Chapter 2 - First Day

6 years earlier...

(Kendall's P. O. V)

On a bright Monday morning, Kendall opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing his tired eyes. Getting the sleepiness out of them, he yawned. As his eyes tried to adjust to the harsh, but gorgeous light of the miraculous Minnesota sun that was pouring in through the window, illuminating beautifully across the polished wood floor beneath it. He slowly stretched, as he stood, hearing the soft creak of the floor, as he felt the cold, but soft feel of the brownish, cherry wood beneath his feet. He walked to the bathroom, carefully weaving around the many boxes in his room, already packed and ready for departure.

Today was going to be the first time Kendall officially left Minnesota, well entirely anyway. I mean he truly didn't really want to leave. This was his home, but he finally convinced his father to let him be in L.A for his freshman year, and he really missed his mom so of course he wanted to see her. He was already 15, and his parents have been divorced since he was 8. When they divorced, His mom gained custody of Katie and his dad gained custody of me. Even though Katie was miles away, he still got to see her. She flew out to see him quite frequently, so he wasn't missing much. Yeah, so now he lived with his dad and his new partner and husband, Michael.

Even though he preferred for his parents to stay together, he saw that Michael did love his father deeply and if he was happy, he was happy for him. I mean, it's not like he was like the other gold-digging skanks who was just out for his dads' fame and fortune, so of course he's not an issue to him. That, and he had a new baby brother, Anthony Dylan Knight, but he called him Tony for short. He was only four. So either way it went, he still had to be a big brother. After 3 years of his dad being divorced, he began dating Michael and they got married a year and a half later. He got pregnant two years later and had Anthony. Even though, it besieged him that his dad found a man that could get pregnant and let alone give birth, He was just happy by the new arrival, none the less. He and Katie loved him. As far as they saw it, the more the merrier. It was more to love, and Katie loved the idea of being a big sister.

He eventually got in the bathroom and undressed. As he climbed into the shower, He turned it on and instantly felt the soft spray of the warm water hitting his face. Wetting his golden-like blond bangs, he raked a hand through his blonde locks, as he put his head under the sparkling showerhead. He let the warm water cascade down his face, waking him up fully. He scrubbed his milky skin, as he began to lather his body in the sweet smelling shower gel, washing his porcelain body, ridding it of all the dirt and grime of the previous day.

After he finished, he got dressed. Pulling a simple blue plaid, button-down shirt over his slick body, and pulled his favorite gray skinny jeans over his small, milky hips. He looked in the mirror smiling, then frowning. Noticing his eyes looked different from him changing out his glasses for contacts. They looked more vibrant and a colorful deep shade of emerald green now. He slowly brushed his teeth carefully, wincing, as he felt the brush make contact with his braces. Finishing them, he examined them fully. He licked them, feeling the harsh, metallic, and rigid feel of them against his tongue.

He squinted, as He looked at his reflection closely, sighing when the first thing he saw was the gleaming bluish-like metal across his teeth. Braces so sharp, they could cut through brick. Well, that's at least what James thought of them. He was his best friend, basically his brother actually. They grew up together. Their mom's were best friends and so were they. They did everything together and he was his only one and true friend. He deeply missed him. He hadn't seen him since his mother got remarried three years ago to a guy name Lloyd Walton. Since her husband originally lived in L.A and with her cosmetic business relocating, it meant James had to move. I mean, they talk on the phone and video chat, but it would still be nice to see him again.

He couldn't help the fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach at the mere thought of his first day, that made me feel like he wanted to puke at just the mere mention of it. He huffed, his bangs wavering across his porcelain face as he looked at the gold-plated watch on his wrist.


He slowly passed the unpacked boxes, deciding to check over them once more before his departure. He managed to rush around his room, as he heard the soft thrumming sound of my IPhone in the background. He tried to calm his aching nerves as he began to move some of his things. Music thumped through the large device, filling the room with its enchanting sound until he found everything in its respectable boxes.

"Kendall, come down so you can have breakfast before you go!"

"Okay!" He shouted down the stairway in reply.

He gathered his things well, the ones he could carry at least. The rest his father would have shipped to him over the weekend. He ran down the spiraling-like stairs that circled up to the top rooms of the elegant, modern mansion of luxury. He walked past the foyer to a door that led to their big, stationary open-mouthed kitchen where a four year old, Anthony, was already situated in his small bar stool munching on a bowl of cereal. Dad was sitting beside him sipping on freshly-brewed coffee. He wasn't surprised he was home though considering when he was off season like he was now. He spent his time controlling his law firm. He owned it and was the proud founder and CEO of Knight Inc. He watched, as Michael elegantly shuffled around the kitchen mixing and scrambling spices and foods. The delightful aroma felt up his nostrils, as his stomach growled angrily at the intoxicating scent. he instantly sat down, rewarded with a plate of waffles and an omelet. The brunette smiled, eyes shimmering with happiness.

