Disclaimer I do not in any way shape or form own Once Upon a Time or Once Upon a Time in Wonderland that right belongs to Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and also Disney

Author's Note: I've used some of the dialogue that was originally between Jafar and the Jabberwocky.

Rumplestiltskin continued to follow the magic that was being used to hold the Jabberwocky in it's prison. It was some powerful magic to be sure. It led him to a bridge which was being guarded by a soldier. It was going to be easy enough to deal with him.

The Dark One wasn't afraid of anything. This was going to be as easy as taking a first born child. The guard eyed him suspiciously as he came closer. Rumplestiltskin wasn't going to let him or anyone else for that matter stand in his way.

"What business do you have here?" the guard asked. He shifted his weight slightly from one foot to the other. It was obvious that the guard wasn't expecting any company. Most people wouldn't be crazy enough to come anywhere near the prison.

"My business is my own." Rumplestiltskin sneered. He didn't have time to deal with this guard. He needed to find the Jabberwocky and get out. He didn't feel like getting into a huge battle. Subtlety was sometimes the best course of action.

"You're a fool. The only thing waiting in that prison... is death." the guard said. He stood his ground daring the Dark One to pass. It was the guard who was the foolish one. Rumplestiltskin wasn't going to tolerate any delays.

"Death and I have already met. Send him my regards." the Dark One snarled. He walked up to the guard and snappedhis neck. He was done with messing around. The guard fell in a lifeless heap when Rumplestiltskin let go of him.

Rumplestiltskin walked across the bridge towards the prison. The place was in ruins and looked like no had been in or out of it in hundreds of years. He grabbed a torch and used his magic to light it. He noticed a flight of stairs that went up in a spiral. Rumplestiltskin steeled himself and began to ascend upwards. Bodies could be seen strewn across the floor as he made it to the top.

"Why are you here?" inquired a female voice. Many people had wandered into the Jabberwocky's prison only to meet their demise. This new visitor' was different than the others. He looked around with his torch.

"I understand you have great power." the Dark One said. He could hear the Jabberwocky's laughter. He didn't think this was amusing. "I have a proposition for you." he added. He looked around not sure where the Jabberwocky could be. He knew he was going to have to be on his guard. Rumplestiltskin wasn't going to leave here without the Jabberwocky.

"Listen to all your silly words, you're jabbering." the Jabberwocky spoke. She found very this one very interesting indeed. He kept searching around with his torch. She could just tell him to look up, but that wouldn't be any fun.

"I brought more than words today, I have the power to set you free." Rumplestiltskin told the Jabberwocky. He didn't appreciate being toyed with like this. He wondered why she hadn't shown herself yet. He was offering her freedom.

"Jabber jabber jabber, you're already so afraid. And I haven't even opened the door yet." the Jabberwocky mocked. Oh this was going to be so much fun. She could see the confused look that was on her companion's face. Just what are you afraid of? She was going to find out.

"What door?" Rumplestiltskin asked. This conversation was beginning to not make any sense. He came here to liberate the Jabberwocky and recruit her to his cause. What is all this nonsense about doors he wondered.

"The one... inside your head. Everyone has a door like this where you keep all your most terrifying thoughts. Your greatest fears." the Jabberwocky told her visitor. She was thoroughly enjoying herself. Now it was time for the real fun. She used her ability to enter into her visitor's mind.

"I've been around dark magic most of my life. You'll have no luck getting inside my head." the Dark One countered. This presumptuous creature had an awful lot of nerve if she thought she could penetrate his mind. He would like to see her try.

"I'm not worried about getting inside your head. Don't you see? I'm already in there." the Jabberwocky informed her company. She could sense that he possessed a great power of his own. Even someone as powerful as him was no match for her powers. His fears were as good as hers and she had half a mind to feast on them.

