AUTHOR'S NOTE Hey everyone! Thanks a lot for the reviews on the previous chapters! I know I left out my usual customary note at the beginning of the last, but I honestly didn't know what to say!
Okay, firstly I know it seems like there's a lot of questions around, but this time I want to show the readers rather than tell them the story, so even though little makes sense and there's a bunch of connections that haven't been explained yet, please bear with me.
Now the chapters are divided into sub chapters, each telling the story from a different character's perspective, similar to the technique in A Song Of Fire And Ice. You've seen some already, and the chapter headings will have a similar system to the Dissidia titles and I'll make some up for characters not in that game.
As for this chapter, I initially planned to have more POVs, but it turned into this monstrosity! At over 6.5k its the longest chapter I've ever written, and I'm aiming at 4k minimum for this story. I'm also gonna include a list at the beginning to tally up the chapter count of each character. Thanks for reading and please, please review!
Cloud 1
Kain 1
Yuna 1
A cellphone is a device made for the user's convenience. With the push of a few buttons, one person may contact another instantly, even if the person happens to miles away. If the particular person is willing to answer their cellphone of course.
Tifa Lockhart stood behind the bar of her restaurant. Business had been going well enough for the last couple of months, especially with the Heartless numbers dwindling and times of relative peace in the city of Edge in the world of Gaia; largely thanks to the efforts of the Restoration Committee. However it was not the human need for munny that was on the barmaid's mind this particular day.
"Come on Cloud, " Tifa pleaded as she heard the dial tone. "Please answer! "
"The subscriber you have dialed is not available at present, please try again later."
Sighing to herself, Tifa went back to the dreary task of wiping the bar. Seventh Heaven was her life; the polished sheen of each and every table, chair and surface, all made of solid oak, was something the young woman took great pride in. She would often find it therapeutic to clean every surface in her bar. This day, however, she was finding it very hard to see the purpose of it all. What good was all the munny in the worlds when the one person you cherished beyond all others was no longer there?
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs briefly distracted Tifa from her work. Judging by the steps, it was probably Aerith. Besides, aside from herself, Aerith was the only other occupant of Seventh Heaven to wake up early.
"Morning! " Aerith greeted brightly, the sparkle in her eyes could put the sun to shame.
"Morning, " Tifa replied. She gave her friend a small smile before returning to her work.
"The sun is shining, there's no wind. Perfect day for business!" Aerith said in a brave stab at conversation.
Aerith was her best friend. No one could pick up on Tifa's bad mood better than the pretty young lady. All the same, there was no one that would obsessively try to change her mood quite like her.
"I'm sure that you're enjoying the peace with Denzel off to school in Banora and Marlene on vacation with Barret!" She had to hand it to Aerith, she was trying her hardest.
"Actually I kinda liked having them around, " Tifa said without looking up.
She heard a grumpy sigh. Even Aerith had limits. The elder woman stalked over to the corner where Tifa kept the brooms and began sweeping the floor. Judging by her overly heavy steps, she was pretty annoyed.
Tifa honestly couldn't care less at the moment. She tossed the rag aside, picked up a cleaner one and began wiping a sizable stack of washed plates.
"Can you help me with this? " Aerith called. Tifa looked up to see Aerith struggling to move a large bench.
"I got it! " Tifa said, setting down the dishes and walking over. She bent her knees and lifted the solid wood clean up.
"I've always wondered how you do that! " Aerith said with just a hint of jealousy.
"I had to endure a lot of blood, sweat and pain, believe me, " Tifa grunted as Aerith swept all the dust out from under the bench.
"Hard core! " Aerith almost whooped. "I could never do all of that! "
Tifa had to laugh. "It certainly has it's uses," she said, dropping the bench back down, causing the wood-panelled floor to shake violently.
Aerith giggled, before her expression turned serious. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm getting better, " Tifa said nonchalantly, dusting her hands. "I'm almost used to it by now. "
"You sure? "
Tifa paused, before clenching her hands into a shaking fist. "No I'm not! I'm a wreck!"