"Eat up. You should get full since you are going to be on a plane for nineteen hours and I know you don't like airplane food, so I'm still going to pack you something just in case." He smiled in a silent retort.

"Thanks" He said, instantly digging in, instantly sending his taste buds on a journey. Michael was a great cook. Well, he mostly did everything around here. He cooked and he cleaned. You could swear that my dad had gotten back with my mom. Everything constantly stayed immaculate. Especially with Anthony being little, that was saying something.

I mean, he was a pretty okay stepfather. He was smart, funny, articulate, and every time he saw him, he was smiling. He was not going to lie, he had a temper like his mom when his dad made him mad. Though, he was still fairly nice and friendly. He was kind of in his mid-late 20's, 5'4. His face had soft features but he still had an okay masculine jaw structure. Plump lips, creamy almost a light caramel skin color, kind of thin, but still had a fair amount of muscle and his body was almost feminine because his hips and backside poked out slightly.

He had small crescent like curves with long black hair with a bang that mostly swung over his right eye slightly with blue eyes to match. He smiled, as he went back to cooking. Anthony began to make shapes and letters with his cereal. He was a very smart kid, he knew a lot for his age. He was homeschooled until he could reach kindergarten, and Michael is smart as well, so he had a great teacher. He, like his father, worked. Although, he was a professor at some Ivy League college. It was just for boys and it wasn't too far from the house so that was an advantage for us and for Anthony. He smiled in delight when I chuckled.

"Anthony, Sweetheart. Don't play with your food." My father, Kent, laughed as he kissed Anthony on top the head, smiling when he giggled once more.

"Oh relax, let the boy have his fun. He's just enjoying his youth. We may as well enjoy it that is until he hits puberty." Kendall watched, as he smirked and he gawked.

"See, look." He watched as he put an orange slice in his mouth and smiled at Anthony, and he laughed. Kendall couldn't help, but do it also as Michael softly chuckled.

"Kent, you're not helping."

After we all finished, we all stood outside as the chauffeur packed my luggage in the back the limo. Michael hugged me tight.

"Kendall, have a good trip. Make sure you visit when you can. I'll miss having you around the house." He pulled away, smiling sadly.

"Oh, and make sure you give Jennifer a hug for me." Even though my mom wasn't fond of my father, didn't mean Michael and her didn't get along wonderfully. They did everything together, especially when his mother would visit him.

He smiled.

"I will."

He was once again pulled into another hug.

"Oh, Kenny, I'm going to miss having you around. If you're gone for too long we might just have to start renting out your room." Kent smirked, as Kendall pulled away.

"Trying to get rid of me?" The muscular 6'2 man with eyes similar to his, smiled warmly.

"No, but I still can't keep you from your mother. I don't want to get chewed out by her again either." His father detailed as he grimaced. Yep, that's mom for you.

"I'm still going to miss you. Have fun and don't get into any trouble. Don't give her any reason to have a heart attack. Be good and make sure to give your mother a kiss for me." Kendall nodded sharply, as he kissed my forehead. He was about to go to the limo, but a small shriek stopped him. Anthony was running down the steps with his favorite bear, running towards him.

"Kenny, wait." He came towards him and jumped in Kendall's' arms. He was small so he barely weighed much of anything.

"Here" He said, even though it sounded a bit slurred considering he was still learning. His brown shaggy hair waved over his shoulders, as the wind blew. His face a lot similar to my father's but still had small pigments of Michael contorted in sadness. His eyes the same color blue as Michaels, began to sparkle with sadness at my sudden departure. He took the brown bear who had a small locket around it's neck. Kendall opened the charm and it had Michael's, Anthony's, and dad's photo inside of it. He smiled.

"Daddy, let me get it so you won't forget me."His voice was small, but still adorable and audible. As he pointed, lip trembling slightly. He sighed and set the bear on the limo's trunk, as he scooped him up tighter in his arms.

"How could I? I'm coming back." His eyes lit up slightly.

"Really, promise?" Kendall ruffled Tonys' long, shaggy brown locks.

"I promise." He said, as set him on the ground.

"Plus, you really think I could forget my favorite little brother? Huh? Huh?" He giggled, as he tickled him.

"Stop it." Kendall chuckled, hugging him.

"Bye, Kenny." He said, softly. Though, he still had trouble pronouncing my name, Kendall still thought it was cute.

"Bye, Tony" He said, as hr set him in Michaels' arms.

He waved, as he got in. He could hear the soft purr of the limos' engine as they pulled off, watching his waving family, as he drove away to matters unknown, clutching the bear close to his heart.

