HELLO there. If you are reading this chapter, you are either a new reader who saw the story jump to the front of the listings with this update, or a long-time reader who saw the last chapter being FIVE years ago XD Yes, it has definitely been a VERY long time but as I have mentioned before, writing fanfiction no longer takes up a major part of my life so I write whenever I have the inspiration or feel like it :)

I found a bit more time for writing these days, I am still working during the quarantine being one of the frontline staff - but I did not feel like studying much during the quarantine so I released the pent-up energy/stress by writing. I picked out this story to update because I already had this chapter a quarter-written (once in a while, I add things) so it was not hard to keep it going.

So this update will be quite long - and not much significant is going on yet in terms of ByaRuki but I hope you, the reader out there, will like it regardless and that it brings cheer to your day wherever you are. :)

I also wanted to take this chance to say thank you so so much for all the reviews across my fanfics, they keep popping up in my email notifications and I am actually amazed that people still read the stories after these many years.

You may have to re-read this story again to get back to where the last chapter left off 5 years ago XD.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach or the characters, but I do own this fanfiction premise and story.


There was thick black smoke everywhere, and the acrid smell suffocated Rukia. She flailed her arms through the darkness in front of her as she ran forward, trying hard to find a way out.

The craters and pits were burning, there was hot lava pulsing out in slow thick deadly gushes of burning red, and her skin felt as if it was peeling off in all the heat. Rukia ducked the pits, feeling the panic and fear rise in her throat… she was going to die here for sure, alone in this terrible place…

And then suddenly there were the red eyes of the Menos Grande around her! They hovered in gigantic tall black columns, their mouths opening in a terrible roar and hundreds of Cero flashed in the night sky - and Metastacia was right there, cackling at her, the horrible eyes with orange marks and as the Hollow pounced at her, the Ceros hurtled toward her to smash her into smithereens and…

Shire, Senbonzakura.

Rukia screamed and jolted hard in her bed, gasping and trembling. She blinked slowly, the darkness now giving way to a soft white light. Her wide eyes took in the peaceful white ceiling and then scanned the white walls, noting the absence of the horrible things that were apparently now remnants of a nightmare that plagued her sleep.

Where am I?

Rukia tried to get up, only to cry out helplessly at the terrible pain that instantly wracked through her body at her movement, especially at her stomach. She fought down the instant wave of nausea and closed her eyes. Rukia took a few deep breaths, willing herself not to be sick, and then slowly turned her head to look about the room. It looked familiar, but Rukia could not quite place the location. She had been here before, was it-

Rukia gasped as memories of the past events flooded her.

Yes, the pain in her stomach… the gaping wound inflicted by Metastacia as it drove one of its arm right through her.

Her final defense, the reformation of Sode no Shirayuki's broken white blade…

Her eventual defeat at the Hollow's hands… and then…

His arrival.

Byakuya! Rukia's eyes widened and she instantly made to get up again, but a new dizzying wave hit her skull so much that she had to abandon the effort. She moaned in pain.

Somewhere, she dimly heard a door slid open.

"LADY RUKIA! Are you alright?" The familiar voice of Miko, filled with anxiety, rang through the room, and Rukia felt the young maid's gentle hands on her. "What are you doing?"


"What? Lord Byakuya? Lady Rukia, what-"

Rukia gripped the young girl's hand. "Byakuya, is he okay?"

Miko's worried expression relaxed slightly, even though her brows were still furrowed. "Yes, Lady Rukia, yes! Were you going to look for him just now? Do you want to sit up?… Slowly now."

With Miko's assistance, Rukia was able to slowly and painstakingly move into a sitting position, and the maid plumped a pillow at her back for support. Miko poured a cup of water for Rukia, who accepted it gratefully and eagerly gulped the liquid down.

"Lord Byakuya brought you back to the mansion just yesterday, and the Fourth Division officers came over to examine your injuries… y-you were unconscious and there was so much blood and…" At this point, Miko had to stop for a while, her eyes had brimmed with tears and Rukia had to pat her hand to reassure her.

"Miko, I am alright now." Rukia rasped, the effort to speak sent pain everywhere in her body. She gestured for more water and the young maid hurriedly poured more for her.

"And the Fourth Division officers treated you and then told all of us that your internal injuries will heal with time, but you will need lots of rest. You have been sleeping since yesterday, Lady Rukia, but I think you are starting to look better already!" Miko smiled.