Knowing Tifa's tendency to bash things in a temper, Aerith quickly put her arms around the angry barmaid. "It's okay, Tifa! "
"No it's not! " Tifa snapped, fighting back the tears that were beginning to fall from her rust-red eyes. "You don't understand! Two days ago your boyfriend disappears and you don't where he is, where he's going or if he's even okay! You tell me how it feels! "
Knowing how much it took for the usually shy woman to say those things, Aerith was unperturbed by her harsh words. She continued to hold and rock Tifa as though she were a child.
"He loves you, you know? " Aerith said, once the younger woman had calmed.
Tifa sniffed in response. "Did he tell you that? "
Aerith shook her head. "He didn't need to, Tifa. I could tell."
"So you were there when he left? " Tifa asked, not looking at her.
Aerith took a step back, she hadn't been expecting that question. "Yes, " she figured it would be better to tell the truth.
If Tifa was disturbed by the revelation, she showed no sign of it. "Did he tell you where he was going? Or why? "
"No, " came the reply. "But I knew it, as well as you do."
"So, " Tifa's voice was almost completely devoid of emotion. "Once again, he's put all of that ahead of us."
"Cloud doesn't think of it like that, Tifa, " Aerith said quickly. "He thinks that staying around here will keep attracting trouble. He wants you and the kids to be safe."
"Why doesn't he say it then?!" Tifa demanded bitterly.
She could almost hear Aerith's understanding smile. "It just isn't his way."
Tifa gave a humourless laugh. "This time I'm not gonna just sit and wait! "
Aerith's smile dropped faster than the temperature in Christmas Town. "What do you mean? "
Tifa turned, a smile on her face. Not the sad, bitter smile the barmaid had been wearing lately, but vibrant and shining. The sparkle had returned to her eyes.
Slightly bemused by the sudden change, Aerith stammered, "You're not thinking of going after him are you? "
"That's exactly what I'm thinking! " Tifa replied.
"But you can't just leave! " Aerith protested. "You have the bar to look after, the kids and with Cloud gone who's gonna protect Edge? "
"You've been practically running the bar, Denzel and Marlene aren't gonna be back for a while. And besides," Tifa said folding her arms, her mind already finding Cloud and dragging him, kicking and screaming, by the ear back to Edge. "Leon can handle things around here! There hasn't been a Heartless attack for weeks in any case."
Aerith opened her mouth, and closed it. Evidently the pretty brunette was clean out of ideas. "I'm gonna miss you, " she said with a resigned voice.
"I'll miss you too, " Tifa assured her, putting her arms around the smaller woman.
Tifa felt Aerith return her embrace, before the elder woman tensed and gave a small gasp. Tifa released her and followed Aerith's horror-stricken gaze to the door of the bar.
A strange shadowy substance was flowing from beneath the door, filling the room like a noxious fume. Exchanging a worried look, both women jumped as screams of fear filled the air.
Sharing a nod, Tifa reached behind her waist, finding a pair of black leather gloves tucked in her leather suit. She pulled them on, flexing her fingers. Aerith hurried to the bar, ducking behind it and emerging with a steely pole.
Tifa knew Aerith much preferred standing back during battle and assisting with healing, she did have some level of proficiency with a staff. Together the two women hurried to the door.
Taking one last calming breath, Tifa flung the door open and emerged to a scene of utter chaos! Black Shadows raced around the town, tearing into houses and screaming people.
"It's a wreck! " Aerith shouted above the din.
Tifa's warrior instincts kicked into overdrive, as she sensed an attack. "Watch out! " she shouted, diving at Aerith.
Aerith yelped as over one hundred pounds of solid Tifa ploughed into her, taking her feet clean out from under her.
Tifa tucked into a roll, keeping her body between Aerith and the ground. Using the momentum to her advantage, she had both of them back on their feet without a scratch.
"What was that-" Aerith's complaint was lost as she spotted a large fireball crash on the spot she had stood less than a heartbeat ago, leaving a foul odour and large scorch marks behind.
"I just had that door polished! " Tifa complained, before yelping in shock. She grabbed Aerith once more and leaped into a back flip, narrowly avoiding a second fireball.
"Since when are Heartless this powerful? " Aerith whispered.
"I dunno, but we need a better view, " Tifa gritted her teeth, lifted one of Aerith's arms around her neck, and securing her own around the woman's slim waist. She tensed her legs and kicked off.
