Authors: Trickster-Cat & Sabschance

Beta: MacKenzie

A/N: Hey guys, this is a PJO and HP crossover. It is set during Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts and after the events of The Last Olympian so they are around 15/16 years old. Edit: I have decided to go through and edit this story to help me gain inspiration to continue for anyone who still wants to read this.

Disclaimer: Sadly we do not own these characters, they belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling

Chapter 1

Percy Jackson POV

"Percy Jackson to the big house NOW!"

'Ugghhh what did I do this time?' I thought as I trotted over to the Big House, when I reached the door it creaked open on its own, revealing Chiron on the other side.

"Percy, we have a matter to discuss" Chiron says. I looked around and saw that we were not alone, scattered around the couches in the room were Annabeth, Thalia and Nico, the latter looking bored.

"A new quest has been announced. My old friend Albus Dumbledore requires your help. You must keep Harry Potter, a student at Hogwarts, alive. For the duration of the quest you will attend this boarding school" Chiron said gravely.

"Hogwarts sounds like a skin disease" I said.

"No, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a school in Scotland. It's for wizards and witches, you know, the people that are blessed by Hecate, remember? I've told you this before, you're such a seaweed brain" Annabeth corrected me.

"Wait a moment- Hogwarts as in Draco's school Hogwarts?!" Nico exclaims, suddenly looking a lot more interested in the conversation.

I should probably explain. Last summer, Draco Malfoy had come to camp because he is a son of Nemesis. During this time he became close friends with Nico and by the end of the summer they were dating. It had been a few months since then and although they talked every chance they had, with Draco being at a boarding school halfway across the world, they didn't get a lot of chances to see each other.

"Yes!" Annabeth says, clearly annoyed at their oblivious natures. It seemed tough being the smartest person in the room.

"Wait... Draco is a wizard?!" Well. That's new.

"Of course seaweed brain! He told you this when he first came to camp, Draco he lives with his dad and stepmother in England, where he attends a school name Hogwarts!" says Annabeth in a fed up tone, I don't blame her, sometimes I really am a seaweed brain.

"Really Kelp head? Your father is a god of greek myth, you've defeated Kronos and countless monsters, but real life wizards surprise you?" Thalia laughs. I shoot her a sour look and prepare to retaliate before Chiron interrupts!

"Children! Back to the quest at hand. You'll will pose as American wizard exchange students, coming to see what British wizard boarding schools are like. Don't worry about your evident lack of wizarding skills, Hecate has blessed you all with powers temporarily until you have finished your quest- but a small warning. Your powers will be a lot stronger than an average wizard, so I have organized Nico's relative, Severus Snape to teach you some basics to make sure nothing gets out of control." Chiron informs us.

"I get to see Sevvy too!" Nico says excitedly. Wow, this Snape guy must be really nice if Nico is excited to see him!

"Yes. He will be here soon. But first, you must go see Rachel to see if she has a prophecy to aid your quest." Chiron orders.

Who's Rachel? You ask. Well, Rachel was a girl about our age who recently became the new oracle last year after the Titan war. The four of us headed towards the Beach where Rachel was often found painting the landscape. We soon found her standing at an easel that had been secured in the sand, painting what seems to be three teenagers- a 2 boys and a girl- but before I could get a better look Annabeth spoke up.

"Hi, Rachel!" Annabeth said cheerfully. Rachel turned, smiling at us as she places her brush down. "We need a prophecy for our new quest to England."

Rachel twitches a bit before the familiar green mist comes out of her mouth. An eerie silence descended upon the group as Rachel's eyes obtained their familiar glazed over appearance and her voice deepened.

"Four half-bloods shall answer their call
The loyal one in the end must fall
The goblet will show the chosen one's name
But he will not win the other ones game
Two of their friends will betray
After they've been lead astray
A drop of blood is his need
From death's hand the blood will bleed
Stay strong and do not crack
No matter what he will be back"

The mist disappears and I catch Rachel in my arms as she slumps forward, momentarily falling into a state of catatonia.

"That always creeps me out" Thalia shudders. We all nod our heads in agreement as Rachel begins to gain consciousness.

"So, what did I say?" Rachel asked curiously after gaining her bearings.

"The loyal one in the end must fall" Annabeth whispers to herself. She didn't mean for us to, but we all heard her.

"It's not going to be me, I know it won't!" I attempted to comfort her, but it ended up coming out aggressively. I knew what she was thinking without her having to say it. Loyalty was predicted to be my fatal flaw, that would bring my downfall. I couldn't and wouldn't let it happen.

"But that's the thing Percy- you don't know! For all we know, you might die on this quest. This could be it." Annabeth says softly. She doesn't meet my eyes.

"Please, you're not getting rid of me that easily, Wise Girl" I say as I gently tip her chin up and kiss her forehead. A warm smile creeps back on her face and she links her fingers through mine.

Nico clears his throat, looking uncomfortable. "Enough with the PDA! Let's go! Sevvy is here!" Nico shoots a smile over his shoulder as he begins running back towards the Big House, where we would evidently meet "Sevvy".

"Thanks for the prophecy, Rach" Annabeth yells back as we follow Nico. As we entered, I noticed mid 40s year old man with long black hair. His nose was long and pointed, and his black cloak hung loosely on his form, trailing across the ground.

"When Chiron said relative, did he mean your father's twin brother?" I whispered to Nico. I thought it was a legitimate question, however judging by the look of malice Nico gave me I suppose it wasn't.

"Ha ha, very funny Percy. This is Severus Snape (A/N: RIP Alan Rickman)- or as I like to call him, Sevvy- he's a descendent of Hades as well. We're kind of like half brothers twice removed or something." Nico replied.

"However, unless you're Nico I'd advise you to not call me 'Sevvy'… Unless you wish to be turned into a toad. It's 'sir' or 'professor snape' to you" He said in a smooth, rich, dangerously low tone which led me to believe he would indeed follow through with his threat. His black beetle-like eyes peered down at me, and a single dark eyebrow raised.

"Um... I think your eyebrow is trying to escape... sir"

Blinking back at me, he unconsciously touched his eyebrow, then scowled darkly, looking away. He then proceeded to open his suitcase and take out a folder. He pulled four pieces of paper out, each with a timetable on them. He handed one to me, and I quickly scanned it. Most of the subjects seemed rather strange, and I didn't understand most of them. Herbology? It too sounds like a skin disease.

Monday-1st Period:
Monday-2nd Period:
Care of Magical Creatures
Monday-3rd Period:
Arithmancy / Divination

Tuesday-1st Period:
History of Magic
Tuesday-2nd Period:
Tuesday-3rd Period:
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Wednesday-1st Period:
Wednesday-2nd Period:
Broom Riding Lesson/Quidditch Practice
Wednesday-3rd Period:
Muggle Studies

Thursday-1st Period:
Thursday-2nd Period:
Thursday-3rd Period:
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Friday-1st Period:
History of Magic
Friday-2nd Period:
Friday-3rd Period:

"This is your timetable that you will follow at Hogwarts. You may not have every single class together, but most of them are. You will be with at least one fellow demigod in each class. I will be teaching you to control your wizard powers. You will all call me Professor Snape- yes, you too Nico- and I expect you to behave yourselves and never be late for any class that I scheduled you to have this summer." he finished with a sense of finality. It sounded like a lot.

Gods, this is going to be a long summer.