"Byakuya… I, he was injured, I saw his arm…" Rukia gripped the cup in her hands. She bit her lip quietly, feeling the brush of guilt as she thought back on Byakuya's bleeding hand. He had come to the treacherous place to get her, even if it had been by Kazumasa's persuasion - and he had gotten injured. All of this wouldn't have happened if she had been more competent, a stronger fighter…

"Yes, they treated his arm too, do not worry, Lady Rukia. He was not even kept in Madam Chiyo's halls, so his injury was not too serious."

Rukia nodded slowly, taking it all in. "And… my colleagues?"

"They are all doing fine too, Lady Rukia. The ones injured during the Hollow ambush are already recuperating, they wanted to come in and see you yesterday but Unohana-Taichou, the Fourth Division Captain, told them you would have no visitors until you were awake."

"And there you are again, always thinking about others first."

Rukia looked up at the familiar voice, as the bent figure of Kazumasa appeared in the doorway.

"Kazumasa-san!" Rukia could not help smiling, even as her ribs groaned in pain at her sudden outburst. The old man's presence had always comforted her, much like a father's would.

"You gave us all a fright, my little Lady." The old attendant smiled as he stood behind Miko, who nodded vigorously in agreement.

"I am sorry," Rukia looked down at her empty cup of water. She took a small breath, and the pain that came was not too much to handle. "And I wish to thank you for asking Byakuya to come to Rukongai. Otherwise, I think I… would have…" Rukia's hands instinctively gripped the cup.

"He would have gone, either way." Kazumasa smiled as Rukia's eyes widened. "He would not have ignored a family member in need, it is not in his nature as a person nor as the clan leader. I merely speeded up the process." Kazumasa winked. "I could tell you had urgent need of assistance somewhere."

Rukia had to smile. "Arigato."


Ichigo stood, shellshocked in Urahara's underground training area. "You... guys..." He stared at the glowing gold triangular shield floating in front of Orihime and then at the massive boulder pieces that lay against the wall before Chad. "What..."

"Kurosaki-kun, we want to save Kuchiki-san too!" Orihime nodded, a defiant expression on her face as her conjured shield broke into pieces and evaporated. "We have been training really, really hard!"

Chad nodded. "We are following you to Soul Society, Ichigo."

Ichigo stood before his friends, exasperated. His mind was still trying to process what he had seen and heard. The crazy clogs-and-fan shopkeeper had just informed him that thanks to his growing spiritual power, they themselves had slowly developed powers unique to each of them. Orihime apparently possessed the Shun Shun Rikka, six spirits whom resided within her twin six-petaled hairpins, allowing her to form shields and various techniques used for attack, healing and defence. Chad's power took the form of an armour over his right arm with enhanced strength and power.

Urahara smiled as he fanned himself slowly. "And there you have it, your backup team."

"NO! This is crazy, you guys! You don't know what sort of place it is, what dangers you will be running into! I am not going to put my friends' lives into danger!"

Orihime took a deep breath. "You don't too, Kurosaki-kun, and still you are going to do it for Kuchiki-san. We want to help. We followed you here two weeks earlier and found out what you were doing - and Urahara-san decided to recruit us. We are almost ready, Kurosaki-kun! We will complete the training together!"


Orihime and Chad nodded. "We will get Rukia back safe and sound-

A sudden flash of bright blue light erupted at the other end of the training ground. Urahara turned, his eyes wary, just as a blue arrow shot itself toward the group. Ichigo gripped his Zanpaktou and Orihime instinctively spread out a defensive shield around her friends.

The glowing arrow shot past them however, lodging itself into the rocky wall behind them. It stayed there, burning like a strange blue fire.

"You forgot me."

"Ishida...-kun?" Orihime's eyes widened.

"What are you doing here, Ishida?" Ichigo frowned.

"To join your little group of adventurers." The bespectacled student walked toward the group.

"Ah. A Quincy will definitely be helpful." Urahara clapped his hands happily.

"Why are you doing this? Are you somehow looking for a way into Soul Society to fight your mortal enemy, the Shinigami?" Ichigo questioned.

"It may escape your notice but I am a close friend of Kurosaki-san too." Ishida spoke coolly. "I merely want to see her back to Karakura safely."

"So we are settled then!" Urahara waved his fan happily. "Shall we begin?"

"Urahara-san... what... is a Quincy?" Orihime raised her hand timidly as she looked between Ishida and the shopkeeper. "And... and what mortal enemy?"

"Or perhaps we shall begin with the long story first. Settle down, kids." Urahara smiled.


"Settle down now, Miko, what is it?" Kazumasa asked gently, even as they walked as fast as they could.

"Kazumasa-san, this way!" Miko's voice was a whisper as she led the older attendant through the hallway.

"What is it?" The old attendant was wary even as he posed the question a second time.

