Jack looked up from his luggage when he heard us approaching. As soon as he saw Theresa, he seemed to turn a paler shade of white, if it was even possible. He face looked like he was constipated and very uncomfortable to be near her. This is not going to end very well.

"Hello ladies," he said in a high pitched squeaky voice.

"Jack," Theresa said respectfully, nodding her head at him.

"Hey, Jack. What's up?," I ask trying to start a casual conversation before dropping this tremendous favor on him.

"Just checking luggage before we leave, it's all here so far," he smiled slightly.

"Is Chance down here yet?," I looked around the lobby, he obviously wasn't, but it was all I could think of to say.

"No, not yet. He should be down soon. Are you all packed and ready?," he asked looking at me. Damn, how am I gonna drop this on him...?

"Yeah, I'm ready," I look around the lobby, refusing to make eye contact," Uhm... Jack. Can I ask-"

Just then, Theresa jumped into the conversation," Jack I want to know if I can tag along with your group during travel." She said is in a bouncy energetic voice, like she was asking for a small favor, not one that could change all his future plans. "I promise, It had nothing to do with you. I told you, I've traveled my whole life, mostly alone. And now that my best friend is going to be leaving, I think it's a sign for me to go, too,"she smiled sweetly at him, showing off he big blue puppy dog eyes.

Jack just stood there, mouth slightly open, glancing back and forth between me and Theresa. "Uhm.. well, I'd have to go discuss it with Chance," he said still shocked, backing away from us. "Let... me... just... go... see... him...," he dragged out his word is an uncomfortable tone, then turned and trotted to the elevator.

Theresa sighed, "That is not a good sign," she looked down.

"Hey, don't worry," I tell her, rubbing her back," Chance will convince him."

"I doubt it, Vi," she said in a low voice," Bros before hoes."

I giggled and she looked up at me confused and, "Why are you laughing?"

"I don't know... I just think it's funny," I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Theresa watches me and smile cracks her face, and she starts laughing too. We both were just rolling on the floor laughing when, Jack and Chance came back form the elevator. The looked at each other then back at us, with questionable expressions. Chance goes and puts his luggage down against the wall looking slightly nervous at us.

"What's going on here?," he asks as we start to settle down.

"Nothing much," I giggle, but it makes my side spark with pain, so I stop. Theresa can;t stop her giggling fits, which only makes it harder for me to control mine.

"Well, Chance I decided that Theresa-...," Jack spoke, but Chance cut him off.

"That Theresa can come with us!," he finished. Jack shot him a dirt look, but Theresa didn't notice, she was busy jumping around the room, still laughing.

"Chance, Thank you!," I hug him tightly. "Thank you, Jack," I hug him next.

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbles, rolling his eyes. "Chance can we have a quick chat?"

"Sure." They walk away and Jack starts to whisper fiercely to Chance, obviously upset.

I ignore it and go to Theresa," So, are you all packed and ready to leave?"

She nods, too happy to form real words. "Good, we'll be leaving here soon."

Chance and Jack walk back over and we all stand there in an awkward silence. Chance looks to me and smiles, I smile back to him. Theresa mainly looking around, avoiding all eye contact, while Jack glares at him silently.

"Soooo...," Theresa speaks up and breaks the tension," Do you guys know where we are going first?"

"No," Jack retorts," We haven't gotten far enough in the planning process."

"Hey Chance," I go over to him, while Theresa and Jack argue, not paying attention to us. "Why is Jack so mad?"

"Oh," he looked at me slightly sad," we had originally decided that Theresa wouldn't come with us. But when I saw you two laughing, I knew she had to come and keep you company. You know? Like girl company," he said awkwardly.

I laughed, throwing my head back, which made my side feel like I was being stabbed form the inside. I cringed, and looked back into his deep brown eyes," Thank you, Chance. It means a lot to me. It means a lot to Theresa, too."

"Anything for you, Violet," he smiles slightly. It wasn't the fact that he had said that to me, it was the way he said it. He said it like he meant it. It was obvious to me then and there that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Chance. No other male in the world would ever treat me the way he treats me, he is one of a kind. No other male in the world would be this genuine, this sweet, this honest with me. I loved him more in that moment, than I could ever love anything else. I leaned forward and gave him a simple kiss, "Chance, why are you so perfect?," I ask him.

He snorted a laugh of disbelief," I am far from perfect," he told me.

"Not to me. To me you are the definition. You are perfection," I peer deep into his eyes. They were calling my name, like they did before. When I look into his eyes they remind me, not only of Autumn, but of the sky. Never ending. I could stare forever and always see something new, something beautiful, something addicting. I think that's why I'm so obsessed with his eyes.

"Why are you so good to me, Violet. I don't deserve it. I'm not a good person," he whispers to me.

"You're right, Chance, you're not a good person," I tell him and his eyes widen with horror and sadness. "You're a great person. You're the type of person that everyone deserves to have in their life, even if it's only for one day. You're they type of person to see the good, even in the evil... You're the type of person, now that I've met, I can't go a day without. Now his eyes are watery and full of affection, he kisses me this time. It last longer and it's bittersweet. It shows his love and appreciation, but it also tells me that he will never forget his past, that his past defines him.

I kiss him back, until Theresa clear her throat in discomfort. I pull away and blush, "Sorry."

"It's fine. Love is love. You can't fight it. But, Jack says we're leaving now, sooooo... yeah," She turns to grab her back and walks to the door.

"Are you ready?," Chance asks me hugging me from behind.

I smile and nuzzle into his neck,"Of course. I can't wait."

"Then let's go," he licks my cheek and goes to Jack, to help with the bags. I go to Theresa who is staring out the window but the doors.


"Oh yes," she replies, "I'm ecstatic!"

"Good. It'll be fun."

"Of course it will," she scoffs," Two besties traveling with some handsome men. What could possibly go wrong?"

I plaster on a smile, and Theresa smiles back. She doesn't know why Jack and Chance have to leave, I do. A lot, I think. A lot of things could go wrong.