Ok. I'm hoping I'll be able to write a longer story staring Chibs. I've never written anything longer than the story I posted a few days ago, so I'm not sure how it will turn out. So please, your reviews, comments, thoughts are more than welcome.

Also I want to apologize. My first story was porn fiction and this one will be too. If I have offended anyone with it I apologize. Its just that to me Chibs/T.F. is sex on legs so I can't help it.
I'm not native speaker so if you catch any semantic/grammatical/spelling mistakes please point them out so I don'r repeat them.
That being said, hope you'll enjoy it.

God damn it! Just what I needed!. Shit, shit, shit!

The stupid car died right before Charming and I was already late. I got out to the blistering heat and popped open the hood to see if it's something I could fix. Since I know nothing about cars I just managed to burn my fingers like an idiot and bump my head on the hood when I heard a male voice behind me.

"Car troubles, love?"

"Shit and fuck", I hissed shaking my hand and pressing my head.

The voice belonged to a tall, scruffy looking biker with goatee, grayish hair that he kept slid back from his face. He took of his helmet and sunglasses and looked at me with amusement in dark eyes. I saw scars on his cheeks but instead of being repulsed or freaked, I thought he looked kinda sexy.

"Yeah. It just died. Can you take a look?"

He grinned. "Sure love, I'll look at it but I can tell you from here it won't do you any good. The radiator is gone and I can't fix that here"

Shit, shit, shit.

I sighed pissed off. It was my fault, taking a road trip in a shitty truck instead of flying in and then taking a bus. But, I needed time for myself. I was so burned out that driving across the country seemed like a good idea. And it was until now.

"Great. You don't happen to know a number to a mechanic shop in Charming, do you?"

He grinned again. "As a matter of fact. I'm working in one such institution. TM's. I'll call them to come and pick up your truck".

Thank you God! "Thanks, that would be great"

He flipped his phone open and dialed a number and I used that opportunity to call Oswald and tell him I'm running late.

"Hi, it's me. Yes, I know I'm late. I'm sorry I lost sense of time. Yes Elliot, I am aware I'm a day late. I'll be even later because the fucking car died. Yes, some biker stopped and helped me out. I'm waiting for the tow truck to come".

"What biker guy" he roared in my ear.

I saw the man look at me amused so I came a few steps closer to check his cut.

"Sons of Anarchy VP. Don't tell me you know them Elliot", I teased and almost chocked from laughing when he hissed at me to give the phone to Chibs.

"Oswald wants to talk to you", I said to the man who raised an eyebrow and took the cell. I watched him as he said "aha" and "yep" and "don't worry". He hung up and gave me the phone.

"How on Earth do you know Oswald?", he asked and now I had to laugh.

"I was just about to ask you the same question. Elliot I knew was way to vanilla for you guys".

"Well?" he asked, genuinely interested, or so he looked.

"I had an affair with him years ago"

The man roared from laughter and eyed me from head to toe.

"Good for Elliot", he said.

I'm no beauty but I'm decent looking, petite, 36 year old former reporter who had had enough of writing about wars, conflicts and misery and was now opening a bar in Charming. I had no delusions of being some gorgeous dragon lady but the way he scanned me pissed me off.

"It was", I snapped making him laugh a bit more. "How about you VP? How do you know Oswald?"

"Oh, Sons know everyone in Charming", he said.


I knew about SOA from what Elliot told me years ago. They ran the town and kept it safe from "progress" in form of Macdonalds. Starbucks, shopping malls, but also drugs and gangs. From what I gathered in the past few years, situation changed a bit, but they were still the rulers of the town. I had to admit I shared their point of view and that was the reason I asked a favor from Elliot, to sell me one of his properties to open a bar in a small town.

"I'm Ro Drake"

He looked at my hand then me and then he took of his glows and we shook hands. I liked how his hand felt - strong and big and callused and warm. He kept quiet so I pushed a bit.

"Usually, people say hi and their name. I think it's the same here and in Scotland. But I can call you VP if you prefer".

"Chibs. Chibs Telford. How did you know about Scotland? People here usually take me for Irish".

I smiled. There was no mistaking his "r" for Irish. And that "smile" he got God knows how. I worked with SWAT guys in Boston for a few months and even dated one of them and saw my fair share of "Glasgow smiles" but it struck me every time the brutality and the horror of that particular attack. Slashing ones face into a smile.

