Chapter 1 – An Interesting Night

Suzette walked down the steps of the infamous Madison Square Garden arena in New York City. She was following her baby brother Braden down the stairs. She chuckled as he raised his arms in the air with a grunt.

"YEAH!" Braden shouted and heard another group of fans down at ring side answer back with a Yeah of their own. "I can't believe you got my friends tickets too Suz."

Suzette shook her head. "Oh I already know I'm going to regret coming tonight, but we haven't been to an event since we were younger. So in true Double Trouble form Happy Birthday." Their parents had called them double trouble since they were little and the nickname just sort of stuck. Suzette's jade eyes scanned the crowd as Braden welcomed his buddies with fist bumps and one armed bro-hugs. She'd actually gotten their ringside seats for a steal on E-Bay. She pulled her fingers through her waist length dark auburn hair hair as she checked her watch. They still had 10 minutes before it started.

Braden watched as his sister sat in her seat waiting for the show to start. He walked over and leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you so much, sis." He sat next to her as his buddies all cut up and laughed.

Suzette smiled softly. "So you're officially 21 what are you going to do with the rest of your life?"

"Settle down with Lisa and start a family; eventually." A devious smirk playing on his lips. He would tell her his secret after the wrestling event.

Dean Ambrose was wrapping his wrists in the Shield locker room. They had the monitor on and were watching as the crowd got themselves psyched up. Hell they were probably just as adrenaline hyped as the wrestlers and diva's themselves. His blue/grey eyes went to the door as he watched Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins his stable mates walk through the door fully geared carrying water bottles. He nodded. "Thanks bro." As he caught the two bottles Roman tossed to him. He drank one and the other would go on his hair just before they headed to the ring. "Can you guys hear that crowd? They are primed and ready."

"Fucking right!" Seth crowed out.

Roman chuckled with a nod of his own, pulling his wrist wraps on since wristbands didn't work for him. His jet black hair hung in wet waves down his back and over his broad shoulders, already in his Shield gear. Black tactical vest, dark grey top beneath and black cargo pants with black boots. Each member of the Shield was different and had their own style, but when they were in the ring they stood as one. It was as if they had a mind of their own. "Come on boys, we're up first tonight." His deep voice resonated around the room, watching Dean and Seth nod as they headed out of the door to kick off the show.

Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta - Shield

Suzette's head snapped up as music started blasting through the speakers. "Who the hell?" She mumbled as she looked up at her twin when they both stood up and watched three guys in tactical gear descending the stairs of the arena through the crowd.

"They are the Shield sis. Clearly you haven't been watching for a while." Braden chuckled.

Suzette's jade eyes watched as the three very large men nonchalantly stalked by and jumped the barricade next to the one she had been leaning on. "Wow they are huge." She wasn't any slouch. She was 5'9" with some muscle, but her brother was 6'3" and 250lb of scary built body. The last guy to bring up the rear she almost swallowed her tongue when his piercing grey eyes locked with hers for a few beats before she watched as he jumped over the barricade landing on his feet like a cat. 'Just breathe Suz – you don't even know the man.'

The jade eyed beauty made something inside of Roman ignite, a feeling he hadn't experienced in quite some time. He didn't have a girlfriend, just a baby momma by the name of Jessica. They shared a beautiful daughter named Leila, who had just recently turned 5 years old and she was Roman's entire universe. Every time he stepped in the ring, Leila was all he thought about, but tonight was different. They did their promo and Roman kept glancing over at the woman every couple minutes while Dean ran his mouth on the microphone. He was the Shield's voice – not that Roman minded. He hated giving promos. When they finished with the first segment of the night, Roman made his way back through the crowd and passed by the jade beauty again, wondering how he could meet her after the show without coming off as a psycho. He'd have to ponder it since the show had only begun.

Seth wasn't blind. He could tell something or someone had caught the big man's attention. Seth tapped his fist on Roman's shoulder. "Hey are you alright man? You didn't seem like you were completely there just now." He asked curiously.

"Nothing…" Roman blatantly lied and suddenly stopped, rubbing the back of his neck somewhat awkwardly. "Look, hypothetically speaking, if you brought someone to the show or someone you knew came to the show, how would you get them backstage?" He watched Seth's eyebrow slowly rise practically into his hairline and scrubbed a hand down his face. "Never mind, forget it."

