Hey guys, this is my 1st attempt at a Fanfiction, its a crossover between Claymore and Warhammer 40k.
"WAAAAGH!" Warboss BoneKilzja shouted as she charged the Force Commander.
"For the Emperor" the Force Commander countered as he countered charged.
This particular Warboss was… different. She was completely 100% Ork, but she had a striking resemblance to a very, very large human female. She had flowing sun/orange colored hair, and she was probably thrice as big as any Ork Warboss that has ever existed, and she has one hell of a WAAAGH! with her. Her eye color was bright red, she had all green skin (as do all orks), and she had the face of a beautiful human female, with some scars across her cheek and face.
The battle was currently on Typhon, the Space Marine had just recently discovered an ancient holy artifact known as The Purifier.
Unfortunately, while it was considered one of the most only relics in Space Marine history, to the Warboss, and all her boyz, it was a "shiny cool sparky thingy".
The Warboss decided to "loot" the relic, which was basically a classic "conquer yo shit, and then take yo shit." The invasion began almost immediately.
So, currently, about 5 hours into the battle, the Space Marines had been quite utterly decimated by BoneKilzja (or Kilz for short) boyz. She was no fool, while she loved the brute force tactic, just like all Orks do; she had a trait almost no Ork had ever displayed in a million years: she was what Orks would consider 'smart'. Now most Orks would consider what she does as "un-orky", considering that they almost always worked and she used brute force anyway, all Orks unanimously decided to make an exception for her.
The Force Commander and Warboss were clashing non-stop, while space marines and orks alike fought like a pack of dogs over stake, It was clear who was going to win this fight.
Despite the having Power Armor, blessed my none other than the God Emperor himself, and a Holy Thunder Hammer, which was one of the rarest Space Marine melee weapons of all time the Warboss, as orks would say, "stomping em gud."
She, quite literally, would be considered the embodiment of the term 'tomboy'. She had the classic metal lower jaw latched onto her actual Jaw, her Warbands emblem standing proud as strong on top of her 'kustom genrarator'. The generator would probably be best described as a bunch of scrap metal, bolts, and nails slapped together with 3 things blowing out the exhaust at the top (you know those things sometimes found on the top of cargo trucks that blow out smoke, it's like that) with the middle one being slightly bigger.
What was it powering, the Warboss' "Giant, Indestructible, Death Klaw" or GIDK for short.
The Force Commander was getting desperate, he knew that he was losing this fight and while he was panting heavily, the Warboss wasn't even breathing hard, in fact it look like she was slightly grinning.
He charged her, yelling his classic battle cry while raising the hammer high into the air as he jumped. For a moment, he felt a glimmer of hope wash over him has he believed that he would smite this, this… abomination of the God Emperor, but soon discovered no such luck exist. Kilz easily caught the hammer for the 5 clawed Klaw, looking almost like an oversized lighting claw, but a lot more orky and red. Hell, everything she wore was red, bright red at that.
While the Force Commander was trying to press the hammer into her face, she easily flung him into the ground. By this point, the Force Commander was bleeding profusely from just about everywhere, his armor severely compromised and his banner that once stood proud half missing and shredded.
The Warboss spoke as she slowly walked over to him "ahahahah, did you honestly believe that you would stomp ME, Space Marine?" Her voice sounded beautifully feminine, but at the same time kinda orky.
The Force Commander only glared back at her, seeing as to how Kilz crushed his vocal cords a while ago.
Suddenly, the Force Commander's chest started to glow an abnormal plant green light.
"What?! What do you think you're doing, space marine?"
By this time, almost all the Space Marine had been slaughtered, in the battle field around them lay thousands of Space Marine and Ork corpses alike.
The shocked Commanders face was the last thing she saw before the green hole expanded suddenly, immersing all the battle occupants in the green energy.