A/N: I can't stand IM messages, so all of these will be clean.

(From) Token:

I can't believe you, dude...


(From) Clyde:



(From) Unknown:

This is Kenny... I HATE you.

Craig rolled his eyes and flipped off his phone. He didn't care what any of his friends thought, and he honestly couldn't believe how shocked they were acting; well, besides Clyde. But, Kenny? He didn't see that one coming...

It wasn't a secret that Tweek Tweak was in love with Craig Tucker. Everyone knew that, Craig included.

Of course Tweek would never admit to it himself, that would be way too much pressure for him. The only way anyone had found out about his little secret was from the simple things he would say.

Whenever someone said something idiotic or it was only out of habit, Craig would flip everyone off; Tweek said Craig was only expressing himself and started to shake frantically after. Whenever the boys found out the girls made a list of the 'cutest boys in school' and Craig called out Cartmen on being the last on the list as he was too fat. Cartmen commented on Craig's 'fucked up teeth', Tweek commented that he liked them and started shaking again. And of course, whenever Craig looks up from his desk in class, 90% of the time he catches Tweek staring at him. Tweek merely lets out a 'Gah!' and averts his eyes, swigging his coffee from his green thermos.

But, it was TODAY that something was actually done about it.

Craig was sitting at the lunch table with his usual group of people; Token, Clyde, sometimes Jimmy, and Thomas. Not to mention the background person, Kevin. Everyone was scarfing down their food and chatting about some topic that Craig was all but interest in. He wasn't even hungry either, he just pocked at his, what he guessed was, lasagna and peas. He really wanted a cigarette right now.

He looked up from his tray when he heard a bunch of giggles coming from the end of the table. Bebe, Red and Wendy were standing there and flushed from talking so fast.

"We aren't joking!" Bebe said as Craig finally listened in on the conversation. "He was twitching like crazy, talking to himself by his locker-,"

"And he kept saying, 'OH man! What if he sees me drenched in coffee! He'll think i'm a total spaz even more! Gah!' It was so hilarious!" Wendy continued, trying to imitate Tweek's outburst and failing at it.

Craig only rolled his eyes and went back to pocking his food. He hated when someone made fun of Tweek, he wouldn't give two cents if it was anyone else, especially that fat tub of lard Cartmen, but not Tweek. Although, he had no right to really say anything to anyway, he himself never tried to stand up for the coffee addict. He was a total douche for that.

Admittedly, Craig was sort of a ...bully to Tweek at times. But only when he caught Tweek looking at him during class. He would say things like, 'Look away, Spaz.' Or 'Hell, take a picture if you want.' But, that wasn't mean though, was it? He asked himself.

"...Anyway, I think it's really cute that he's got a little crush on you, Craig." Red giggled under her hand.

He looked up again and raised a bored brow, "The hell are you talking about now, Red?"

The red headed girl shook her head, obviously from Craig not paying any attention. "I said, I think it's cute that Tweek has a little crush on you."

"Everyone already knew about Tweek's little crush, why are you three bringing it up again?" Token asked simply.

After everything that's happened here in South Park, no one really cares about the homo's in town. Well, besides Cartmen. He's really the only problem everyone has to deal with. Homophobic, asshole. Craig thought to himself.

There were actually a few people in school that were gay: Kenny, Stan and Kyle (Which wasn't a surprise, the bromance they shared was a big give away. They came out that they were in love and dating last year.) Butters, Clyde (Who was secretly in love with Token since middle school.) Damien the anti-christ, Pip, and lastly, Craig himself. Okay, Craig was Bi. He's had his share of men and women, but he wasn't a man whore or anything. Everyone thought differently. They even had a vote too see who was the bigger whore, Craig or Kenny. Kenny won without care. NO surprise there either.

Clyde was a different story. He had no experience in anything. The only intimate thing he'd ever done was hold Token's hand when they were small. He's saving his first kiss and first time for him. Craig feels sorry for Clyde sometimes. Being in love with someone who only looks at you as a friend must really suck. Clyde always comes to Craig to talk about that kind of thing, and Craig notices how Clyde hides his true feelings. He usually makes fun and hides how hurt he is that way.

