Hey Guys. Yeah, so this is it. The finale. I do hope you have enjoyed this book as much as I have, I know I have practically asked every time, but i do love to see approval. Because it's what makes me think people really like my stuff. And well, Im sad to say, I dont want this book to end, its one of the first proper ones (without an actual series) that I have done, and it's my favourite by far. So...

I just wanted to say, Thank you so much for sticking with me on this journey, encouraging me to write it more and more. I have my sister Tina to thank for telling me it's a great book and that I should. And my friend MrsJohnReese for allowing me to practically rant to her (while i help her) about this being the last chapter.

But, it will not be the last one. There Will be a book 2, so just keep and eye out for The Unbreakable Bond

Thank you once more...

Enjoy xx

Ellie's POV

Dr. Nichols' House

July 31st 2013: 7pm

I was awake again, unsure properly where I actually was, or what was going on, but I was okay. "Come on Ellie..." Spencer put his arm around my back and his other one under my legs, picking me up. "Spence..." I muttered, my voice barely there. Whatever was going on, this was hopefully not the end of me or him. With my head rested against his chest, we were led outside into the light again.

My head hurt and I tried to hide it, no idea what the hell was happening except we were put into a tent before Spencer rested me on my feet, making sure I could stand as people In HAZMAT put a plastic sheet between us and the others before hosing us down with water. Spencer coughed a little before my legs nearly gave out and he caught me.

"Now is not the time to fall... we found it... while you were out... we found what we think is the cure..." he said to me and I smiled. "Okay... Yeah, they're hosing them down now..." I Glanced up and saw Derek outside, where I smiled weakly. "I haven't got long Spence..." I told him turning back to Spencer who had me held by the waist. "I know, but just hold on okay?"

I nodded my head and continued to get hosed down, not really caring about the water as it hit me, just the fact that his arm was around my waist. The sun was still up, and how that really was, baffled me, but hey, It was the Summer after all, it was bound to happen. I shook my head a little, coughing slightly. "All right..." I heard Derek say and looked back to him.

"They're checking out Brown's house."

"Go help Hotch..." Spencer said and I nodded in agreement. "Hotch has plenty of people helping him..." I shook my head. "He needs you more than we do.." I managed to say, my voice stronger. "Reid, Ellie, I'm gonna see you off to the Hospital..." Derek stated and I shook my head. "We're about to get naked, so they can scrub us down.." Spence said and I added something onto the end of it. "Do you really want to see that?"

"I'll check on you later."

I smiled at how that worked and how he seemed to agree that it was the best thing, but I knew we would still have to get naked. Not that I wanted to. "Take good care of them..." Derek told Kimura and she looked up before nodding. "Get this to the lab," she said to another person in HAZMAT, handing them something before looking at us. "I hope you're right about this..."

Spencer glanced up at her, his wet hair sticking to his face. "So do I..." he let go of me and a HAZMAT man took hold of me, keeping me standing, while Spencer started to undo his shirt buttons. I looked down at myself, knowing if I didn't look away, I would stare. "Come on, let's get you scrubbed down..."

I didn't hear that part, I just heard what Kimura said when Spencer took off his tie. "Dr. Reid, did you cut yourself?" There was a lesion on his wrist, and I knew that it was bad. I had kept it hidden, but I had them growing too, had been since I collapsed. "I got.. them too.." I managed to get out, glancing at Kimura and away from Spencer's hand.

I swallowed dryly and closed my eyes as the HAZMAT guy holding me, helped to take off my buttoned polo shirt and jeans. I could feel my panic rise and my heart race fast, my breathing sped up. "Ellie... look at me..." Spencer said and I looked at him. "Would, you like me to do it instead?" I nodded my head quickly and Spencer moved to help me.

I couldn't have someone else do it, because I remembered what George used to do, used to try to do, and what he did do, those months ago. But with Spencer, it was better, because he helped me bathe and dress during the recovery months, I trusted him. I kept my eyes on his and he smiled, trying to keep me calm as he undressed me, taking off my shirt before my trousers, leaving me in my underwear.

"We need her completely stripped..." Kimura said to him and he nodded. "Please... understand my methods..." She nodded and he stripped down to his boxers. "It makes her feel better when, someone else does the same thing... It's something I learned..." Kimura didn't seem to understand, but nodded anyway, as Spencer unclipped my bra and looked at me. "You want Kimura to do the rest?" I shook my head and smiled. "I will be okay..."