He eventually made it to the airport where he immediately boarded, taking one last look out of the window, admiring the beautiful mixed colors of Minnesota's sunrise highlighting the gorgeous fabric of the horizon. Goodbye Minnesota. Here comes the capital of opportunities. I lazily thought, as my eye slowly began to droop, slowly slipping into a calming state of peace as I slipped into the deep crevices of my subconscious.

He was eventually woken up by the pilot's last announcement. He grabbed my things, as everyone began to exit the plane and into the terminal. It was already nighttime by the time the plane arrived. It didn't take long for him to spot mom and Katie standing by their chauffeur. They smiled, as they ran up to Kendall and hugged him. She kissed his forehead.

"Kendall, my baby. I missed you. Your father has been treating you right?" A smile quickly adorned his lips.

"Yes mom, I'm fine." She nodded, as they followed the chauffeur to their limo. Katie smiled brightly, not masking her happiness to see her big brother after such a long time.

"So, how's it in old Minnesota?" Kendall shrugged nonchalantly.

"The norm. Nothing much happens." She chuckled.

"How's little bro?"He smiled warmly.

"He's fine, but he was a little sad when I left." Kendall said, as he showed them his favorite bear. My mom put a hand over her chest.

"Aaw, bless his little heart." Kendalls' mom wasn't too happy when she found out Micheal had Anthony, but it didn't take long for her to instantly warm up to him. He had that special effect on people.

The car ride was pretty short after that, the whole car ride was controlled by large amounts of conversation over little things. It didn't take them long to get to the white, tan-ish mansion. The black gates opened slowly, as they drove into the driveway being welcomed by the well-lit house in front of him. The fountain with an angel on top out front shimmered from the gorgeous amount of light glowing across it. They helped him with his bags and they instantly went in, a heavy aroma of food and sweetness filling his nostrils as they stepped in. The chandelier dangled overhead, glimmering with light, as the chimes were beautiful music to his ears. As he took in his surroundings. Everything pretty much looked the same.

The stairs hugged the wall, as they traveled all the way to the top floor balcony-style. Custom-made tan canopy drapes adorned the many windows along with the matching brown Italian leather couches. The milky, polished tile clicked underneath his feet, as he stomped on it. Along with the cocaine-white carpet, fireplace and many family portraits that hung above, topped with creamy walls behind them. It was gorgeous. They all walked to the foyer to see a door that led to the kitchen, where his mom's nanny, Cecilia, was cleaning.

"Kendall, about time you got here, darling." He turned his attention to the tanish woman. He could instantly hear her thick and rich French accent deep within her sweet voice. He smiled, as she began to clean the canyon quartz countertop.

"Hey, Cecilia." She hated it when they called her Ms. because she thought it made her sound old, even though she was just in her early thirties. She pulled him into a hug.

"Oh, you grew so much. I'm so glad you're back." Cecilia, she has been in our family ever since Kendall was eight, basically ever since his dad left us. He got to know her because they visited frequently. She was a very sweet, heart-warming woman. Tan skin, plumpish, and full of kindness. She was like a second mother to him. Katie loved her. She basically took care of her when his mom had to take on an extra job. She really couldn't be around much, so she just hired a full-time nanny instead.

"I hope your flight wasn't too much for you. You want anything?" He shook my head, not having much of an appetite.

"I'm fine." She looked at me weirdly.

"You sure, because you look a bit peckish" Kendall pouted and she giggled.

"I'm fine, I promise. I might just turn in for the night." She smiled warmly, her eyes shimmering with mother-like love.

"Okay, but let me know and I won't hesitate to fix you something." He chuckled.

"Plus, Micheal didn't forget to fill me up and pack something for me before I left." Kendalls' mom laughed.

"Aw, Micheal, always taking care of my baby. If he doesn't want to do anything else, he sure does know how to feed you." Kendall couldn't help to laugh at that. He was just a natural born cook. It was his favorite pass time, besides gardening.

"Okay baby, I know you're tired. You best be heading off to bed." Cecilia smiled, patting his cheek lightly before she gusied off. Mom smiled.

"Okay, goodnight baby. Oh, and he put some new clothes in your room until your father ships your things back." He nodded, as Katie hugged me. Kendalls' heart warmed.

"Goodnight, big brother." He smiled at her warmly, glad he was home.

"Goodnight, Katie." Kendall grabbed his bag as he instantly began to ascend the many stairs, stopping when he reached his old room, finding it as exactly as he left it. His posters of hockey players and a few rock bands still neatly adorned the wall, but his desk was cleared off. His bed was with new black, silky covers with a tan bedspread, and a closet filled up with clothes that still had the tags on them.

He smiled, as he sat and began to unpack his things, putting them away. He got undressed and got in bed, feeling the sheets envelope me in a silky smoothness. He yawned, as his head hit the pillow, counting sheep and was snoring before he even hit ten.