Despite being weighed down, the brawler managed to clear most of the rooftops in a single jump. She soared above the highest roof in the area, and bounded up to the watch tower in the centre of the square.
"Don't ever do that again! " Aerith wheezed, clutching her chest.
"Sorry, " Tifa offered, running towards the edge of the tower. "I'd think you'd either be used to it by now, or figure out how to do it yourself! "
Tifa hardly heard Aerith's irate retort, such was her shock at the sight before her. The streets of Edge were being overrun with several variants of Heartless. She saw the low level Shadows, along with a couple of Armoured Knights and Surveillance Bots. Tifa also noticed a few Heartless she had never seen before. Larger in size and shaped like garish red hour glasses with evil, lamp-like yellow eyes. The culprit of those fireballs was painfully clear now.
Her eyes widened as she saw three white ducklings being chased by a few Armoured Knights. Tripping over each other, the three ducklings screamed as they tried to scurry away.
"Huwey! Dewey! Louey!" Tifa shouted, jumping off the tower to try and help.
"Don't leave me up here! " Aerith called after her, as Tifa soared down like a predatory bird.
Her fist leading, she gave a resounding punch to the nearest Shadow, sending it flying through the air; the force of the punch killing it long before it hit the ground.
Furious, the other Heartless converged on the new threat. Soon the brawler was surrounded. Glad she had taken their attention away from the ducklings, Tifa readied her fists for the assault.
One less intelligent Heartless, shot forward, clumsily attempting to skewer her with its grotesque spear-arm. Tifa caught the spear in her hand and yanked, delivering a kick to the thing's face, and using it to bludgeon the nearest offender, before throwing it full force into a third. The two remaining Knights approached more cautiously, but Tifa smirked, knowing they stood no chance.
"Next time, pick on someone your own size! " she snarled, rushing forward. One had its face beaten in by a single punch, the metal helm collapsed on itself, while its fellow had the helm tossed clear by a furious roundhouse kick, effectively decapitated.
As the last Heartless disappeared to smoke, Tifa turned to the three ducklings, who were clutching at each other and shaking in terror. Tifa almost laughed, recalling how they had been bragging scarcely a week ago about being the fearless 'Quack Pack'. "Now you three shouldn't be in the streets in times like these, you know? " she said, bending down to their levels.
The petrified Quack Pack simply nodded their heads, still trembling uncontrollably. "Now run off back to Uncle Scrooge's and stay there, " she said as sweetly as she could, referring to the trio's uncle's shop.
As the three tore off, Tifa heard a sound that both amused and bemused her.
With the sound of a backfiring jalopy mixed with an antique camera, complete with comical smoke and an acrid sent, an old man with a floor-length beard, clad in what looked like a sky-blue nightgown staggered out of a nearby house, coughing uncontrollably.
"What's all the fuss about? " he wheezed. Looking at the surrounding pandemonium, the old man got such a fright his pointed hat gave a couple of cartwheels in the air. "Good gracious! "
"Mr Merlin! " Tifa called.
Merlin caught sight of the young woman running speeding towards him. "Oh Good morning dear! I was just working on a new experiment and-"
"Never mind that now!" Tifa interrupted, grabbing the frail wizard's arm, pulling him back and delivering a spinning roundhouse kick to a red Heartless that was closing in behind him.
"Oh my! Haven't seen one of those in quite some time, " Merlin remarked with interest as the Heartless crashed into one of his neighbour's house.
"What are they? " Tifa asked, letting go of the bumbling magician's arm so she had both arms at the ready.
"I believe that it's a Red Nocturne! " Merlin said, as the creature floated back up, shaking its bulbous head. "Mid-level Heartless, usually associated with fire! " Merlin's last word was shouted as both he and Tifa ducked to avoid the massive blast of flame the Nocturne sent at them.
"Think I kinda figured that one out, " Tifa grunted as she got to her feet.
"A simple Blizzard spell ought to do it! " Merlin said, happily rolling up his sleeves.
"Don't! I'll handle it!" Tifa reprimanded, running forward. She leapt, dodging another fireball, and punching the Heartless in it's face. She followed up with a downwards axe kick, sending it back to the ground.