"Come, this way!" Miko took his arm and helped him along. The young maid and old attendant reached the kitchen halls, and they both peered around the huge doors.

Rukia was bent over the clay stove in the kitchen, frowning slightly as she stirred the contents of a pot placed over the fire. There were several hastily-scribbled papers in front of her, and a chopping board with several small urns of herbs on it. The kitchen help were all staring helplessly from their duty places, their earlier offers to assist having been rejected by the young Lady.

Kazumasa and Miko exchanged happy glances, and then the elder man stepped through the door.

"My Lady… why are you not resting?"

"Oh… Kazumasa-san! Miko!" Rukia smiled. She shrugged as she continued to stir the pot. "I am not that badly injured, besides, Madam Chiyo said some fresh air would be good instead of being cooped up in the recovery room. The pain is already subsiding a lot!"

"What is it you are preparing, Lady Rukia?" Miko smiled, a hint of mischief on her lips.

"Oh, this?" Rukia checked the fire again. "It's herbal soup… I am boiling it for Byakuya. Apparently, one of the health attendants told me that it would be good for the recovery process. I had to jot down the instructions manually, it seems quite complex despite being only a soup." Rukia scratched her head, frowning as she checked her notes again.

Kazumasa and Miko both smiled widely.

"What?" Rukia shifted somewhat uncomfortably under the gaze of the senior attendant. "I… well, he did save me after all. It's the least I could do," The young woman shrugged.

Rukia had put off going to visit Byakuya in their bed chamber, despite being well enough to be discharged from the recovery halls. She did not know what she would say to him, and dreaded any of his cold answers or retorts after what had happened. Not to mention, she had called him a bastard AND a pain in the backside during the moments when she had thought she was going to die, even though she had also thanked him then. They had not been on talking terms before the battle, she had fought him after being selected as a seated officer and insisted on taking the position, and he had left her with an ominous warning for her actions.

And as he had so harshly predicted, she had failed her first mission and nearly been killed.

But he had saved her regardless, and Rukia knew she owed her breathing and living to him. So even if he was going to be cold and hurtful, she would take it all. The fault was hers, and only hers.

She had not been strong enough… just as he had predicted.

An hour later, Rukia walked slowly to the study, her hands balancing a square red tray. The back of her neck prickled in unease, and she was sure it had more to do with the impending first encounter with her husband in many days, than the presence of Kazumasa and Miko trailing behind her.

It was evening, and the study room doors were open. A good sign so far.

Rukia gingerly poked her head around the door.

Byakuya was sitting at his huge study table, dressed in black robes, intently reading a report. His brush set sat neatly in front of him. His left hand was bandanged, but he looked well otherwise.

Rukia deliberated, wondering if he was to be disturbed now or if she should wait in the hallway until he was finished with his work. But the soup was hot, and wasn't this kind of stuff better consumed while it still bore the heat now? But would he murder her for disturbing his work?

Her internal conflict ended abruptly with the sound of his deep cold voice.

"What is it?"

Byakuya sat at his table, a stack of division reports on his left. He had been signing several of them for the past hour, but many needed corrections and his harebrained Lieutenant appeared to be making quite the usual amount of mistakes with the paperwork.

And then he sensed the reiatsu. It was flickering like a firefly in the dark, panicked but determined, and it was approaching his study.


Of course.

The Fourth Division had commenced the treatment for her injuries, there had been several internal lesions that had needed high-level Kido spells and a few fractured ribs, but there would be no lasting damage, as Unohana had told him. He had observed her from the bedside after they had left, and the foolish girl had looked almost peaceful despite her battered physical body.

Byakuya, for his part, had not visited Rukia once since returning her back to the mansion and into Madam Chiyo's care. The Shinigami had no need to bother. He received constant updates on her health everyday by different factions, none of which bothered to ask if he even cared in the first place. The servants would drop a passing comment on Rukia's condition whenever they were in his presence, and an overly eager Kazumasa would come to his study every night to reel off her health progress.

Rukia in turn, appeared to avoid his presence, never coming to dinner and preferring to remain in the sanctuary of the recovery halls for her meals.

Not that it bothered him.

She would be humiliated by this event, and rightfully so. He had warned her and she had gone against his orders as usual, and was now probably humbled by the lack of her competence and skill.

The Thirteenth Division reports spoke of her heroic attempt to hold off the Menos Grande ambush while her team got to safety, and her rescue of one officer Taka from the same division. Her stubborn and reckless nature to keep the people around her safe seemed consistent enough, even if her skill could not cope with such ambition.

But she had enough courage, despite all her lacking abilities, to stand straight and face danger head-on even if she was on the losing side. Not all Shinigamis could do that.

