I don't like taking ideas from people but if you wish to give me story ideas, please send me a PM instead of putting it on the reviews if you can. Here is another chapter and I apologize if it took too long. Please enjoy the story.

At [Ancestor's Heritage], Shinjiro, Kanaru, and Ryoji are out on their day off. Metis was practicing cooking while Mikoto was sulking and Minato being Minato…

"Aniki… Please mend this girl's broken heart!" Mikoto cried in ludicrous fashion.

"No," Minato rejected immediately.

"C'mon, can't you comfort your sister when her heart is broken?!"

"I approve of Manager George's decision on making Shinjiro to decide to whether reject your idea or not. I also approve Shinjiro's decision to reject your plan."

"But you have to admit. Having the best couple's contest might be fun and get some great laughs off, The Doki-Doki Make My Heart Beat Competition! I'm just trying to get a kick out of life y'know?"

"Ah, but Mikoto, that might cause a shipping war to which would be a pain to clean up after."

"Are you scared, Aniki, I'm sure we can take them all on!"

"Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorned, I rather live thank you very much."

"Boring~!" she pouted.

A customer walks in.

"Ah, welcome to [Ancestor's Heritage]—Mikiya-san?"

"Ah, Mikoto-san, Minato-san, good evening," Mikiya Kokutou greeted.

"Mikiya, you know them?" asked a young lady in a red jacket and a blue kimono.

"This is Minato Arisato, a gaming buddy of mine and this is his fraternal twin sister, Mikoto Arisato. I met Minato over online. We chatted and met up here," Mikiya smiled, "Minato, Mikoto, this is Shiki Ryougi."

"Oh, is this the famed girlfriend of yours, Mikiya-san?"

"Oh, we're not a couple…"

Shiki had an irritated expression and walk past Mikiya.

"C'mon Mikiya, what do you want from me?"

"Ah, coming, Shiki," he followed after her and sat down at a table.

"Your order please," Minato asked.

"I'll have the Clubhouse Sandwich," he smiled, "What would you like, Shiki? It's on me."

"…I'll have the Achievement Pasta then…" she sighed.

"Okay then, I'll be right back with your orders…"

Minato walked into the kitchen and came back right out.

"Here you go."

"That was fast," Shiki said in slight surprised.

"Here you go, the Couple's Special," Minato places a parfait in the center of the table.

The parfait was the size of a person's head and made with various assortments of fruits. It was crafted beautifully and layered with many cream and yogurt.

"We didn't order this!" Shiki yelled at Minato. Minato however remained indifferent.

"My apologies Ryougi-san, but it has been paid for that girl over there…"

Minato pointed at Mikoto, who was waving at Mikiya and Shiki. Mikoto casually walked up to Shiki and whispered into her ear.

"He's a great catch, so don't let him get away…"

"I'm telling you we're not like that!" she blushed.

"Shiki, what's wrong?" Mikiya asked.

"I apologize," Minato walks in, "Even though my sister knows how to read a person's true nature, she has the tendency to ignore the atmosphere at times and wish to help young maidens in love. Forgive her in that regards."

Minato bowed while Shiki face-palmed.

"Don't call me a maiden in love!"

"I'm not here to judge Ryougi-sama," he replied in an uncommitted tone, "But must I say, you're doing a good job playing the straight-man this evening. You have moved this old man's heart…"

"Why are you talking like a butler of all sudden? Are you making fun of me!?"

"Shiki, why are you yelling at him, he gave you a compliment," Mikiya smiled while being oblivious.

"Mikiya please shut up…"

Shiki noticed the female twin was speaking to the male and had a strange feeling of dread.


"Yes, what is it, Minato-san?"

"I may be stepping out of line by saying this but… Ryougi-san wants your glorious Excalibur that's hanging between thy—."

"Stop, you better not finish that sentence—!"

Shiki's heel smashed on the top of Minato's head. Minato was swayed back and forth while keeping his emotionless expression.

"Aniki, you shouldn't phrase it like that, you should be more direct!"

"Like hell he does!"