Landing on her feet, she got her fists up to press her advantage, but a curious sound from behind distracted her.
"Merlin, no!" Tifa shouted, seeing the old man muttering into his beard with his eyes closed. But it was too late, Merlin had already said the final word, he pointed his fingers at Nocturne, where a thick mist began forming.
Tifa yelped, throwing herself to the ground as the mist coalesced into gargantuan shards of ice and began shooting at the approaching Heartless. She felt a wicked cold bite at her skin as the icicles passed over her prone form and blasted onto the Nocturne, pinning it against a building. It gave a weak shake, before deflating and disappearing into smoke.
"Wow, " Tifa said softly, gazing at the spot.
"Never question a magician! " Merlin scolded, wriggling a bony finger in her direction.
"Remind me never to mess with you Sir," Tifa said in awe, as she stood up.
To her surprise, Merlin's eyes went wide in horror.
"What is it? " Tifa demanded, turning to follow the wizard's gaze. She gasped as she saw another Nocturne charging up a fireball. "Do something! "
"I'm afraid that was all the energy I had! " Merlin almost quacked.
The Heartless seemed ready to fire, but it spasmed, struck by an unseen attack. It's body seemed to implode, vanishing into nothing. Tifa's quick eyes spotted a lone figure soaring through the air and landing only a few feet away from them, his strange blade glinting in the sunlight.
"Leon! " Tifa called, the relief evident in her voice as she ran to the young man.
He straightened up, keeping his blade at the ready. He was a handsome man, with long, unruly brown hair and stormy eyes. A thin scar ran across his face, enhancing rather than marring his features.
"Cid and Yuffie are cleaning up the southern and western sectors, " Leon said, completely calm. "Get Merlin to safety and handle the northern sector! Rondevouz in the town centre once you've cleaned up!"
"What about you? " Tifa inquired, ignoring Merlin's affronted claims of being able to take care of himself.
"I'll handle things here, " Leon stated simply.
Knowing that was likely the most she'd get from the taciturn warrior, Tifa nodded. She grabbed Merlin by the arm and began dragging him along behind her, despite his squawk of indignation. "I left Aerith at the top of the watch tower, someone should get her down! "
Leon smirked. "Already taken care of."
Leon had been one of the first residents of Edge to see the coming Darkness. At the time he had been on a solo mission to drive the few remaining Heartless out of the city district.
It was only once he reached his destination that he noticed the descending shadows on the city. He had rushed back, only to find chaos running rife. Swiftly organising his fellow Restoration Committee members, Leon set off to find Tifa to get all present members in position to defend the city.
The scarred warrior wasn't about to pretend Cloud's disappearance hadn't hurt morale. Hell, even though Cloud gave Leon a run for his money when it came to being approachable, people tended to look to the two of them in times of need. With Cloud gone, Leon felt the pressure, but was glad Tifa seemed to be functioning well.
He suspected Aerith knew more than she was letting on, but decided to ask her if all of them made it out of this alive.
Speaking of which.
Leon ran forward leaping into the blackened remains of a house. He gritted his teeth and kept his finger near the trigger of his gunblade. Years of strict discipline kept him from pulling it. He neatly anticipated a strike of an angry Nocturne, swinging his blade with perfect timing, pulling the trigger as he slashed it, the recoil blasting the large Heartless several yards away.
Turning he cut at another, bracing his arm against his weapon's recoil, a few hits ending the creature. It didn't take him long to finish off the Heartless Tifa had missed in the area.
To his surprise a squadron of Heartless came sprinting to his position. Running to intercept them, Leon dragged his sword along the ground, shooting up into the air, cleaving the nearest Heartless with a technique affectionately named Rough Divide. While in the air, he pointed his blade behind him and pulled the trigger.
The force of the recoil sent him shooting back to earth, he spun his body, using the momentum to cut through any Heartless too slow to dodge.
Landing smoothly and hearing the sundered Heartless collapse. Leon turned to finish off the rest, only to see a swarm of Surveillance Bots flying in to support the small army of Armoured Knights.