Byakuya silently acknowledged that, but it did not make her recklessness any less inconvenient. She had to get stronger, if she wanted to protect.

The reiatsu rested just outside his door now, deliberating. Out of the corner of his eye, a pair of big wide violet eyes appeared around the door edge, peeking at him.

Byakuya suppressed a sigh. "What is it?" His voice was deep and emotionless.

He felt her jump slightly and then she appeared in the doorway, holding something in her hands. Without another word, she walked in (he noted a slight nervous hesitancy in her steps) and stopped right in front of his desk.

A plate of steaming soup was laid upon his desk just slightly away from his paperwork, and she took a step back.


How odd.

He lifted his eyes from the soup and looked at her indifferently, as if expecting a proper explanation for the possible criminality of having a pot of nourishment in front of him.

Kazumasa had entered the room and now stood between the both of them, alongside the desk. He nodded subtly at the young woman, encouragingly.

Rukia took a deep breath. "It's herbal soup." She clasped her hands behind her back. "Madam Chiyo said it would be good for the healing of your hand." Rukia bit her lip as her eyes landed on Byakuya's injured left hand. She forced herself to tear her eyes away from the white bandage.

Byakuya bent his head to examine the bowl of steaming liquid.

Rukia hurried to add. "I put in two rock sugars to disperse the bitterness. You will find it much easier to consume." The soup had smelled bitter even to her as she simmered it down in the pot in the kitchen, and Rukia had reflexively grabbed the sugars and mixed them in to compensate for the taste.

Kazumasa's eyes widened slightly in horror, something that did not go unnoticed by the young woman. Rukia blinked, confused. Now what had she done wrong?

Byakuya's grey eyes lingered on the ceramic bowl of hot herbal soup, before turning to his wife with a mildly raised eyebrow. "I dislike sweet food."

Rukia's mouth made a surprised shape of O but before she could anger at his careless rebuff, Kazumasa stepped in.

"My Lord, Lady Rukia has been at the kitchen for over two hours, making sure the herbal soup was boiled perfectly. She thoughtfully added the sugar as a treat for you during recovery."

"I will boil you a bitter one tomorrow." Rukia replied without flinching, a hint of sarcasm in her statement.

Kazumasa hurriedly turned his chuckle into a quiet cough.

Byakuya glanced at his wife but did not reply. Her mouth was set in a stubborn line now, almost all her guilt had vanished at his rude comment.

"If that is all, you may leave." His tone was emotionless.

Rukia shook her head. "There is something else."

Byakuya looked at his wife, his expression emotionless. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her eyes to meet his. "I wanted to thank you properly for coming to my rescue in Rukongai. You did not have any need to do it, but you did it anyway. Because of that, I am alive."

Kazumasa smiled even as he bowed.

"And I am sorry… about the… name-calling."

A stiff silence stretched for a bit between husband and wife. Finally Byakuya spoke. "If that is all, you may leave."

Kazumasa shot his master an exasperated look.

Rukia nodded, her expression serious. "That is all. I will not take up your time." She started to turn away from the desk, but then she stopped.

"Give me some time."

Byakuya lifted his eyes to look at Rukia, as she turned around once more to face him again. There was no hostility in her expression, and her eyes were big and determined. "I am sorry you had to come to get me, and see me in such a state. And I thank you for saving my life but I…" Her hands clenched by her sides as the words began to spill out of her. "… I am going to get stronger. Just give me more time! I will get stronger… and stronger everyday so you won't have to trouble yourself to come after me!" Her words ended in an almost shout.

The Shinigami's grey eyes widened slightly.

Kazumasa chuckled softly even as he kept his head bowed.

"I see." Byakuya's voice was deep.

"I… uh," Rukia sucked in a breath as she realized she had abruptly shouted at him in the study. "Um, enjoy your soup." She turned and practically sprinted from the room, despite her injury.

Kazumasa laughed again, and Byakuya turned to look at his attendant.

"She is such a wonder." Kazumasa smiled proudly.

As his attendant left the room, Byakuya bent slightly to examine the soup. He knew the ingredients to this particular herbal soup, but his thoughts were occupied by something else.

I should have known.

Of course the woman would not pull herself out of the seated position or her division just because she almost died.

Of course she would readily embrace the knowledge that she was currently weak.

… and of course she would decide the only way was to become stronger.


"Another dinner?" Rukia's voice came out surprised.

Byakuya frowned. "You may find that matters appear much simple should you not have the need to question everything" His voice came out cold.