Rumplestiltskin looked up and there pinned to the ceiling by a dagger like blade was a woman. She had platinum colored hair. She wore an olive green top that looked as though it was made from Dragon hide and she wore matching leather pants. On her feet she wore a pair of calve length black boots. She wore dark eye makeup and had fair skin.

Rumplestiltskin used his magic to free her. He summoned the blade to him and watched as she fell to the ground. She unfurled herself in an animal like manner. She looked up at him and at first glance he found her rather attractive.

"Thank you." the woman said. She made her way towards her rescuer like an animal stalking it's prey. She stood very close to him invading his personal space. She could tell that he was becoming uncomfortable. "I am known as the Jabberwocky." she introduced herself.

"I'm Rumplestiltskin I'm also know as the Dark One." Rumplestiltskin introduced himself. He figured it was best to get the whole introduction thing out of the way. He really just wanted to get down to business. He often found it best to get to the point.

"Well Dark One, before we begin I would like to dispose of this blade." Jabberwocky said. She reached down toward the hand that held the blade, but the Dark One moved it away. She should have known that would happen.

"What, this thing? It must be quite powerful to keep you pinned up all this time." Rumplestiltskin wondered. It seemed as though he now had some leverage in this situation perhaps. He wasn't going to lose the upper the hand.

"Indeed." Jabberwocky agreed. She smiled coyly at the Dark One, he was a clever one. She had to give him some credit he was good, but she was better. Two could play at this game and she played to win.

"I think I will hold on to this if you don't mind." the Dark One told the Jabberwocky. There was no way he was going to give her the blade. It was the only thing that he could hold over her head. He wasn't about to give it up.

"What are you afraid of Dark One?" Jabberwocky inquired. She was going to have to do this the hard way. It was his fault for not giving her the blade back. He had no idea who he was dealing with. Now the fun was really going to begin.

"I'm not afraid of anything." Rumplestiltskin told the Jabberwocky. He wasn't going to let her get to him. She could try all she wanted, but it wasn't going to work. He would not let her get into his head. The Jabberwocky drew close to him once again invading his personal space.

"Not even...the feeling of abandonment as your father let go of your hand, the feeling of your son's hand as you did the same to him. The feeling that there is nothing you can do to change it, that you are powerless. And you don't know what burns more, your father's betrayal or your own." Jabberwocky taunted. She got satisfaction as she watched his reaction. He looked as though someone had thrown a bucket of ice water on him.

Rumplestiltskin felt as though someone had reached into his chest and squeezed his chest. What power is this? He worked to catch his breath. He had to admit he was impressed. The Jabberwocky was definitely going to an asset to him.

"Maybe you're right Dark One, maybe you should hold on to that blade." Jabberwocky considered. She started to walk towards the stairs. "You never know when you might need it. She started to walk down the stairs leaving the Dark One to catch his breath.

Rumplestiltskin regained his composer and followed the Jabberwocky down the stairs. He needed to get her to come back with him to the Dark Castle. He had the blade and would pin her back to the ceiling if he had to.

When the Dark One got to the bottom of the stair the Jabberwocky was waiting. "Come with me back to my castle. I will explain everything to you when we get there." the Dark One told the Jabberwocky. She looked at curiously and cocked her head to one side. In Rumplestiltskin's opinion she didn't have much of a choice.

"What if I'm not interested in your proposition?" Jabberwocky asked. She knew that with the blade he held sway over her. She didn't like it, but her back was against a wall. She supposed that whatever it was that it had to be better than being stuck in a prison.

"You must heed my every request. You must do whatever I say. If you don't I will use this blade to pin to the wall in my dungeon." Rumplestiltskin threatened the Jabberwocky. He wasn't above using underhanded tactics. He knew that he had her right where he wanted her. "Do we have a deal?" he asked.

"Yes, we have a deal." Jabberwocky agreed. She didn't like being blackmailed, but she could tell he wasn't bluffing. At least if she wet a long with him she would have her freedom. She had no intention though of allowing him to control her.