i was gonna keep this on my blog but it was too messy and ive been neglecting this account for so long.. i havent fully revived yet just think of this as a scribble im sorry its not an actual fic :-(

format inspired by solemnlyswearr tumblr com/post/113741236660/

1 ½

Percy Jackson holds his breath under tunnels to make a wish and stays in bed for minutes after he's woken. He isn't choosy enough to request blue food at a busy diner and unintentionally glances upwards when he's grateful. He never stopped being his mom's happy kitchen helper, peeling potatoes or mixing the batter.

Annabeth Chase has energy bars for breakfast and takes Advil for frequent migraines. She memorizes passing license plate numbers during car rides for fun and bites her bottom lip. She doodles building plans on restaurant napkins during dates then uses them to clean Percy's imminent drink spill.

Grover Underwood reorganizes people's recycling/trash systems when he comes over and grins with all his teeth. He pauses before giving an answer and prefers Coke over Pepsi cans to gnaw on. He initially opposed washing clothes because of water waste but Annabeth had words with him.

Hazel Levesque gets blisters on her the soles of her feet and takes showers very early in the morning. She likes to know her friends' horoscopes and stays tuned in to current events via NPR. She is gobsmacked by the concept of instant ramen noodles.

Frank Zhang has allergies on spring mornings and double knots his shoelaces. He has neat penmanship in both cursive and print and habitually goes barefoot indoors. He hasn't decided to go vegetarian yet but still consults Piper on the hard-hitting meat industry issues.

Nico di Angelo drinks hot chocolate made with water and picks at scabs until the wounds reopen. He doesn't turn off the faucet while he brushes his teeth and sits a foot away from the TV. He stuffs one old specific Mythomagic figure in the same drawer he stores an unused Bible and a half-empty box of matchsticks.

Will Solace puts on Chapstick before he goes to bed and sings in the shower. He likes extra salt on his French fries and hasn't learned how to whistle. He thinks waking up at sunrise is only worth it when the day has something to look forward to.

Reyna Ramírez-Arellano jogs for three miles every evening and clicks pens on and off when she's lost in thought. She loves the smell of aromatic candles and yawns into her palm. She reads a nonfiction novel per week to keep her mind active.

Jason Grace sleeps on his back and uses the hem of his shirt to wipe smudges off his glasses. He keeps a wrinkly picture of Thalia and his friends in his wallet and always holds the door open for others. He doesn't add much input in casual group conversations.

Piper McLean only eats broccoli with teriyaki sauce and rarely keeps cash on her. She wears hair ties on her wrist but never uses them and absentmindedly taps her fingernails on wooden surfaces. She points out inconsistencies in movie plots to anyone who listens.

Leo Valdez chews on toothpicks after dinner and vandalizes public restrooms with caricatures of his enemies. He shoves his face in front of the air conditioner on hot days and picks dirty pennies off the ground. He monopolizes entire couches effortlessly.