"I lived in Boston for a while and Scotland too. There is no way I could mistake that accent and those scars", I answered bluntly. At first I thought playing dumb would be better but somehow this man didn't bring up sympathy in me but more a fuzzy, warm feeling in my lower belly.

He was interested enough. His eyebrows went up and he smiled a bit.

"So Ro, is that short from something?"

"Rowena. Don't ask. My parents were choosing between Rouanna and Rowena. Hippy shit", I smiled. "My turn - I seriously doubt your mama called you shiv, so what's your given name VP?"

"You do know your way around slang. Its Filip but nobody calls me that."

"Shame. Its a good name and suits you", I smiled. "Look. I can't call you Chibs, its just to cruel considering all that" I said pointing to his scars. "How about VP?"

"Whatever", he said and shrugged. "So Ro, what are you doing in Charming?"

"Opening a bar."

"You don't look like bartender to me".

I grinned. "No, but I love bars and have spent many happy hours in them"

We both laughed and I liked the sound of his laughter. He made me feel safe. He offered me a smoke and I took it. When I leaned to light it I could smell him - the smoke, and fuel and leather and a touch of aftershave. He smelled good. We leaned on my truck which was full of my stuff. He peeked at them curious. Most of the boxes were filled with books and cameras.

"So? Bartender you ain't"

Don't you think that a bit of mystery is good?", I teased but then added "I was a reporter once but decided I have had it and moved here".

"Reporter? What kind?"

"Covered every conflict, disaster and volatile situation you could imagine"

"Adrenaline junkie?"

I sighed. That was one way of looking at things. The other was I loved my job until recently and was fearless and good at it. "You could say that"

"So why quit?"

"I saw way to many dead and massacred and unhappy. And, as I said, I love bars. Plus, I can annoy Oswald's wife a bit further. He's a great guy but that gash of his is a pain in the ass."

Chibs smiled and nodded. I could see clogs in his head processing everything.

"You plan to return to Oswald?"

I had to laugh. "Christ, no! We had a thing 15 years ago. I love him very much but seriously, can you see the two of us together?"

He eyed me again from the soles of my worn Chuck Taylor's, across my legs in jeans, white tank top to my messy bun. I always wore my hair short, made my life easier, but after Haiti I decided to let it grow longer.

"Not sure. Elliot is full of surprises. How old are you Ro?"

"You know you shouldn't as a woman that question. I'm 36"

"You don't look like 36 year old woman. You look like a kid, compared to me"

"Why thank you VP. And how old are you?"


"My, my, you are ancient" I teased him.

I liked his company. Felt at ease with him. We smoked in silence, until the tow truck came. I had to remind myself to close my mouth when I saw a tall, scary looking guy with a snake tattoo on his head get out. Chibs and him hugged and then returned to me.

"So what's the problem bitch?", the spooky guy literary growled at me.

"VP here says the radiator is gone, baldy."

Chibs chuckled and the man's head snapped back and he looked at me half pissed of half amused. He came a step closer, towering over me. Like any alpha dog, he pissed his territory so I decided not to move an inch.

"Keys, bitch"

"Call me a bitch one more time and I'll bite you", I told him handing him the keys.

The man first looked at me shocked and then he began laughing. It was a strange, spooky laughter - hoarse and more a bark than anything else. He had nice, white teeth and generally was good looking apart from the psycho look, tattoos, attitude and the rest.

"I like this bitch Chibs", he said turning to Chibs and I saw my chance and in a few moves send him on his ass. I knew he could send me flying anytime so bit him lightly on the cheek then kissed it. "I'm Ro" before giving him a hand. "Please don't call me bitch again."

He took my hand and got to his feet. He checked me out serious but not angry. Then he hugged me and before I could move kissed me on the mouth. "Happy's the name, darling". He let me go, took my keys and began loading my truck.

I saw Chibs grin. "It's like watching a freak show", he said and I hit him, not to hard, on his biceps. "Oh shut up. What about that gay hug of yours"

We both laughed. Then Chibs turned to me. "Take a pick - bike with me or truck with Happy."

"Like you have to ask."

He laughed. I took my bag and a helmet from Chibs and sat behind him. God I love Harleys. I wiggled my ass a bit so I could press closer to Chibs. "You ok?" he asked over his shoulder. I couldn't stop grinning and just nodded my head.