Rukia kept silent, shrugging casually as she reached for a piece of salmon sushi on the table. They were at dinner, a week after Rukia had been deemed fit to return to her duties at the Thirteenth Division. As she popped the food into her mouth and chewed, she glanced over at her husband sitting across from her. "So whatch ish it abouch?"

Miko hastily poked Rukia from the back in a silent message. Don't talk to Lord Byakuya like that with your mouth full!

Byakuya's mouth was set in a very thin line now, his frown ever present.

Rukia reached for her cup of tea and swallowed happily, the food tasted great. She had been in good spirits ever since she made the recovery and returned to work.

Things between her and Byakuya remained the same, but after the rescue and her subsequent declaration to him in his study, Rukia had felt some of her old fear toward him dissipate a little. There was only so much stiffness you can feel toward someone who had saved your life, much less a person you had directly addressed to the face as 'a pain in the ass'.

"I mean, what is it be about?" Rukia diplomatically offered the question again, this time with clear articulation and no gourmet delight in between her teeth.

"An annual clan gathering." Byakuya took an elegant drink from his teacup and Kazumasa promptly refilled it. "It is a dinner by name, but the clan holds an anuual sparring between the clan leader and the smaller clan heads. A symbolic gathering to demonstrate the skill between clan members."

"Sparring? As in… fighting?" Rukia's eyes shot up.

"Skills in combat." Byakuya answered simply as he took a spoonful of rice. "It serves to foster ties among the clan members."

"Really?" Rukia's voice came out in a disbelieving tone, one that did not go unnoticed by Byakuya, because the frown returned to his flawless features.

"It appears you do not understand, as a simple commoner. To the outside eye, this dinner may look like an obnoxious competition."

"Do you know what we do at our family gatherings?" Rukia posed the sudden question. Kazumasa and Miko looked up with interest. Byakuya reached for his cup of tea without even looking at her.

"We eat, drink, catch up and laugh about the old times together. We have fun and try not to kill each other on purpose." She beamed.

Byakuya took a drink of tea. "It is as I have said. You will not understand."

"And it is also as I have said. Rules can be changed."

Something passed through Byakuya's grey eyes at Rukia's reply but before she could be sure, he had tilted his head back. He drank his tea in silence and Rukia wondered if he was now contemplating to kill her or to answer her.

Rukia chuckled. "But I guess that will be up to your future child to do that… seeing as you are, well, a bit too rigid when it comes to rules."

Rukia received another warning poke at her side, courtesy of Miko. Do not argue with Lord Byakuya anymore!

"If the nobles, the exemplary of the society, do not uphold the rules… then who will?"

Rukia opened her mouth to reply then, but the abrupt presence of a male servant at their table stopped her.

"My Lord, My Lady. A message from the Kuchiki elders."

Byakuya accepted the scroll and the servant departed. "As I was saying, the event will be happening in a weeks' time. Your presence will be required, as the Lady of the house. You will not need to be taught any new procedures or etiquette."

Rukia openly exhaled in relief.

Byakuya frowned. "I will require you, however, to remain in the hall at ALL times," His voice turned colder at the last few words and Rukia was forcibly reminded of her battle with the Hollow within the Kuchiki mansion grounds. "You are to resist from showing any outward reaction to anything that may happen, even if they may be unpleasant to you."

Rukia nodded. "All clear."


"Ahh…" Rukia sat uncomfortably in front of the mirror as the maid held out various expensive kimonos. The young woman hurriedly selected a dark blue kimono with beige sakura patterns, not wanting to make a fuss. The maids then started working on her hair, weaving tiny flower pins into her hair. Rukia sat still to allow them to work as fast as they could, wondering how they could even manage to work her shoulder-length hair into a bun.

Once they were finished, Rukia was escorted to the main room where Byakuya was waiting. As always, he looked every inch the perfect noble - with his dark navy robes and white collar and the royal white hair pieces symbolizing the high blood he possessed. Her husband barely spared her a glance as he swept to the front of the entourage and started to walk toward the mansion's training area, where the dinner was to be held.

They swiftly arrived at the distant wing of the mansion and here, and the maids bowed before the main shoji doors before sliding them open.

Rukia had never stepped foot into the training area of the Kuchiki mansion, it was known that the area was off-limits except to Byakuya himself. Now she stood behind her husband, openly gaping at the enormous grand white hall with rows upon rows of polished black pillars. Multiple shoji doors opened on to both sides of the hall and there was an upper floor now filled with the younger aristocrat members of the clan. Rukia observed how all the Kuchiki clan members carried themselves with an impeccable air of serenity borne of their noble blood. They sat amongst themselves, talking in low tones and not one movement of their heads or hands were unrefined. Attendants and handmaidens moved swiftly in between tables, bringing expensive food and drink to their respective occupants.

