[So this is my first PHO Interlude, just to show what the denizens of Brockton Bay think of the Undersider/Ward Team Up!TM It was really hard trying to get the voice of these different people so I hope it worked out alright! This is my last night to write anything before Finals take over, so I'll try to make it count.
Reaper: Interlude #7-PHO Forums
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Topic: Bay Central Bank Heist/Bakuda Capture
In: Boards ► News ► Events ►America
(Original Poster)
Posted on April 14th, 2011:
Holy Shit guys and gals, I do not have the words to describe what I saw at the bank. More than a few bullets skimmed me getting this video, and I still can't believe what I saw.
Video Here.
(Showing page 31 of 35)
► Blue_Arachnid
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Did... did the heroes just get saved by the villains? I don't know how I feel about this...
► Xdertnalov
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Jesus Christ, how many ABB guys were there?! That was a fucking army right there!
And Bakuda was just tossing grenades like Oprah Winfrey tosses car keys! Where the hell does she keep that junk?
► Answer
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Video Highlights:
1.) New Undersider Member lopping off fingers and guns with a goddamn sword
2.) Aegis swinging a gang member like a sack of rocks
3.) Browbeat throwing a manhole cover like a Frisbee
4.) Shadow Stalker teaming up with New Undersider and kicking ass
5.) Hellhounds Dogs throwing that one dude through a car window
6.) Kid Win Turret FOR THE WIN
7.) Bakuda getting Vadered by the New Undersider
Now some questions:
1.) Why did Bakuda suddenly appear?
2.) Why did the Undersiders help the Wards at all?
3.) Who is the New Member and what can he do (Besides kickass with a sword)?
4.) Are the Undersiders turning hero?
5.) Why did Glory Girl show up with her sister at the end?
6.) Where is Lung and Oni Lee?
► Clockblocker
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Xdertnalov: I guess you could say Bakuda had... a lot of junk in the trunk.
(*User: Clockblocker, has received a warning. We've already told you to stop with the CSI jokes. Bakuda's excessive weight is irrelevant to the current discussion. -Tin_Mother)
► Brass_Moon
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Look at the faces of some of those "gang" members. They look absolutely terrified, hell, I see a few running away and exploding in the background.
Something doesn't add up...
► Important_Character
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Uh, guys? I recognize one of the "gang" members... she was my 6th Grade teacher years ago. She hated the ABB with a passion!
Why the hell would she be there?
► Miss_Militia
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Answer: Information is still coming in. You have to remember that this was only a few hours ago, and we are busy sorting fact from rumor.
What we can confirm is this:
1.) The new Undersider member is named Reaper, and her power appears to be some sort of Electrokinesis.
2.) The Undersides are not verified heroes; They were robbing a bank just before Bakuda attacked.
3.) They did not harm the hostages physically (with the exception of two security guards) nor did they make off with any of the cash.
4.) Glory Girl and Panacea just happened to be in the area when the Undersiders attacked. Glory Girl saved many lives by covering one of Bakuda's grenades with her body and Panacea healed over two dozen victims.
As for Bakuda's motivations, the theory with the most ground is that she had some sort of grudge for the Undersiders. Why Lung wasn't involved is unkown.
► Veraciel
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Wait, Reaper is a girl? Could have sworn she was a dude. Man, Circus has some competition for Most Villainous Crossdresser huh?
And I see she gets along quite well with our resident dark and brooding super-heroine!
(*User: Veraciel, has been warned. Implying such relationships between Wards and Villains of unknown age is prohibited per forum rules. -Tin_Mother)
► Shadow_Stalker
(Original Poster)(Verified Cape)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Wearing dark clothing doesn't make you a cross dresser. I don't even know what kind of logic leaps to that conclusion.
And what the fuck?! *REDACTED* She's a villain for christ's sake, next time we meet she's getting a tranq to the chest.
(*User: Shadow Stalker, has been warned. We understand that you have been in a high stress situation, but there is no need to instigate one who has already been punished. - Tin_Mother)
► Augustus002
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Wait, wasn't it confirmed that an electrical using cape took out Lung... and Bakuda attacks a bank with an electrical using Cape inside... Oh.
Oh wow, I guess Bakuda doesn't like it when people zap her Lizard?
End of Page. 1 - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 - 35
Topic: Undersiders In: Boards ► Places ► America►BrocktonBay ► Teams ► Villains
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Posted on March 29th, 2011:
*NEW UPDATE: Confirmed Powers, New Pictures, and a New Member!
(Showing page 5 of 5)
Reaper (New): As stated, Reaper is a new member of one of Brockton Bay's more illusive Parahuman gangs, The Undersiders. Wearing a dark black cloak, matching pants, and her trademark "Smiling" Mask, Reaper is the third confirmed female member of the "Masters of Escape" and is easily the one with the most hands on approach in the entire group.
Has shown a preference for using whatever weapons she has on hand, showing proficiency in the use of a Fire-Arm and great skill in non-lethal uses of a sword, cane, and metal baton
Engaging Reaper in H2H is unwise, as she has been shown to perform tactical take-downs, even in the middle of a firefight, without any trouble.
Just because she uses non-lethal means, does not mean you get away with a slight scratch. Several captured "gang" members have been reported with shattered/broken jaws, knees, ribs, shoulder blades, femurs, wrists, and pelvises.
Her powers seem to be Striker based, allowing her to channel electricity through bodily contact, even through gloves, as shown by her handling of Bakuda. It is theorized that she has a secondary Brute power as well, cutting through gun barrels and even lifting a full grown woman with one hand. Reaper's reflexes are super-human, dodging gunfire from multiple locations, even catching Shadow Stalker's crossbow bolt.
Reaper's cloak appears to be armored in some way, as the recent video shows her being shot at least twice but without it piercing whatever is beneath the fabric.
Armsmaster rubbed the stubble on his jaw, going over the forums for the tenth time already.
It was a miracle that they were able to hide the fact that Bakuda forced many innocents into her "army" via implanted bombs, but he was too cynical to believe that it wouldn't come out eventually. And when it did he knew it was going to be a grade-A cluster-fuck, not only for the PRT, but for Parahumans in general.
The Crusaders were already making their anti-Parahuman opinions known, and the revelation of what one deranged Tinker could do to an entire community would only validate those who agreed with them.
Why couldn't we get another Marquis? At least then we wouldn't have to worry about hidden time bombs.
The fact that one of the time bombs was, in fact, an actual Time Bomb was not lost on Armsmaster.
Giving the PHO Forum one last read through, the Protectorate Leader closed the window with a sigh and prepared for his next move. The Wards were going to cover what they had learned with Glory Girl while the Press came along and take their annoying pictures, and Miss Militia was handling Bakuda's interrogation.
Despite the fact that Armsmaster would like nothing more than to be apart of it, he knew that there wasn't much he could offer in the way of Interrogation, having already given Militia a copy of his Lie Detector.
Wards it is then.
Grimacing, the Tinker made his way out of his lab, going over what he was going to say and how he was going to say it. He didn't like to admit it, but he knew that socializing was not his strong suit. He had made his fair share of mistakes, mainly that underwear branding, and mostly decided to only talk when he had time to go over his plan of attac-action.
His grimace was not helped by the report he had just received on Amy Dallon's condition.
[There we go! Not too bad I think, but the PHO stuff takes some getting used to. Yes I used some of your names my loyal fans, and if it offends you I will be happy to change it.
Hope you enjoyed it, wish me luck on Finals, and don't be afraid to visit the T.V. Tropes page if you haven't already. It's not really big, but it's getting there bit by bit!]