powers and instead spoke out loud. "Well Isabel, I'm glad you could make it here."

"It was no problem." She replied though mentally she thought. 'I had no choice in the matter.'

'I apologize.'

Once again, she jumped and mentally slapped herself. Of course, he had heard her. Of course he had. Her every single thought was being projected into his mind and she was torn between anger and mortification.

Professor Xavier cleared his throat. "As I was saying, I'm glad that you came and I apologize for your lack of choice in the matter but it was necessary to get you here as soon as possible."

Isabel glanced at him curiously. She had been making a round at the supermarket when one of Professor Xavier's men, Scott Summers, had accosted her. She had never seen another mutant let alone met one. Sure, she knew all about the government's interest but she had kept herself shielded.

All her life she had looked out for herself and that involved hiding from everyone and everything.

So needless to say, she had been more than scared when Scott had approached her directly and told her outright that he knew about her mutation.

That had done it.

No one had known except for her family and they were all dead. No one. And she had struck out at him, momentarily paralyzing him with her abilities and making an escape.

And she hit him in the face.

Not that she had meant to.

She hadn't meant to knock off his glasses while making her escape but she had and at that moment, the supermarket's side wall exploded with a beam of brilliant red light. So while people screamed and rushed for cover and the world was bright with that beam, Isabel had been trapped by another woman: a lovely, red-haired woman who with one wave of her hand had managed to create some sort of wall that prevented her from escaping.

By the time the local police got there, they had left with Isabel in tow. So they had blown up the supermarket, gotten the police involved just to drag her to the Professor who for some unknown reason wanted her to be here.

Just your typical kidnapping by your typical mutants.

The Professor chuckled slightly. "I take it that you had a very eventful day and once again I apologize." His face became serious. "Scott Summers has never, and never will, want to harm anyone and this was an accident. Both from his side and from yours."

Isabel remained quiet and instead frowned at him. She didn't want anyone hearing her thoughts.

"Why do you want me here, so badly, anyways?" She finally asked, waving her hand around. "Why was I brought here? If you think that I want to be involved in the entire war, you are wrong!"

Unperturbed, he still spoke softly. "I am afraid that you really don't have a choice in that matter."

"What?" Isabel exclaimed and stood up, pushing her chair back with a screech. "You will keep me here against my will?"

"Not at all, Isabel." Professor Xavier sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "But there are people out there who will. They will not hesitate to use you for their means."

"I can defend myself." Isabel retorted, angered at his calm tone while she felt like exploding.

Professor Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Against an entire army, do you think you would stand a chance? There are all sorts of mutants out there, Isabel. Both good and absolutely evil."

"You mean Magneto's army." She stated. She wasn't dumb. She may have been hiding herself but she had kept up to date.

"Yes indeed. Magneto, the mutant leader who, as we speak, is rallying mutants to his cause. I fear that the humans have given our kind little reason not to go over to Magneto's side."

Isabel thought back to her own encounters with humans. She remembered the first time that her powers had appeared. She had been fourteen and she had been fighting for a match with another boy. It was at the local orphanage and it was break time before the evening activities.

It had been a normal spat between children but it had turned out to be something more. Angered by the boy's refusal to share his sports equipment, she had lashed out and the boy had collapsed to his knees, crying out as if in absolute pain.

There had been dozens of witnesses and all of them had blamed her.

Isabel had blamed herself.

Of course, no self-respecting institute would harbor a dangerous child like her and she had been asked to leave. With a bag full of clothes and another bag of food, she had been told she could not stay. So she had lived in the streets, grown up there, attending the public school for her remaining years and she had graduated.

Yes she was a nerd who went to school despite having every reason not too. But she never stayed for long and never talked. She did her assignments, packed her bags and left. No friends, no social life, no mingling.

Fine by her.

"What does that have to do with me?" She finally said, sitting down again.

"Everything." Professor Xavier replied. "You see just as Magneto is having mutants join him, so am I. But as I said, up till now, I have not managed to find anyone worth the post and those whom I thought were worth considering turned to Magneto's side."

"And a mutant girl, who was raised on the streets and has no experience beyond college, is worth it?" Isabel raised an eyebrow at him. "You want me as a student here?"