Gritting his teeth, undeterred, Leon jumped up and hit one back to the ground with a powerful downward slash. Landing, he turned and cut up a Knight that was trying to sneak up on him. Without a second breath, he snapped his wrist, catching a second Knight's sword with his own. Twisting his blade free, he delivered a powerful cut at its neck, dropping into a roll as a Bot fired a small blast of energy at him. On one knee, he cut a Knight's leg out from under it, , reversing the motion to block another sword thrust.
With a grunt, he heaved the thing away, getting both legs under him and swinging his sword knocking it back. He felt, rather than saw another coming up behind him. He used his free hand to snag a Bot that was above him, pulling it down he used it as a shield, blocking a stab from the Armoured Knight. Gritting his teeth at the force, he unconsciously pressed a button on the Surveillance Bot's side.
A large beam of bright blue energy shot from the Bot, incinerating the Knight and blasting a clean hole in a nearby house.
Leon raised an eyebrow in mild surprise, he had no idea Surveillance Bots were capable of such power. "Interesting, " he muttered.
Keeping a firm hold on the Bot, he found the button and pushed it, feeling the recoil as the Bot discharged. He turned, letting it dispose of all the nearby Heartless, before tossing the spent Bot aside, where it feebly tried to rise into the air, before shuddering and vanished in a puff of smoke.
Heaving the gunblade onto his right shoulder, he pelted to the town centre, knowing the other fighters should have managed to purge the Heartless from the sectors.
Arriving in the square to find Cid, Yuffie and Aerith already waiting. He saw Cid using his spear to bring down a small group of Armoured Knights, while Aerith was supporting Yuffie who appeared to be injured.
Cid speared the last remaining Heartless through the waist, then turned to greet Leon.
"Dammit! Times like these really make me rethink my decision to give up smoking! " Cid said nonchalantly, as if he didn't have a wriggling Heartless skewered on his weapon.
"Your lungs would've probably collapsed by now, " Aerith shot back, struggling to keep Yuffie on her feet. She gave Leon a grateful smile as he helped her prop a barely conscious Yuffie against the wall.
"Is it fatal? " Leon asked, having no wish to join in on their juvenile banter.
"She took a direct hit from those big red Heartless' fireballs," Aerith explained. "I should be able to fix it though! "
Seeing the usually energetic and lively ninja so pale disturbed Leon more than he cared to admit. Aerith lifted her hand over Yuffie's scorched legs, and soon a warm green glow emanated from her hand and in moments the burns began to fade away.
Confident that Yuffie would be okay under Aerith's care, Leon turned to Cid.
"Where's Tifa? " he asked.
Cid's toothpick did a couple of twitches. "Haven't seen her in a while! "
"She's okay! " Leon turned to see Yuffie back on her feet, her oversized four-point-shuriken clutched tightly in her fist. "Before I blacked out, she was fighting a couple of Knights! "
"How much is a couple? " Aerith asked, sounding alarmed.
Leon snorted. "She won't be happy to hear you think those things could kill her! "
Aerith flushed in response. "Good point! "
A sharp cry split the air and the company readied their weapons. Tifa came sailing through the air, managing to get her feet under her, but still crash landed. She skidded to a stop, one hand one the floor, and looked up, her eyes ablaze.
Cid let out a low whistle, followed by a profanity. "I'm getting to old for this?"
Leon ignored him, hurrying to Tifa's side. "What happened? " he asked, sword drawn, waiting.
"Not quite sure," Tifa replied. Leon followed her stare to see an overtly large Heartless that looked like an obese adult waddle into the square, accompanied by a spiked wrecking ball shaped Heartless.
"It doesn't matter, just finish them! " Leon commanded. He didn't wait for any sounds of agreement before he ran forward.
He swung his gunblade at the fat Heartless. To his surprise, the blade bounced off the Heartless' stomach causing him to stagger. The creature wound up a fist and slugged the off-balance fighter sending him flying.
Seeing stars, Leon struggled to get to his feet. That Heartless knew how to hit; he could taste his own blood in his mouth. Knowing he had to recover quickly, as the large Heartless was advancing, Leon forced his sword up. He felt a strange warmth and his mind and vision cleared. He got his sword up in time to block a second punch, but the force knocked him back into the air.
He heard a loud bang and a puff of smoke and his body rightened itself and he touched down lightly. Another puff of smoke and Yuffie appeared next to him. She hurled her shuriken, missing the Heartless.