"Alright," Minato was still staggering but he continued, "Mikiya-san…"

"Um, Minato-san, are you alright? You're talking to a plant…"

"I'm fine Mikiya-san but more importantly you should know something about Ryougi-san…"

"What is it?"

"She wants your filthy Tower of Babel…"

"That's better!" Mikoto cheered.

"No it isn't, that's worse!"

Shiki punched Minato in the gut while he was still daze from his old injury. He fell over while Mikoto rushes to his side. She held him in her arms.

"To attack an enemy when he is wounded is looked down upon but it would be foolish to not strike when it was their own carelessness that brought them to their downfall," Minato coughed out ketchup, "Heh, such is life…Ugh…"

"…Aniki—!" Mikoto cried.

"Um, I don't quite get it…" Mikiya said in confusion.

"You guys are more of a pain to deal with than Touko—!"

"Shiki, I don't he deserved to be hit, he was only speaking to me. Even though I have no idea what he was talking about."

"You obliviousness is both a blessing and a curse…" Shiki sighed.

"Well, that's enough fooling around," Minato said as he got back up and dusted his clothes, "We apologize if we made you irritated. Here is your real order so please forgive us…"

Minato and Mikoto sincerely both bowed, wanting to extend their apologies. Shiki was skeptical but somehow felt their honesty. It was hard for her to stay mad at the twins who were standing in front of her. They were strange to her, yet they gave a similar feeling when she is around Mikiya. It was somewhat annoying to her but they had a serene and calming aura which didn't felt bad.

"It's hard to stay mad at those two. They're kinda like children messing around."

Rin Tohsaka voiced out her opinion at a nearby table. She was sitting with Sakura Matou, Saber, and Shirou Emiya.

"…Do whatever you want…" Shiki sighed in resignation, "It's too much trouble dealing with you two."

"Thank you for understanding Ryougi-san," Minato replied.

"I have a question for you two twins…" Rin asked, "I'm sure Shiki-san is curious about you two, so think of it as compensation for messing around so much."

The twins looked at each other and they both looked at Shiki. She shrugged at the twins but waited them to answer Rin's question.

"Okay Rin-chan, ask away~!" Mikoto playfully urged her, "Do you want my three sizes?"

"What kind of Heroic Spirits are you guys?"

Mikoto face went from mischievous to serious when Rin asked that question while Minato's remained neutral.

"What kind of Heroic Spirits are we?" Mikoto mimicked Rin's question.

"I have never heard of you guys before, so you guys are something closer to Wraiths. Yet, I get a contradicting feeling that's not the case."

"Is that so?" Minato inquired.

"It's hard to explain but you guys feel weak but strong. It's been bothering me for awhile but I don't understand you, as Heroic Spirits, very well."

Mikoto gestured Minato to talk to which he sighed.

"Tohsaka-san, you are correct in thinking we are not the typical spirits but let me correct you on one misconception. We do not recognize ourselves as heroes."

"Why do you think that?"

"Certainly it's true that we saved many lives, killed things that you would call monsters, and adverted something like the end of the world but we didn't started out doing any of that for a special reason. First, let me fire a question your way, Tohsaka-san. What is a hero?"

"A hero is an ally of justice!" Shirou immediately stated.

"Heroes are legendary beings that accomplish great feats that's been remembered by humanity and the world," Rin began, "Their souls are taken from the cycle of rebirth and crystallized into Heroic Spirits due to their wide-known legend. They are revered and worship by many and it said that they can only come from the Age of God. I'm not sure where you're going with this…"

Rin's eyes widen at the realization. Sakura remained emotionless and silent. Saber held only a serious expression while Shirou was confused.

"That's a textbook example you gave Tohsaka-san. While that is still a theory but it isn't inaccurate. It appears you got the message, as expected of a Magus…"

"So you know about us?" she replied sardonically.

"I've been living here for awhile, and there was a certain red headed, blue-eyed woman that gave me a lot of info but I digress. You see, we, as in the spirits you call heroes, never called ourselves that. It was the people that determine whether you are a hero or if you are a villain."

Minato then turns to Shirou.

"You say that a hero is an ally of justice. That raises the question of what is justice."