Byakuya moved across the hall to the main table and Rukia hurriedly bowed her head and followed his movement ("Just keep your motions similar to Lord Byakuya but three steps behind and you will be fine," Kazumasa had told her). It was unnerving and she felt her neck prickle uncomfortably, knowing that multiple pairs of eyes were possibly watching her at the very moment. Byakuya himself was unperturbed, swiftly striding through the great expanse of the hall even as a respectful hush fell across the chatter in the hall. Rukia was relieved when they finally reached the main table and she moved quickly to her dinner table set just slightly to Byakuya's side.

Now the hard part was done with, and she could enjoy eating and watching the sparring matches. Rukia had been excited, despite her initial repulsion at family members fighting each other during a supposed dinner. The Kuchiki clan members were known to be fearsome combatants, and Kuchiki Byakuya was said to be the greatest in the history of the clan.

Byakuya stood to face the hall and the chatter and sounds died immediately.

"I thank each and every Kuchiki for coming here , as each one of the years before, marks a milestone in our clan..."

Rukia looked at the food before her happily, slowly tuning her husband out. The food and drink looked absolutely delicious, there were lovely little wrapped assortments of sushi, rows upon rows of crab and fish roe, expensive fillets of tuna, yellowtail, salmon and mackerel, bowls of steamed egg, poached prawns, plates of gravy and sauces.

"... the Kuchiki clan has always upheld the core values of the nobility, the first being..."

Rukia watched curiously as at least thirty attendants rushed forward to the center of the hall, which had been left empty. They put their hands on the floor and started to peel apart the clean white tatami mats.

Rukia's mouth fell open as she gradually watched the attendants reveal a rough wide stony terrain underneath the innocent white mats. More attendants moved onto the arena, pulling weapon racks that held up an assortment of swords and spears. The rest of the attendants ran across every perimeter of the hall, setting up what looked like poles. But as they set them on the ground, the poles generated golden beams toward the next pole, and then the next.

Kido shields. Rukia realized, watching the golden glow coalesce to form a golden wall around the hall. The technology behind them was complex, and was researched by the second division of the Gotei thirteen.

Byakuya's words jolted Rukia from her awe. "I welcome any member who proudly wishes to test his skill and combat mastery before the clan. The opportunity comes once every year." He stepped back and a rang of polite applause rang in the hall.

Rukia slowly felt the excitement burn in her body. She had been training hard during her resting time, despite pleas by the staff in the Kuchiki mansion to take it easy. Her facing Metastacia had hardened her resolve, and Rukia never wanted anyone to suffer a terrible death at the hands of any Hollow while she still held a Shinigami's blade. Rukia had also been visiting Sode no Shirayuki in her inner world, an ice landscape with snow that was strangely warm to touch. Ukitake-Taichou had once told her that a deeper understanding forged between the Shinigami and the Zanpaktou would lead to a stronger bond and strength in combat.

Something in her posture or demeanour must have showed, because Miko's soft whisper sounded in Rukia's right ear. "Lady Rukia, you are not thinking of taking the challenge, are you? You must not!"

"I... never said so..."

Rukia watched the matches began. The Kuchikis, for all their poise and elegance, appear to be good combatants and able to hold themselves against a variety of skills including kendo and use of weaponry. She immediately singled out one of the participants, a skillful young-looking man with short black hair wearing a dark blue cloak.

"That is Kuchiki Yamato, Lady Rukia." Kazumasa nodded when Rukia pointed him out to the attendant. "He was a Shinigami in the Gotei Thirteen some time ago, but quit due to personal reasons."

And as she predicted, Yamato won all the matches to set up the final face-off against the head of the clan.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rukia saw Byakuya slowly stand from his seat. She caught his movement but it was a bare wink-and-miss moment as he used his Shunpo to appear in the center of the arena, facing Yamato.

"Lord Byakuya is known as one of the few Shunpo masters in Soul Society, Lady Rukia." Kazumasa smiled behind Rukia. "He was taught by the Goddess of Flash, Shihoin Yoruichi when he was just a child."

"Goddess of Flash?" Rukia turned to the old man, curious.

Kazumasa nodded. "Shihoin Yoruichi, the legendary best user of Flash Steps Soul Society had ever seen. She is descended from royalty herself, the Shihoins are one of the four great noble clans, like the Kuchiki clan. When Lord Byakuya was younger, Lady Yoruichi often came to the mansion to play with him and teach him how to better his Shunpo. He never managed to defeat her though."