"Large Bodys!" She said, with the air of a preschool teacher correcting a spelling mistake. "You can't hurt them from the back! "
As she spoke, her shuriken came flying back like a boomerang knocking the Large Body on the back, knocking it over.
Ignoring her gloating smile, Leon turned to Aerith with a grateful nod for healing him. She returned the gesture and went back to healing Cid.
Leon blocked a slash from an Armoured Knight and kicked it aside, before charging his energy and channeling it into his gunblade. As if his blade had grown to monstrous proportions, a long channel of energy enveloped it shining brightly.
With a grunt, he swung his sword, knocking back every heartless in a ten foot radius. He charged in and soon had almost completely decimated the Heartless ranks.
To his surprise, the few Heartless still alive turned tail and ran. Lowering his sword, but looking suspiciously at the retreating darkness, Leon turned to look at his companions.
"Everyone okay? " he asked, waiting as each fighter answered in turn.
"Why did they just run? " Aerith asked, swiftly checking to see if anyone needed healing.
Leon turned to look again at the fleeing Heartless. "I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling about this! "
"Look! " Yuffie shouted, pointing at the sky.
Leon felt his eyes widen as he followed the ninja's finger to see a strange apparition forming a top the reconstruction site. "Follow me, " he ordered, keeping his gunblade ready.
The five of them rushed to the construction site, but stopped dead still in shock.
On the ground at the centre of the site stood two very strange figures. One was a tall green-skinned woman dressed in a heavy black cloak, together with an ornate headdress resembling two horns, she carried a large staff topped with a green orb that was emitting an ominous, pulsating glow.
Her companion appeared to be a young girl, no older than sixteen. She wore nothing but a loose fitting white dress, her long teal hair tumbled about her shoulders like syrup, but it was her eyes that haunted and disturbed Leon the most. They were a burning orange colour, but held a strange emptiness within them.
"Maleficent! " Aerith cried out in fear, while Leon gritted his teeth in hatred at the Sorceress who had nearly condemned there world to darkness.
The horned woman turned to regard the company with a leer. "Ah, if it isn't the Ancient?" She taunted, her yellow eyes lingering malevolently on Aerith. "And that upstart young girl, the engineer and of course; the Cowardly Lion! "
"Shut up! " Tifa snarled, her fists already in position.
Leon raised his sword, saying nothing, but shaking in anger as she reminded him of a time when he'd been weak and afraid. "What do you want, Maleficent? "
She gave a hollow laugh. "Why, revenge of course! And my castle, this world and my successor! "
"You'll never get her! " Leon shouted. The others turned to look at him in alarm. They'd never seen Leon lose his cool before. He was shaking so hard, his gunblade was trembling.
"Oh but I will, " Malefic assured him. She raised her staff, which was beginning to glow even brighter. "Don't you see? This world, from the moment of its birth, belongs to me! "
With a roar of fury, Leon ran forward, using Blasting Zone again. He leapt and made to cut her down where she stood. To his surprise, his sword stopped in midair, repelled by an unseen force. Maleficent sneered up at him. "You cannot hope to defeat me! " she mocked, before her spell had blasted Leon back several meters, where he crashed painfully in the dirt. All the while, the other girl just stood impassively.
"Leon! " Aerith called out.
"I've just about had enough of this old hag! " Cid growled and ran forward, both Tifa and Yuffie sharing similar sentiments and following his lead.
"I did not come here to treat with worms! " Maleficent cried in rage. She swung her staff in a wide arc, causing green energy to crackle in the air.
The three warriors found their charge stopped, falling to the ground as if their bodies were too heavy for them to move.
Aerith watched in fear as Maleficent lowered her staff and turned to her companion. "You're certain you can do it? "
"Yes, " the girl's voice was ethereal and echoing, almost as if she didn't exist. "I am the Summoner's Nobody after all."
"Well then, see to it! " Maleficent commanded.
The girl raised her arms to the sky and began to radiate a glow.
From his place on the floor, still struggling to fight off the effects of Maleficent's spell, Leon felt his blood go cold with dread. He recognised that presence!
He didn't needs Aerith's almost inaudible whisper of denial to tell him what was coming.