"Well, when Imani comes to visit me whenever we're in Tampa for a show, she has a backstage pass. Though I do remember the first night she came to a show and I had to ask the bosses for a pass for her. They told me to go to Arn Anderson and he gave me one right away. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I'll be back in a few." Roman took off down the hallway, leaving behind a perplexed Seth.

Suzette sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched the guys hop back over the barricade and go back through the crowd as they disappeared into the back of the arena again. He had to of been the most beautiful man she's ever seen. That full sleeved tribal tattoo was intricate and crazy looking. She was curious what exactly it represented.

"See something you like Suz?" Braden whispered in her ear and chuckled at her reaction. She spun around and punched him in the shoulder and called him a 'jerk' through clenched teeth. "Jesus sis, you still pack a mean punch." He chuckled harder as he rubbed his shoulder. "You wanna come with me to get a beer?"

"I'll come with you, but I'm get water since I'm driving. So who exactly were those guys again?" She asked as she followed her brother back up the steps to concession. Braden chuckling at her the whole way as he explained who the Shield were.

Braden saw his sister looking at the 'Rise Above Cancer' shirts. "Which one you want?" He asked as he pulled his wallet out.

Suzette looked up at her brother. "I kind of like the one with the dogs on it."

Braden chuckled. "Yea you would pick out the Shield one by complete coincidence since I noticed that big bastard staring at you when he hopped the barricade both times."

Suzette looked down at the shirt and laughed. "Yea I guess. It was so weird. I felt like I've known him all my life. You know like that whole six degrees of separation." She watched as her brother handed over the cash. "Thanks bro." She pushed up on her red sneaker covered feet and kissed his cheek and couldn't help laughing when he rolled his eyes. She couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on her as they walked over to grab the beer and her water.

"That her, Reigns?"

Roman nodded, folding his arms in front of his massive chest. "Just make some shit up about a contest being held for fans and she's the lucky winner. The guy she's with can tag along too." He said as an afterthought, his eyes locked on the jade beauty and felt his dick jump in his cargo pants as soon as the lady behind the counter handed over the Shield's Rise Above Cancer t-shirt. Her beautiful eyes glittered at it and he chuckled when she slipped it over her head, fighting back a groan watching her remove the top she originally had on without showing off anything. Now THAT was a brave woman and one he wanted to get to know on a more personal level.

Suzette's eyes widened as a man approached her and introduced himself as Arn Anderson. He definitely didn't need ANY introduction! The man was one of the 4 horsemen. He asked to see her ticket and her brothers. Once he looked over the tickets and compared them to a couple of ticket stubs in his other hand he informed them he won a fan appreciation contest to go back stage and meet some of the Superstars. Arn gave them specific instructions for after the show ended they were to stay in their seats and someone from security would come to escort them back stage. Suzette nodded in understanding as she followed her brother back to their seat.

Braden shook his head. "I'm so going to have to make your birthday better than this one, but there's definitely no topping it." They got back to their seats. "Do you really have to go home tomorrow?" He asked as he poked out his bottom lip; knowing it always worked on her.

Suzette palmed his cheek before she shoved his head to the side. "Yea I have to get back to work on Friday. Vacation was fun while it lasted. Well everything but the damn cold. I miss the heat of Florida." Her eyes went to the ring as they continued to watch the matches getting their conversation in when they could. She was curious if the 'Shield' guys would be coming out again; still not believing she actually picked their shirt out of the hundreds that were there.

"It's done, Reigns. You owe me big for this."

Roman grinned with a nod and shook Arn Anderson's hand. "Thanks man, I appreciate this. So you played it off as a contest?"

Arn nodded, eyeballing the younger man skeptically. "I'm going to safely assume you're doin' this for the young lady. Because I don't see you swingin' the other way."

"Definitely not and yes it's her. Thanks again." He took off when an announcement came over backstage he had 5 minutes to get up to the entrance for their 6 man tag match that night.

Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta - Shield

Suzette's head snapped up once again taking her focus off her phone and getting some good pictures of her brother and his buddies as they yelled, hollered and screamed as the Shield boys made their way down the steps and through the crowd once again. She stood up as she pushed her phone into her back pocket of her jeans and buttoned the pocket so no one could mess with her phone. She watched as the big guy leaped over the barricade again with agility and landed gracefully. She didn't realize a guy that big could be that graceful. She watched as he flipped his hair back and his eyes locked with hers. She could've sworn he winked at her.

