Chapter one The Runaway

"Lucy your father would like to see you" the maid called walking down the long hallway to Lucy's room.

"Tell him ill be right there" Lucy said sweetly the 18 year old got into her finest dress since seeing her father was rare.

Minutes Later

'Father seems to be upset all the time but he has a smile on his face' Lucy stood in the doorway to see her father smiling and a women. That women. The woman who hated Lucy and her mother.

"What is she doing here I thought you were working" Lucy turned her nose up at her.

"Well sweetheart me and Kate are getting married" Lucy's heart dropped and tears formed in her eyes.

Lucy stepped back then turned but was stopped by a tall raven haired man.

"Lucy I forgot to tell you, your getting married to the ice prince, Gray" he said still smiling.

Lucy was angry "so you get married to her then make me marry someone I don't even know well I'm leaving" Lucy turned her back then slammed the door her eyes watered as her father stood confused.

She ran to her room and packed clothes 'I'm leaving finally but I need more than dresses' Lucy packed dress after dress until she couldn't pack anymore. From night gowns to formal dresses and the normal things tooth brush those things. Lucy put on a long black dress with white ruffles. Lucy tossed her bag and a rope out the window.

"I'm going through the same thing everyday, why father"

Then she fell to the hard ground as it started to pour.

Next time The House in the woods

Meet the Dragneels and their servants.

Thanx for reading sorry for the short stuborn chapther