"Bahamut! " He heard her cry out, fear evident in her voice. He lifted his head slightly to see the dragon descending from the very clouds.
He had no doubt that it was the Dragon-King, however it was as if some evil perversion had twisted and corrupted the great Aeon. While still gigantic, the magnificent sheen of Bahamut's skin had turned a mottled grey with black cracks running the length of its body. His beautiful wings had become like feathers of stone. Lastly, the dragon's noble bearing and wise, aware eyes had become red and strangely blank.
"Strange, he was such a magnificent creature," he heard Malificent whisper, her tone almost regretful. "I suppose it only makes sense that you could summon the Dragon-King's Heartless. Xemnas will be pleased! "
"Your orders? "
"Destroy the city and kill anyone fool enough to remain in it! The people must pay for what they have done to me! " Maleficent commanded.
In that instant, Leon felt whatever spell he was under lift. Hastily getting to his feet and readying his weapon, he found Maleficent staring directly at him, her yellow eyes blazing with malice. He knew immediately that only by her will had he broken free of her enchantment.
"But the Dragon-King must kill these first!" She said with a customary laugh. In a flash of evil green lightning, both she and her mysterious girl had vanished.
Knowing it was beyond his power to follow, Leon instead turned his attention to Bahamut. The other warriors rushed to his side, each of them fearful but determined.
"What's the plan kid? " Cid asked, pointing his spear towards the dragon.
"You heard her! If we don't stop him, he'll destroy the whole city! " Yuffie said with uncharacteristic seriousness.
"He's gonna attack us anyway! " Tifa shot back.
Aerith was the only one who hadn't raised her weapon. "Who was that girl? And how did she summon Bahamut's Heartless? "
"Does it matter? " Yuffie demanded.
Leon thought Aerith had a point. He had fought alongside Bahamut before, knowing the Dragon-King's personality, he wondered why it would side with Maleficent.
Aerith simply shook her head. "I don't like this. It's like fighting against a friend! "
"I don't like it either, " Leon returned, swinging his gunblade as Bahamut took to the sky, it's massive wings creating a powerful gale. "But Yuffie's right! I don't think we have much of a choice! Tifa, Cid with me! Aerith, you hold back, keep us energised, but don't put yourself in danger!"
"What about me? " Yuffie piped up.
Leon gave her the smile of a man looking Death in the eye. "You evacuate the city! Try and get everyone out of here, it's gonna get rowdy! "
Understanding the seriousness of the mission, Yuffie nodded and took off.
Leon braced his legs against the floor and with a grunt, kicked off, soaring up to meet the Dragon-King. Judging from the sounds from Either side, Tifa and Cid had done the same.
He rose to Bahamut's level, and activated Blasting Zone. He slashed at the Aeon's face, earning him a roar of pain. Bahamut retaliated by swiping at him with his massive talons.
Leon blocked the claw, but the force sent him plummeting back to earth. He felt Cid zip past him to take his position. He felt a jerk as Tifa caught his jacket, slowing him.
"We need to bring it down! " he shouted. Bahamut held the advantage in the air, on the ground though, they had a chance. He didn't need Tifa's acknowledgement, the brawler braced her arm and flung him full force.
He sped up, just as Cid fell bleeding and cursing to the ground. Aerith would set him right in an instant. Leon raised his blade and began swinging.
He caught Bahamut on the side of the face, twisting in the air to avoid those painful talons, he slashed again. He scored another hit, blocked the claw and scored another. He flipped over Bahamut's swiped, landing on its arm and ran up, slashing at the Aeon's neck and face. He was tiring fast and could not keep up the assault up indefinitely.
He was relieved when Tifa leapt up to aid the attack. The brawler's fists were glowing with a pure blue-green energy. She landed on Bahamut's shoulder, gave it a resounding punch to the face, rolling under his chin to the other as the Dragon-King snapped his razor sharp teeth at her and punching again.
Leon jumped from his perch, slashing again, while Tifa mirrored his movements. Soon they had the dragon confused, attacking from all sides, made even better when Cid joined the fray, fully recovered by Aerith's Healing Wind.
The three of them were causing the dragon real damage, soon with a roar, Bahamut began charging the attack Leon had long feared it would; Mega Flare.