"A true hero will save everyone and makes them happy no matter what. That is justice," he said in determination.

"It's true that people admire that aspect from a hero but Emiya-san, you do realize that's an impossible thing to do. That's because happiness varies from person to person and while saving a person is consider a good thing, if you keep saving them, then they won't be able to grow."

Shirou only glared at Minato but the blue haired youth remained unflinching.

"Archer-san informed me of your dream of being a hero, and I have no interest in denouncing your dream. However let me point out something, Emiya-san. It is the people and their heritage that decides the notion of justice, not the individual. Perhaps a long time ago, kings, lords, rulers of all sorts decided what justice was but that's considered obsolete. After all, the meaning of words changes over time."

Saber frown but Minato remained emotionless. Mikoto continued for Minato.

"Emiya-kun what you described, your definition of justice, is a doctor, a disaster relief team, police officer, etc. Other than that, that is your own self-righteousness which can be interprets as evil to another. The heroes that you're thinking of are sadly, no longer needed in this world."

"I don't care. I don't care whether or not that it is an impossible task. I won't back down and I will save everyone! With my two hands, I will achieve carve my own path."

"A doctor can't save anyone if he is sick. A police officer can't help anyone if he is fatigued. A rescuer can't lend a hand if he's injured. Emiya-kun, the method you use will only hurt those around you. You're not helping them, your only hurting them in the process."

"As long as I can save them, that's enough for me. I don't intend to get anyone in the way."

"That's too lonely…"

"Okay, good luck on your path…"

Everyone in the room was silent. They were all looking at the blue haired youth as if he was a raving madman. Rin decided to ask.

"You're going to accept his decision on him becoming a hero?"

"Did I do something odd?" Minato tilted his head.

"I thought you were going to lecture him or something…" Sakura interrupted as well.

"I have stated that I wasn't going to criticize him on his dream. I was only merely pointed out the fallacy of his methods. Emiya-san has already acknowledged them, or rather ignored them, and still chooses his path. What do want from me?"

"Honestly," Rin began, "I was hoping you would stop Emiya-kun from doing reckless things and settle down…"

Minato sighed.

"That's the job of a wife. I assure you that I don't want to marry Emiya-san."

"But Aniki, I bet you'd look great in a dress~!"

Everyone in the room imagined Minato in a dress with mix reactions. Mikoto had a mischievous smirk.

"Emiya-kun, I heard that your very popular~!"

"I am…?"

"Yes, I wonder, out of the three girls, which one do you like best?"

"Yes, Emiya-kun, I would love to hear your thoughts on this…" Rin smiled.

"Senpai, I too am curious," Sakura smiled.

"Shirou…" Saber said with a frown.

Shirou got up and ran. The three girls are chasing after him. However after awhile, the three girls came back distraught.

"He ran away…"

"I'll punish Senpai when I see him…"

"I'm disappointed in you, Shirou…"

"It seems we have deviated from our original conversation…" Minato sighed, "Would you like to know our reason for saving the world, Ryougi-san?"

"If you want to say it then say it," Shiki said nonchalantly.

"We wanted to save our friends. That's all. We didn't do it for something boring like justice, not for glory, or even something admirable like we wanted to do the right thing. We just wanted to protect what little we had, that's all."

Minato then smiled which shocked everyone in the room.

"The more questions I ask," Rin sighed, "The more questions popped up. You twins are confusing as ever now."

"Give it time," Minato returned to his emotionless expression, "You can't know someone over a day."

"It doesn't seem like anything fazes you…"

Minato held out his hands.

"Uh, why do you have your arms out?"

"I don't know, I get the feeling something will happen…"

Just then, something broke through the roof of the shop and a familiar person fell into Minato's arms.

"Please excuse my eccentric entrance~!"

It was a certain elevator attendant dressed in blue.

"Did someone burst through the ceiling?!" Rin asked, "Who are you?"

Minato's face paled.

"Uh I can't tell but Minato, is it me or do you look pale?"

To be continued…

I think…

Author's Notes: I honestly didn't like how this chapter went but meh. I tried my best. I thank you for reading.