Craig looked over at Clyde who was sneaking glances at Token whenever he could.

Wendy spoke up this time, "Because, we started talking about it and... Well, Craig, we think you should go over there and ask Tweek out."

The entire table went silent.

He thought it over a moment before shrugging, "Alright, sure."

The entire table look over at him.

"Are you, -ah shit!- serious, Craig?" Thomas asked, eyes wide and unsure. Craig had to admit, Thomas was really cute sometimes when his Tourette's got in the way. He quickly shook the thought away and gave a nod.

"Sure, why not? I mean, he likes me and i'm single and pretty horny." he smirked to himself.

Token shook his head and went back to eating his food.

"W-Well, he's sitting over there w-with B-Butter and T-Ti-Timmy." Jimmy offered and pointed his crutch over to the table.

Craig turned his head only and glanced over at him.

Tweek was clutching his green thermos tightly and shaking, his eye twitching occasionally. Craig noticed his shirt was buttoned up wrong like always (Sure enough, the huge coffee stain the girls were talking about was all over the front.) and his blonde hair was a crazy mess. Craig noted the dark bags under Tweek's eyes, which meant he probably wasn't getting any sleep at night. He remembered something about the coffee addict yelling about underpants gnomes. He wasn't sure.

Without looking back at his friends, Craig got up from the table and gradually made his way over to Tweek; he wasn't in no real hurry. He felt eyes on him, even more he felt Token's heated gaze on his back. It burnt.

"Hey Tweekers." He gave a crooked smile and it grew when Tweek looked at him, eyes round and doe like a dear caught in the headlights. The blonde let out a 'Gah!' and yanked on his hair, god only knows what he must be thinking at this moment. Probably conspiracies as to way Craig was even looking at him.

"C-Craig?" he asked already shaking like he was freezing to death.

Tweek's voice always sounded as though he was talking through clenched teeth. Craig grew out of his nasally voice as soon as he entered high school.

Craig smirked this time, "You and I are together now, got it?" The spaz stopped moving all together, it was when he dropped his thermos and didn't panic when Craig realize he broke Tweek.

Craig noticed another text message came in and he sighed inwardly.

(From) Token:

Why are you even doing this, Craig?

Jeez, when did Token get so homophobic? Craig asked himself.

(To) Token:

What the hell are you talking about, man? What am I doing that's sooooo bad?


(From) Token:

You know what i'm talking about. When you asked Tweek out and you.. broke him!


(To) Token:

I DIDN'T break him! He just sort of... stopped. He paused, glitched, it's different!


(From) Token:

OH sure.. Why did you ask him out anyway? Is it because of Bebe and the others?

Dude, that's not cool at all, and you know it.


(To) Token:

Why do you even care?

When Token didn't text back right away Craig took the time to scare Clyde into dropping the subject as well.

(To) Clyde:

If you don't shut up, i'll tell Token how you jerk off to his yearbook picture.


(From) Clyde:


Craig smirked to himself. He wasn't about to text Kenny back, that whore was probably just sore that he hadn't had Tweek yet and Craig beat him to it.

But more importantly Token was right. Craig broke Tweek. He literally stopped working for a solid ten minutes and when he came back he jumped up and ran out of the cafeteria. A faint 'Gah!' was heard as he disappeared, Craig remembered.

Craig flopped down on the bed and groaned when he landed on the thermos he picked up and took with him. Tweek left it behind and Craig was going to bring it back to him tomorrow. He pushed it out from under him. He HAD to remember to bring it back to his new boyfriend.

Man, that's kind of weird to say. He thought. Tweekers is my new boyfriend.

"What in the fuck am I thinking?" Craig said out loud, "Tweek's probably innocent as hell. I'll never get laid with him as a boyfriend." He rolled over on his back. He felt his phone vibrate to tell him he had a text.

(From) Token:

Because, Tweek doesn't deserve to be hurt.

How ironic, Craig thought to himself.

A/N: Okay, I know it's bad, sorry. PLEASE review and tell me what you guys think so far and if I should continue it.