

Hello all. You may not recognize the name but this is ShadowFox0324. After a few name changes and a large amount of life changes ranging from going to college and joining the military, not a lot of my time on FFN has been spent writing.

Mostly just RP'ing and reading other work. A lot you have liked my past stories. At one point I did too. I loved what I did with YOYR and RSF but looking back at them….they're complete and utter drek. I know I gave up on them and for good reason.

YOYR was too convoluted and spiraled away from the prototype I had written up from middle school and RSF…it was an ambitious idea that can be revamped in the future but for now will lay in pieces.

As for my Starfox-Fallout hybrid…I think I'll save that for next time. After a long period (And I do mean long), I believe I'm ready to hop back into the fray with this. What I'm going to try here is following ending 3 of the terrible, non-canonical (THANK GOD) Starfox Command video game.

If Nintendo and Namco were cool they'd get working on Starfox: Frontiers! But I digress. Without going into too much detail, were going to see the Starfox world in a more militarized manner…in the non-PMC (private military contractor) sense. So I hope you'll all join me and I'll try to make updates as I can. And please help me to make this story awesome