Rukia's mouth made an O of surprise as Kazumasa chuckled. "So there was someone Byakuya could not beat? And her being a woman, no less." Rukia smiled evilly. "It must have hurt his pride like hell."

"Maybe." Kazumasa bowed.

"Where is she now?"

"She disappeared from Soul Society many years ago, along with the head of the Research and Development Unit here. Both were Shinigami Captains at the time. I do not know the reason, my Lady, as I am not within the inner workings of the Gotei Thirteen."

Rukia smiled as she turned back to watch the beginning of the final match. "That's alright. If she was that skillful, she would have found a way to survive and be happy out in the world."


"Urahara-san, you sure have a lot of strange stuff. Your cat talks, and is bossy like hell!" Ichigo stretched out in the hot water spring in the secret training grounds underneath the Urahara store. For the past week, the eccentric shopkeeper had incorporated his pet into the group's training sessions - a black cat with intense looking eyes - which spoke like a dignified yet grouchy old man. The cat had personally overseen Orihime, Chad and Ishida's training sessions - after the latter had finally gotten over the shock of a talking cat. Ichigo had trained with Urahara instead but whenever the cat saw Ichigo, it always made a point of saying something undignified about him.

"Heh-heh," Urahara laughed behind him.

"I mean, where did you even get a cat like that in the first place? Did you train it to talk?" Ichigo closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The training had been rigorous and he was grateful for the relaxing warm water.

"We were comrades at our old working place." The familiar old man voice spoke.

Ichigo yelped, his eyes shooting open in an instance to see the cat staring down at him from a boulder. Urahara had disappeared, probably gone back upstairs to entertain an unknowing customer.

"Comrades?" Ichigo muttered, as the cat slowly leapt down from the boulder and walked along the side of the hot spring. "You used to work in Soul Society too?" After several training sessions, Ichigo had finally asked Urahara about his real identity, and the shopkeeper had revealed that he himself used to work at Soul Society but then abandoned everything because 'life got boring'. The revelation had given Ichigo hope - that he could save Rukia and bring her back to live in the real world just like before without consequences or harm.

"Yes, I used to work in Soul Society." The cat stretched languidly on its paws.

"That would make you really old though. Cats don't live that long." Ichigo frowned.

"Ah. Well, I take the other form, see."

"Other form?" Ichigo blinked.

"Yes. Shall I show it to you?" The cat suddenly glowed and a mysterious mist started to swirl around the animal. Ichigo watched, stunned as the paws started to elongate and the cat head began to enlarge.

"My full name is Shihoin Yoruichi." A female voice purred.

The transformation only took less than a minute.

Ichigo stared dumbly now at the fully naked woman with dark skin and long purple hair smirking at him. As his eyes robotically traveled downward, he noticed that she was sitting cross-legged and-



Yamato bowed graciously and Byakuya returned the bow. "The weapon choice shall be yours, Yamato."

Yamato bowed again. "Zanpaktou, if you would please, Byakuya-sama."

"Granted." Byakuya nodded, unsheathing his blade as he took several steps back. Yamato did the same. At the front of the arena, Rukia could see that Yamato's blade was strangely green.

"Mageru, Hebi no Ju." Yamato's Zanpaktou released a snake-like hiss as it immediately distorted, the blade curving in multiple twists like a snake. Byakuya's eyes narrowed.

Yamato shot forward, his blade hitting Byakuya's instantly. At impact, the blade spontaneously curved and curled sideways for offense. Byakuya had to use his Shunpo to avoid the attack.

"AH, WATCH OUT!" Rukia could not help but jump to her feet and shout as she saw Yamato using Shunpo to appear behind Byakuya.

For a moment, Rukia saw Byakuya's gaze flick toward her momentarily and she caught the look of mild disdain in his grey eyes.

Stop making such an unseemly ruckus. Do you think something this simple can defeat me? His eyes told her.

Yamato thrust his sword forward but Byakuya was already gone, flashed off from the spot of attack.

Rukia hurriedly sat back down, feeling embarrassed.

The two Kuchikis clashed continuously across the arena for an hour's quarter, Rukia watching the combat intensely. Yamato was precise, looking for gaps or lapse in Byakuya's judgement to land a sneaky blow on the clan leader. His sword curled, distorted, like a snake seeking crevices to slither into. Byakuya allowed none of that, moving elegantly on his feet as he dodged the green blade, his grey eyes cold. And then-

"Shire, Senbonzakura."

Byakuya's blade disintegrated completely, and the hall immediately filled with awed murmurs. Rukia's eyes widened, recognizing the release of his Shikai. And then-

There it is.