A blushed crept into her cheeks as her brother noticed and nudged her. Apparently she wasn't imagining that. She pinched her brother's side for pointing it out; then laughed as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the stop of her head.

Not able to stop himself from winking at the jade eyed beauty, Roman quickly got back into character and got in the ring with his stable mates. He could kill Dean sometimes for being irresponsible, especially since the man nearly missed their cue to come out for the match. Once the match was underway, Roman watched as Dean started the match off like always, then Seth got in and finally he was tagged in against Rey Mysterio.

Jade eyes stayed on the large man with the silky black hair down the middle of his back. His jaw was chiseled out of stone; hell what was she thinking his BODY was chiseled out of stone. She watched as he threw around Rey-Rey in a show or brute strength, which was definitely hot to her. She leaned on her elbows on the barricade as she chewed her thumb nail but kept her eyes on the man who seemed to be making the temperature of the arena size past a hundred degrees. She could almost hear ovaries exploding all over the building right now.

His two stable mates were ovary explosion worthy as well, but there was something about the man with the sleeve tattoo from shoulder to wrist on his right arm. As the Shield's music rang out through the arena signifying they had won she smiled softly and clapped with her brother. She turned and picked up her t-shirt she'd changed out of and pulled it through her side belt loop not wanting to leave it behind. She sat down in her seat and crossed her legs at the knee; right over left as she watched her brother say bye to his friends as they filed out before going back over and sitting next to her.

Roman was the first one in the shower before Seth and Dean could blink, washing his hair and body from sweating during the match. He didn't want to meet the jade eyed beauty stinking up a storm. That would be a major turn-off to her. He was quick and jumped out of the shower, brushed out of his hair and changed into a pair of blue jeans with a short sleeved black t-shirt that had some kind of silver design etched in the front of it. Pulling his hair back in a loose bun at the nape of his neck, Roman tied his sneakers and snapped his head up when a knock sounded at the Shield dressing room. She was here. It had to be her. Seth and Dean had already taken off back to the hotel already. Squaring his shoulders, Roman stood up and rumbled out 'come in' in the deepest voice he could muster up, his heart nearly stopping when the door opened.

Suzette chewed her bottom lip as she followed the security guard around the back. She felt like a mouse compared to the guys that working in, around and for this company. Actually she felt downright tiny. They stopped in front of a door and the guard knocked and she felt her mouth go dry when she heard a deep voice say 'come in'. She followed the guard into the room.

"Here's the contest winner Mr. Reigns." Tony stated. "Suzette Miller, this is Roman Reigns."

Suzette smiled softly as she extended her hand. "Umm Mr. Reigns its really nice meeting you. My brother would be here with us but I lost him about ten doors back due to him having a crush on Aksana. I'm pretty sure she's got him pinned to the floor right now with a knee to his head for touching her." She laughed softly.

She had a sense of humor, which was definitely a turn-on for Roman when it came to women. "Call me Roman. Mr. Reigns is my father, at least to most." He took her small hand in his and pulled her closer than she was probably comfortable with. Suzette. Such a beautiful name, Roman thought, his grey eyes piercing jade like they had during his match earlier during the show. "It's nice to meet you, Suzette." Her name flowed off his tongue in a seductive caress and Roman watched her eyes widen slightly, chuckling from low in his throat. "Do you want me to go save your brother or do you want to spend some time alone with me?"

Suzette bit her bottom lip as she felt a shockwave zip up her right arm when he shook her hand and pulled her closer to him. She looked up and his grey eyes were glittering back at her. "No he's a big boy he can take care of himself. If he needs me I'm sure he'll scream."

"I know this is probably going to sound really strange but would you like to go get something to eat?" Roman asked never taking his yes from her hypnotizing jade orbs.

Suzette smiled softly. "It doesn't really sound all that strange. I need to go find my brother first, but I could definitely eat."

Roman smiled as he offered his right arm to her; his right arm felt tingly as he felt her slip her hand into the crock in the bend of his arm as her soft fingers touched his tattooed bicep.

What started out as a birthday present for her baby brother was suddenly turning into an interesting night for her; a VERY interesting night indeed.