"Not at all." The Professor smiled at her in a way that made her distinctly uneasy. "I want you as a teacher."

There was silence.

"A teacher?" Isabel said incredulously. "A teacher? Me? Professor, I have only a college degree!"

"In Life Sciences. And a minor in psychology." The old man replied. "I believe you qualify."

Isabel felt her jaw drop.

Clearly this man was up to no good.

"Isabel." Professor Xavier sighed and leaned back. "I understand that you have had a troubled life. I understand that you have grown up to be independent. But this is no time for a mutant to survive on her own. I chose you because I want you here as a teacher. You were denied a normal childhood but these children come from the same background as you. Some have had horrible pasts, some keep horrible secrets and so do you. So do I for that matter. And this is why, this is our home."


Something she had never had.

That pushed her into thinking. Yes, she wanted somewhere to belong. Yes, she wanted friends and relationships. But as a mutant, that was just wishful thinking.

'You are wrong. Everyone, even a mutant, deserves to live in normalcy.'

Isabel wondered how this man had found her and chose her from among the thousands of hidden mutants in the world. But he had. And if Charles Xavier was doing something this big, he couldn't possibly be a bad man.

A home. A life.

Isabel rubbed her temples and then eyed him suspiciously. "Do I have to sign a contract?"


When Isabel stepped out of Professor Xavier's office, the entire mansion had become a circus. The hallways were streaming with children of all ages and sizes, all dressed up and carrying books.

Apparently it was break time.

'Just find Storm. You will recognize her by her distinctive white hair.' Professor Xavier's voice sounded in her mind and Isabel was already annoyed by this. 'And once again I apologize for annoying you, Isabel.'

White hair. Isabel mused as she glanced around. White hair, white hair, white hair- Aha!

She wound across the hallways to the dark-skinned, tall woman standing in the doorway of what she assumed was a classroom. She had cropped, pixie-cut white hair and her posture oozed confidence.

Isabel waited at the side, waiting for the woman to notice her, which in Isabel's case could take quite a long time because she had nothing 'distinctive' about her.

But Storm noticed her immediately.

"You must be Isabel!" She exclaimed, drawing Isabel forward. Seeing Isabel's expression, she added with a tap on her head. "Professor Xavier."

Ah. That annoying habit again.

"Uh….Its nice to meet you." Isabel said feebly, trying to keep her composure. "You're Storm?"

Storm laughed and waved her down the hallway.

"It's a codename." She explained as they walked down. Isabel noticed that a lot of students stopped to wave at her. "Its because of my mutant powers."

"Your mutant powers?" Isabel questioned and then flushed because she herself hated inquisitive people and she was one of those inquisitive people.

In response, Storm raised her hand and snowflakes drifted in the hallway.

Snowflakes. In a freaking hallway.

"Weather control." She added by way of explanation. "Rain, snow, sun…."

"Storms?" Isabel added and they laughed. She was already enjoying the X-Mansion. "Well I don't have a codename so you'll just have to go by Isabel."

"You might. In time." Storm said mysteriously and when Isabel wanted to ask her what she meant, she just stepped towards a large mahogany door and said. "This is your room."

Isabel glanced at her so Storm further said. "The teachers' rooms are between the male and female dormitories. Regulations. My room is the next one." She indicated it with a finger. "And those are the others. You'll meet them at dinner."

"I think I already met them. Scott and a red-haired woman."

"I heard." Storm glanced mischievously at her. "I also heard that you put up quite a fight. That's a first."

Isabel was intrigued. "You often bring mutants here?"

"Students mostly. There are very few teachers. Most mutants don't know how to control their powers. You're the first outsider we've had other than Logan. All the other teachers were students here at some point." Then Storm slapped her head. "Well don't just keep talking here. Check your room. It's a little small but you're free to decorate it as you want."

Isabel stepped inside and stared.

Small? This room was the size of her apartment.

"Its great." She managed to say and Storm sent her a slight smile. "Its amazing."

"Professor Xavier also asked me to get you some clothes. I only bought two pairs. I thought you'd like to go shopping later to choose yourself."

Isabel was touched. In all her life, no one had even cared if she took her next breath.