Byakuya gripped the hilt and swung it in an arc in front of him, his expression emotionless. Yamato was thrown back even as he withstood the invisible slashing force with his own blade.

'Not really invisible,' Rukia thought to herself as she watched her husband intently. The small pink reflections of light danced around Byakuya and his opponent, and she already knew what they were. The lethal petal-like blades from his dissolved Senbonzakura, which allows for greater range of attacks and damage.

'I wonder if there is a weakness. Could a Zanpaktou be truly perfect in both attack and defense at the same time?' Rukia pondered as the petals shielded Byakuya from Yamato's curving sword stroke simply at a single wave of the hilt.

The hall collectively gasped as the petals crashed into the ground where Yamato stood, sending sand and debris up into the air. Byakuya rushed forward, swinging his hilt across both sides, forcing Taka to parry the tiny blades each time.

"Ugghh!" Yamato shouted and he turned in horror as he heard the swift rush of wind behind him. The rest of the petals had been deployed behind him while he had been distracted and they now cut into his back, opening up tiny wounds. Yamato stumbled forward in pain and felt his neck touch the hilt of Byakuya's sword.

The Kuchiki leader watched him expressionless. "You let your guard down, Yamato."

The hall burst into polite applause at the end of the match, as Byakuya withdrew his hand and the hilt from Yamato's neck. Yamato bowed his head respectfully. "Thank you for the match, Byakuya-sama. Your skills are truly unparalleled."

Byakuya said nothing as he returned the gesture. A young woman ran out onto the arena, presumably Yamato's wife, her expression worried. She held her husband's arm tenderly, Yamato shook his head as reassurance and smiled at her. Several servants rushed out to help the young Kuchiki male back to his seat.

"Saori?" He turned back to his wife, who had walked out into the center of the arena, silently looking at Byakuya who had just effectively used his Shunpo to return to his seat. The woman was smiling, but Rukia realized her eyes were otherwise.

'She's angry, but who wouldn't be anyway? It was a good match, but her husband just got hurt. So much for nobility dinners...' Rukia chanced a sideway glance at her husband. who was now looking at the newcomer standing in the center of the arena.

"Lord Byakuya." Saori bowed her head graciously. Rukia noted that she was beautiful and graceful, her long brown hair held up in a gold hairpin at the back of her head. "If you could allow me several words?"

Byakuya nodded. "Speak."

"I know this has never taken place before... but I wonder if the Lady of the house would allow me the honour of a similar challenge?"

Rukia's eyes widened, as she felt Kazumasa and Miko both stiffen behind her. Even Byakuya seemed more rigid in his seat. Her neck prickled horribly again, as she felt the eyes of every Kuchiki fixate on her across the training hall.

"Saori, what are you doing?" Her husband looked at her in shock.

"I understand if Byakuya-sama is apprehensive in letting his beloved wife spar with an opponent, lest the latter prove more formidable? It would be understandably horrible if the Head Lady of the clan got herself injured, no less the damage to the name." Saori smiled sweetly. Rukia instantly felt angry at the provoking insult.

She heard Miko whisper worriedly at her side. "Lady Rukia... please..."

Byakuya's emotionless voice answered Saori. "I thank you for the concern shown toward my wife. She suffered near grievous injuries during her first mission and rest was prioritised for proper convalescence, a priority which still remains to this day."

"What priority?" Byakuya's eyes widened at Rukia's voice. She instantly moved before Miko could stop her, appearing in the center of the arena facing Saori. There were gasps as the clan members noted the Shunpo speed of the Sacrificial wife.

"My beloved Byakuya-sama's priority is pride. Since you have posed the challenge to the main Lady of the house, my love for my husband compels me to not reject it."

Kazumasa and Miko simultaneously gasped in shock and horror. Byakuya's gaze was almost poisonous as he looked at his wife across the hall.

"Ohh? Would that be alright with Byakuya-sama?" Saori raised a perfect eyebrow, tilting her head toward the front of the hall.

Rukia spoke even before Byakuya could. "Of course it would be alright. After all, I promised my husband that I would become strong enough so he would never have to trouble himself to come after me." Rukia stood, defiant as she looked at her opponent.

Kazumasa chuckled softly even as he shook his head. Lady Rukia...

Sitting in his seat, his expression cold, Byakuya felt a headache coming on.

And that marks the end of a chapter, the prelude to Rukia's first match in the clan :D Need some Tylenol, Byakuya? XD

I hope you have enjoyed the chapter, and have been keeping well and safe indoors.

Till the next time of an update (however long that may be). Ciao!

P/S. And do leave me a review, because I love reading your thoughts or whatever you have to say! :)