Blue Energy coursed to the Dragon-King's maw, the very air became charged. Even if they survived the blast, the attack could destroy most of Edge, and few of its other citizens had their resilience.
Tifa managed to duck under Bahamut's guard and deliver a powerful blow to its chest, causing the beast to hunch over as it released its energy. The recoil forced Bahamut into a midair roll. Leon managed to use the Aeon's back to jump clear and deliver a downwards blow to its massive head.
Spear leading, Cid pushed his body down and together the two man forced Bahamut all the way back to the ground.
It wasn't over yet, Leon flipped over and slashed his gunblade at the creature's midsection, forcing it back. Tifa blew in at its rear, her powerful fists cracking Bahamut's tough hide, while Cid did likewise, his spear carving and cleaving the monster.
Leon felt sure, for the first time that they could win! The Dragon-King was mortally wounded, and a tingling warmth told him that they were back in Aerith's range, allowing her to keep them at full strength.
However a wounded beast is a dangerous beast. With the last strength he had, Bahamut took a large breath and began charging Mega Flare.
"Leon! " Aerith called in warning.
"At this range this bastard will fry us! " Cid shouted.
"Fall back! " Leon cried, shifting back, praying for a miracle.
He was soon near Aerith's position, Cid already had her around the waist to leap clear. "Where's Tifa? " Leon shouted.
Aerith's eyes went wide. "No! " she shouted hoarsely.
Tifa alone stood near Bahamut, directly in its line of fire. Her eyes were brimming with grim defiance and determination. In the back of her mind, she could her the cries of her friends, pleading with her to run, telling her the blast would kill her.
She braced her arms, ready to defend the city against Bahamut's Mega Flare. She alone could endure its attack.
"You'll die! " Aerith shrieked
"Stupid woman! " Cid of course.
"Tifa! " Leon's voice, for once brimming with emotion. They were all pleading, begging her not to sacrifice herself.
If only they knew, this was not a desperate act of a hysterical woman. Tifa, the strong warrior knew exactly what she needed to do, almost as if an old friend was standing with her, encouraging her.
Bahamut gave a dying roar and loosed the powerful beam of energy, determined to see the city destroyed in its last breath. Only for the beam to be halted by the resolute young woman standing directly in its path.
Pain such as she had never known hit Tifa was the force of a tidal wave. Her very bones were on fire, every muscle in her body, her blood, her skin, all of it burning. A cry of agony escaped her, but still she stood, arms braced in front of her, holding off the attack.
It seemed to take an age to Leon's mind, watching helplessly as the blue light consumed his friend, his comrade. At last the blow stream of energy dissipated, Bahamut gave one last feeble roar, before collapsing and vanishing into smoke, but the victory seemed meaningless to Leon.
"No!" Aerith cried loudly, her entire body shaking with violent sobs of denial. Breaking free of Cid's restraining grasp, the young woman ran to where Tifa had stood. She collapsed at the spot, falling to her knees upon finding nothing but a smoldering pile of ash where Tifa once stood.
Leon gulped, his throat burning from pain and sorrow. He let out a cry of rage and flung his gun blade to the side, punching at the floor in fury. Cid watched both his young friends sorrowfully, letting his head fall.
Leon looked up to the spot Tifa stood and ran towards the spot. He dropped to his knees and began fisting the floor in rage.
"Leon, " Aerith's voice was like cool water to a man dying of thirst in a desert.
Leon didn't want to be comforted. He had lost Tifa, he had failed to protect her. Now she was gone forever. He continued to pound his hands against the concrete floor, indifferent to the flowing blood that was joining the scorched marks.
"Leon, please! " Aerith said earnestly, she was on her knees next to him. As much as he didn't want her to, Aerith threw her arms around his neck and began sobbing uncontrollably into his jacket. Leon let her, his own tears running down his face. However, as much as Leon didn't like it, human touch calms one, and soon his body as well as Aerith's had stopped shaking so violently.
However the strangest apparition caused him to tense up. Sensing the change, Aerith looked up. "What is it? "
Leon inclined his head in the direction of the prone figure. Aerith startled him by tightly gripping his arm. "Oh my God! Leon, I think it's a kid! "