"Peter Pan never fails."

Neverland is a place run on imagination. And covered by dark things such as poisonous plants, lost boys, and the truly horrifying thing — or rather person — Peter Pan. A boy who lives forever youthful and is cunning is the one to fear. A fairy tale gone wrong, and certainly not what everyone thought of. In Earth, when people think of Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who can never grow up comes to mind. He holds adventure in his palms along with various lives of other boys that go by the name, The Lost Ones.

In the dark island of Neverland, there is no such thing as light or love. No mercy, only games and shadows. Peter Pan is a boy with a smirk always on his lips and games being constantly played. A shadow that holds his alliance rips off the shadows of his enemies and of grownups. His ways make everyone fear him, and the island is one huge trap. No one seems to stand a single chance.

Long before Baelfire, the Dark One, Emma Swan, or Henry. There was a girl, not Wendy Darling though. A girl that was loved dearly by everyone and was treasured back in London. She caught the eye of the shadow and she had no idea how she was going to change Peter Pan in a way that he himself loafs.

She brushed her long chocolatey hair with a brush embroidered with rare lovely jewels. Her eyes scanned her reflection, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. The girl set down the brush and pressed her chin against her cool hand. She no longer felt comfortable and herself. She no longer felt the way she usually felt, instead a feeling of disappointment scrambled through her.

"Hannah, you should be in bed by now." Her mother said softly, walking behind her. Hannah rose from the vanity she sat in front of and turned around to face a woman she deeply contrasted, but yet was so alike to.

"Mama, I'm not very tired." She still walked over to her undone bed, and pulled the covers up to her waist.

"Now, Hannah, you know we must do something very early tomorrow." Her mother insisted and sitting on the corner of the bed.

"I know, but must I go, mama? It's awfully dreadful, I am only fourteen, must I begin to try to court others?" She whined and her mother shook her head, placing her hand on Hannah's arm.

"You are not going to court anyone at all, Hannah, you're just going to come along with us to meet some of your father's friends." Her mother stood up from the bed and walked to the frame of the door, turning of the dim light. The creaking door was the last thing she remembered before she fell asleep. She dreamed of escaping the Edwardian London street she lived in. Her dreams were flashes of an island covered by dark green plants and a black outline that came when it was needed. She couldn't admit it to herself, but she needed that shadow.

When she woke up, she expected it to be by her mother or father shaking her lightly, and whiff of recent cooked eggs and pancakes lingering in the air. When she woke up, she would have had the crystallized window letting in sun and she would be bathing in the warm sunlight. Instead, her eyes opened to darkness and tapping of the window. She bolted out of bed, kicking the silk covers off of her and she ran to the window. She sat on the little seat by the window on her knees and stared into a dark shadow with glowing eyes who only made her shiver.

If she was her normal self, she would've called out for her mother or older brother and ran out the room. But that wasn't the case, thus curiosity made her thin fingers wrap around the window's handle and pulled open. The cool wind breeze blew in and she had invited in the dark shadow. Its glowing eyes followed her as it came further into the room. The room was still dark with only those yellowish radiating eyes that illuminated her. Her eyes widened in surprise when the shadow extended out a long black arm. It's hand oddly invited her to take the hand.

Perhaps it was because she was bored of being perfect or perhaps the lack of sleep was corrupting her morals, but she slowly, but not hesitantly, grabbed its hand. Immediately she was lifted off the ground, her skin tingling at the silhouette's touch. A little rush of adrenaline extended through her body as she was flown out the window. The pitch black sky was being touched with light colors of the sun on its horizon and London looked dead quiet with only grey smoke coming out of chimneys and few cars running in the streets. The shadow took her right to the second star to the right and she closed her eyes in fear. When she opened them, she landed in an empty patch in between dark tropical trees. Her landing was ungraceful and she was flattened out on the ground, with her hair scattered everywhere and her eyes opened vastly. She couldn't take in her surroundings right away, but when she did she looked into dark green eyes who held a naughty glimmer.

"Who are you?" Hannah managed to spit out.

"The question is who are you, girl?" The boy with sparkling russet brown hair said the word girl with such disgust.

"Girl?" She sat up quickly and the cunning teenage boy stumbled back a little bit.

"What is your name, girl?" He asked once more, raising his eyes brows and his thin lips curling into a sly smile.

"Hannah. No last name needed, what is your name, boy?"

"Peter Pan. And do you know where you are Hannah with no last name?"

"I have an idea, Peter Pan." She smiled sincerely and naively that Peter could not help, but chuckle to himself at her innocence. "We surely must be in Neverland. Oh this great, really. Where are those friendly mermaids and adorable little lost boys?"

Her clueless rambling only made him burst out in laughter and he shook his head, pulling up Hannah to her feet. "Silly girl, there are no such things as friendly mermaids or adorable little lost boys. You surely are thinking of another Neverland. You are in my Neverland where we play my games and my rules."

She stared at him, trying to study and understand him, but she was scared from behind by a heavy cold hand being placed on her shoulder. She instantly whipped her head back to stare into a scarred boys' face with stony, stormy grey eyes that scared her more than the shadow. She jumped back and bumped into Peter's chest.

"Lost boys!" Peter shouted, and thrusted a dagger in the air. Boys scattered out of their hideouts, from beneath bushes and inside trees. Hannah looked at their dirty, emotionless faces and tried grabbing a dagger from Peter. She resulted in being grabbed back by Felix and a scary, deep laugh emerging from Peter Pan.

"Did you really think you could grab my dagger, what were you thinking of, Hannah? Stabbing me?"

The lost boys laughed in sync with him and Hannah only glared at them.

"I don't know any of you or what you're capable of."

"Just know right now, that you are leaving."

"Leaving?" Hannah shouted in surprise.

"Well you're surely an enemy and you're too pretty to be ripped your shadow off." Peter grabbed Hannah's arm gently, running his skinny fingers up and down her cream like skin, mockingly.

"D-Don't touch me."

"Take her to our little guest room." Peter instructed and Hannah was quickly grabbed softly by her elbows from behind and dragged away. She wondered what she gotten into taking that shadow's hand. She only looked down at her tattered nightgown in disappointment once more.

Okay so I absolutely love Peter Pan, and I have just finished season 3 of Once Upon A Time. Here's my attempt my own fanfiction. Hope you all like it.

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