'We care, Isabel. You are our family now.' The Professor's voice came and for once, Isabel wasn't annoyed but she still thought, knowing he could hear.

'There has got to be a law against this type of violation.'

There was a sound of laughter but no reply so Isabel turned back to Storm.

"Thank you." She said hesitantly, the words foreign to her. "For all this."

"Your welcome. I hope we can become good friends, Isabel." Storm replied and behind her words there was a deep sincerity. "Dinner at seven. You can get cleaned up by then. I'll come and get you."

Feeling that she had said too many 'thank yous' already, Isabel just nodded and hoped that that conveyed her gratitude.

Home. The word reverberated thorough her mind. Home.


The clothes turned out to be a moss-green blouse and long, loose black pants. Isabel stared at the ornate mirror in the corner.

These were the most expensive clothes she had ever worn. All others had been hand-me-downs and second hand clothes.

She had no make-up and that was fine with her. She didn't like makeup anyways. Glancing at the grandfather clock, she saw that it was five minutes above seven.

Maybe Storm had gotten caught up.

She didn't mind. It was a good chance to go exploring on her own. The worst that could happen was she could get lost and in that case she could always mentally shout for help. The psychic professor would hear her anyways.

With a smirk at that, she exited the room, twisting to shut off the lights. Her back was turned and as she turned around and simultaneously took another step she collided straight into the wall.

'There has got to be a ph.D in your type of clumsiness.' She thought to herself. 'And you have that phD. A wall? You collided with a wall?'

Rubbing her head, she stepped back and on glancing up, she found herself looking straight into nearly feral, glowering eyes.

If looks could kill, she would have been dead times over.

So it hadn't been a wall she had collided with. It was a man: a man with a body like a wall.

'He's hot.' She thought dumbly. And it was true. The man was too attractive to be alive.

"Will you watch where you are going?" The deep baritone voice came, thoroughly irritated and with a second glare, he side-stepped her to leave.

That jolted Isabel and with a scoff, she twisted to face him and said to his back. "Maybe you should learn to watch where you are going."

He paused and Isabel stared at the back of his leather jacket. For a few seconds he made no reply and scoffing at his arrogance, she turned away to leave.

She had taken maybe three steps when she felt something collide with her and in the next instant, she was pinned against the wall, her feet inches off the ground. Without thinking, without hesitating, she sent out a flow of her energy.

It should have sizzled him. It should have made him recoil backwards and let her go. But instead he only winced and it just made madder. His eyes, as dark as a wolf's and just as feral, dilated until all she could see were the endless irises.

"What are you doing, you savage?" She shrieked at him, struggling against his iron grip. "Let me go! God, you need to see a psychologist. Let me go!"

It was no use. He wouldn't budge. It was as if he was made of steel. Isabel felt her breath shorten at his proximity. It was unnerving, the way he stared at her without blinking.

Her powers were off no use. So she did the next best thing. She bit him.

The impact jarred her teeth and she felt as if they had loosened. She didn't even cut his skin but by the growl he made, she might as well have stabbed him in the heart. His arm moved an inch and she fought to duck under it and escape but within seconds, she was pinned again.

He shook her roughly and Isabel felt as if every single bone in her body was quivering.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here, you-"

"Oh my God!" She screamed at him, her only weapon at the moment: her voice. "Is that how you greet everyone?! By strangling them to death?"

For a moment she thought he truly would strangle her but that moment passed and a truly baffled expression passed over his face. This lasted only a moment though and the scowl was back on his face.

"Not everyone." He barked out, and shifted his hold so that it was a little tighter. "Just irritating vixens like you."

And just like that he released her. Readjusting his creased jacket, he left without another backward glance. Isabel stared after him, disbelieving, rubbing her chafed throat and wrists.

'What a basta-'

'I believe that you just met Logan.' The Professor's voice interrupted, floating in her mind. 'He tends to be a little rude.'

Why did he sound so damn amused?


So that's the first chapter. And yes, that was our favorite character with our favorite antics.

Any ideas, criticism, praise, corrections are welcome. All of your input would be appreciated. So REVIEW PLEASE!

R. A. StoryTeller