Ace was walking into his apartment, it was an old building he was paying 100 a month for rent, which is barely enough for the bills, Ace walked into his apartment and sat won on his couch, the couch was old but still good enough for sleeping, the bathroom was a little dirty, the tv is an old 21 century tv. Ace pulled out his phone which was given to him by S-tech. he called a number.

"Yellow?" asked a voice over the phone. "Yeah doc it's me I'm back at Acmetropolis." Ace said to the other person on the phone. "So they won't remember anything for a while huh?" Ace asked. "No they won't it will where off in a month."Said a voice the phone. "Ok who knew Ahadi knew that much knowledge to make that much stuff, Ok I think he said he was going to release them from it in about I don't think he said anything else actually, so is it Peter Parker or Spiderman?" Ace said to Peter."Oh and I need a few of those million cards I need about 10. Ace said. Ace then hangs up the phone. Ace goes meditating he starts to think of everything hes gonna do, first thing was going to locate his target. She attends Acme university, her house location and he thought of every single detail of everything. Ace decides to go to sleep waiting to go start his mission.

The next day.

Ace woke up on his couch, he eats some left over food he was sent it was chinese noodles, Ace put on blue jeans and a yellow shirt and a black hood and put on a hat with a letter A on it, he put on some grey shoes. Ace walked out of his building he went to Acme university and got to his meeting with principle. "So ." said the principal. "Your here to attend Acme university?" asked the principle. "Yes I am." Ace said. "Well judging by your performance records you very straight a student. said the principle. "especially in gym, do you take martial arts?" asked the principle. "Nah I learned a lot when I was a toddler." Ace said. "Okayyy." said. the principle. "Well you may attend the university. said the principle. "Thank you sir." said Ace. Ace was walking down the hall he attended the language. "So how do you greet someone in your-." the teacher stopped when he saw Ace. "Oh you must be the new student Ace Bunny." said the teacher. "Take a seat anywhere." said the teacher. Ace walked over to a blonde human girl and sat there. "Hey there cutie." said the blonde girl. "My names Britney." Britney says. "Not interested." Ace said. "Hey." Britney says. That's no way to treat a girl." Britney says. " ." the teacher says. "Pay attention." the teacher says. "Sorry Mr. Spiral." Britney says. "Okay." says. "Now how do you say I'm new here-, wait you know what Ace say whatever you want to me in chinese." Mr. Spiral says. "Ok." Ace says. "Wo zai zheli." Ace says in chinese. "nihao ma?" Ace says in chinese. "Uhh..." Mr. Spiral says. "That means you good in chinese." "Oh yes yes I'm good thank you Ace." Mr. Spiral says. A few hours went by Ace walked down to the cafeteria Ace has done so good in the math class, science class, and language class, he was asked to teach them instead. Ace waited in line to get his food, he saw the cafeteria lady trying to fix a machine that makes some of the students favorite beverages. "Need any help?" Ace asked. "No I don't think you know how this thing works." said the cafeteria lady. "Well maybe I do." said Ace. "Ok Mr. I know everything you try it then." said the cafeteria lady. Ace got in the kitchen and started fixing it, he put wires in the correct place and screwed the cover back on, he turned on the machine for milkshake and came out with improved flavor and speed. Everyone was amazed by Ace's skills. "So how much for the milkshake and the Noodles?" Ace asked. "You know, for fixing the machine you can have free food and we don't have noodles." the cafeteria lady said. "Oh no I brought my own." Ace said as he took out a pack of portable noodles, he put the noodles in the a pot and started and mixing ingredients. 5 Mints later the noodles were ready, Ace got out a bowl from the cabinets and put them in and put the rest in a container, everyone was amazed. "Is he a student here?" one of the students ask. "Is he single?" said another one. Ace walked past the crowding student over to a table which was probably for the cool kids, because there we cool looking kids waving at him and Britney was there, so he decided to sit at the lowest popular table, there was a table with a road runner a coyote and a duck. Ace walked over to them and sat down. "Oh one of the cool kids wanna make fun of us?" said the mallard. "Look can you please leave us alone? we already been bothered by everyone in the school." Said the coyote. "Ace I'm the new guy here, and I'm not gonna hurt ya." Ace said. "R Realy?" said the road runner. "Yeah I'm not like those cool kids that always bully everyone." Ace said. He noticed that they didn't have any lunch. "Hey you guys Hungry?" Ace asked. "Well yeah, but they threw our lunch in the trash before we could even take another bite." said the mallard. "Here have some of my noodles." Ace said. He gave his food to them. they each slurped the noodles. "hmm, delicious." said the coyote. "Wow-this-is-realy-good!" said the road runner. "Oh Dr. Weisberg this is great!." said the mallard. all of the other students over heard this and one of them walked over. "Hey uhh can I have some?" asked the student. "Sure." Ace replied. he gave the student a sample of his noodles. "Oh this is delicious guys come over here!" said the student. all of the students walked over to the unpopular table and each waited their turn to take a sample of Ace's noodles, then the cool kids came up and said. "Wel the new kid sitting at the loser table how are you guys doing?" said the human student. "Leave us alone already Ted." said the mallard. "No one was talking to you Duck." said Ted. "So Ace was it? can we have some of your noodles?" Ted said reaching for his noodles, in a blink of a eye Ace grabbed his finger with his chopsticks. "Hey come on I want some of your noodles." Ted said as he took his finger out of Ace's chopsticks grip. "I'm not letting you have any of it if you don't apologies to my friend here." Ace said. "friend?" Ted said as he laughed. "Your friends with there freaks? Well you are one of them, So I wouldn't be surprised now come on be with the cool kids for once freak." Ted said. Ace grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Ahh." Dillen groaned. "Now." Ace said. "Say your sorry." Ace said. squeezing harder. "Ok ok. Ted said. "I'm sorry."Tedsaid. "Ney doc you say it properly." Ace said. "Fine! Duck I am sorry for calling you a loser." Ted said. "And an and I'm sorry for bullying you, and making fun of you." Ted said. "Now that's better doc." Ace said and he pin pressure pointed his arm making movable again. "Here." Ace said giving them the noodles. They walked back to there table. "Wow you stood up for us." said the road runner. "yeah everyone just goes with that first option." said the coyote. "My names Tech E. coyote." said the coyote. "My-names-Rev-Runner." said the road runner. "And my names is Danger Duck strongest and most handsome too if I might add." said the mallard. "Ace Bunny the new kid." Ace said as he pointed to himself. "So-wanna-hang-out?" asked the road runner. "Sure where are we going?" Ace asked "Were-going-to-the-mall-to-go-buy-a-new-game-and-go-buy-some-stuff." said the road runner. "Sure." Ace says. "I'll meet you at the front of the school." Ace said. an hour a later everyone starts going out some girls were giving Ace their phone number and flirting with him, but he just ignored them.