Disclaimer: I don't own Kamen Rider Decade or any of its characters.

"I would like my Natsumikan returned please~" Natsumi whispered into Tsukasa ear, startling him.

"O-Oh N-Natsumikan what are you talking about?" Tsukasa asked covering his ear.

"I heard what you said to the image's who possessed me I didn't know I meant so much to you Tsukasa-kun~" Natsumi said giggling.

Tsukasa glared at her then walked into the kitchen. "Why did she have to hear me say THAT!" Tsukasa said to himself.

"What did you say to her Tsukasa?" Yuusuke asked walking into the kitchen.

"Nothing..." Tsukasa said putting his hands over his face sighing.

"He wanted his Natsumikan returned Yuusuke~" Natsumi said walking into the kitchen.

Yuusuke started laughing but stopped and left when Tsukasa glared at him.

"Why did you have to tell Yuusuke?!" Tsukasa yelled walking over to Natsumi to hover over her.

"Cause I can." Natsumi said looking up at Tsukasa.

Natsumi then took a step away and said "Glad to know I'm yours Tsukasa-kun~" then turned and left the kitchen leaving Tsukasa staring wide eyed.

I know its really short but if anyone has suggestions to add onto this fanfic let me know! Please review!