We took off and I bit my lips not to scream from joy. Nothing like a bike ride to make you feel free. Somewhere along the ride I pressed closer to him and literary hugged him, leaning my cheek on his back and closing my eyes. It felt so good leaning on a man for a change. Unfortunately I realized that only when we stopped.

I got off the bike as quick as possible and my face was bright red when I have him back his helmet and saw the glee in his eyes.

"I gather you like bikes. Or is it me?" he teased.

"Both" I answered without thinking and turned even redder if possible. Thankfully a woman dressed in leather came. She scanned me completely and smirked.

"My office if you please"

"Yes mam", I answered and grinned when she gave me a poisonous look. I got inside a small office, walls covered predictably with pictures of naked girls and waited while she talked with Happy and Chibs. She walked in a few minutes more and gave me a half smile.

"I hear you threw Happy on his ass"

"And I got a kiss to prove it"

She laughed. "I'm Gemma Teller"

"Ro Drake"

We finished the dull paperwork. My car will be ready in a few days. Now I needed to somehow get to Oswald's.

"Chibs will take you. You can leave your stuff here, we'll send them to you"

"That would be great. Thanks. I'll call on Friday to see if I can pick up my truck"

Chibs was waiting for me. I noticed a bunch of other leather clad bikers around TM, including one fat guy and a blonde pretty boy. They approached me and Chibs introduced me.

"This here is Ro. She's opening a bar here in Charming thanks to Oswald. She also threw Happy on his arse earlier", he said.

The blonde guy smiled lazily and shook hands with me. "I''m Jax Teller. Nice to meet you. I guess we'll be seeing each other a bit more cause your bar is pretty close to TM"

I nodded and caught "president" patch on his cut. The fat guy eyed me suspiciously.

"Darling, you don't look like a bartender to me", he said. "I'm Bobby"

I smiled at him and whispered mockingly. "I promise, I'll put on some tits and low cut T when we see each other the next time".

That made him laugh. "Nice to meet you Ro"

I nodded and waited for Chibs to turn on his bike again. When I sat behind him he opened his cut so I could tuck my hands under his shirt. I raised my eyebrow curious to what he was planing.

"Its quite a ride to there and If you plan to hug me the whole time, I'd like to be handled properly, love".

Bobby, Jax and I couldn't stop laughing. "You ass", was all I managed to say, embarrassed and amused at the same time.

It was a great ride. The bike was purring like a big cat and the man riding it was comfortable on it. I could feel the warmth of his skin and the hair on his stomach. I could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady,under my arms and chest as I pressed closer against him. The town was charming, with small houses, a few streets and kids playing there. We passed by a police patrol but they let us go. We finally turned from the road to a small path in the woods and came to Oswald's place.

I deliberately grazed Chibs' skin with my nails and smiled innocently at him before turning to Elliot. He looked good. Tired and old but well taken care off. I hugged him and kissed him lightly.

"You look good Elliot", I told him, caressing his cheek.

He kissed my palm and smiled. "I'm glade you came. Come, met my girls"

I hesitated a bit. "You sure?"

"Yeah, they'll be happy to see you"

"I bet they would", I said cursing under my breath.

Elliot turned to Chibs and I watched them talk like old acquaintances. Chibs shook his head and turned to me.

"Oswald will get you home love", he said. "I have some shit to do"

I nodded. I knew Oswald balanced on a fine line between law and outlaws and had no problem with it. I never expected any businessman to be spotless. Elliot had his flaws but was a decent man and I knew Sons helped him out with his girl when she was raped.

"Stay safe VP" I said.

"What? No kiss for me", he teased. "You kissed Happy", he mockingly accused me.

I laughed while Elliot fumed. "That lunatic?"

"Relax Elliot, it wasn't what you think", I calmed him down and leaned to Chibs.

I planned to kiss him on his cheek but he moved his head and the kiss landed on his lips. I heard Elliot his in the background but didn't care. The feel of his lips was unbelievable. They were soft and warm and so kissable. I fought the urge to pull him closer and instead bit his lower lip.

I smiled at his surprised face and planted a quick peck on his nose before turning to Elliot.

"See you later VP" I added across my shoulder. He blew me a kiss and rode off.