He smiled too and took off my bra and pants, leaving me naked. I closed my eyes, knowing that they could see all my scars and dark splotches on my skin. "What... happened?" Kimura asked as the HAZMAT team started to scrub me down as Spencer took off his boxers. I made sure not to open my eyes. "My step dad happened..." I muttered, "Three months ago, when I first met the team..."

I could hear Kimura take a deep breath before she set to scrubbing down Spencer. "Ellie.. it's okay... you don't have to tell them..." I nodded my head and smiled a little. "I feel better, is that strange?" I asked Kimura and she swapped places with another guy. "Open your eyes, let me look..." I opened my eyes and looked at her, avoiding to look at Spencer, since I haven't seen him naked yet. Kimura checked my pupil dilation and looked me over.

"It appears the strain you had before going into that room, was counteracted by the Cipro... which means it was a curable strain, now you only have the same one that Spencer has been infected with..." I nodded my head, that was good news to me.

As soon as the scrubbing was finished, we were put into new clothes and rested on gurneys. "I want to go with Spencer..." I told her, but she shook her head. "We only have one bed per Ambulance..." I took in a deep breath and Spencer reached over, taking my hand. "You will be fine, close your eyes and pretend I'm there... okay?" I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

The Anthrax was still bad in my system, and I wasn't out of the woods yet, but I was at least more alert. I was wheeled into an ambulance to which I closed my eyes and tried to relax, imaging Spencer with me. I started coughing, feeling ill again. "How are you feeling?" the man asked me, and I glanced at him. He was wearing a Military uniform, goes by the name of Colbert, according to his badge.

"I'll... and my throats... dry..." I said to him, feeling tired again. "Tired too..." He nodded his head and used a stethoscope to check my heart. "You seem to be okay for now, but you're pale and red, in places.." I nodded my head and he put in a cannula, to help feed me oxygen and breathe better. I led back and tried to keep calm. "I'm sorry for what your step-dad did to you..." Colbert said and I looked at him.

"I overheard what they were saying in the containment.."

I took a deep breath and licked my lips. "Yeah, I am to, but I have Spencer to help me out..." He smiled, "He loves you too..." I gave him a curious look. "What do you mean?" I asked him and he smiled, "Nothing, it's nothing..." he shook his head and I finally realised we had been moving. I began to choke as I coughed, unable to properly breathe.

I grabbed Colbert's leg and held onto it, trying to breathe. "Ellie... Ellie.. stay with us..." I was losing focus and my grip slackened. "We're losing her!" Colbert yelled and I fell unconscious once again.

Why did it have to be me?

Spencer's POV

Walter Reed Hospital

August 1st 2013: 3pm

I was slowly waking up on the bed, a cannula in my nose and my head propped up. I shifted slightly, feeling something attached to my index finger and the sound of someone scoffing their faces filled my ears. "Are you eating Jello?" I muttered, my voice a little hoarse from the lack of use, but still strong enough to be heard.

"Hmm.." I heard Morgan say and I slowly opened my eyes, trying to avoid the light. "Hey kid," he said properly this time. "Hey Doc, look who's back." I moved slightly and could hear footsteps coming into the room. "Is there any more Jello?" I asked and Kimura spoke up. "Hey, not so fast..." she said smiling, "What happened?" I asked, looking to Morgan as I rubbed my stomach.

"You're gonna be alright Kid, and we got Brown." I nodded my head a smile across my face, "It's over." I felt instantly better, knowing that many lives were saved. "How's Abby?" I asked, and Kimura smiled. "She's on the mend... and so are the four others..." She said, "You were right about where to look for the cure."

A bigger smile crossed my face and despite looking weak, I managed to feel great. "Why was Dr. Nichols making Anthrax in the first place?" I asked, before Morgan spoke up. "He was a brilliant scientist downgraded to working on the flu..." I shook my head, why did he do that?

A few hours later, I was up and ready, dressed in fresh clothes and feeling stronger. Derek stayed by my side most of the time, making sure I was steady and supported me when I needed it, now all I needed was to see Ellie...

"Where can I find Ellie?"

I asked Derek as we walked through the halls. "Well..." Derek seemed nervous and rubbed the back of his neck. "What is it?" I asked, my heart racing in worry and fear. "She wasn't so good when she was brought in..." I swallowed dryly. "She struggled and screamed and just wasn't herself... It took four nurses and a military officer to hold her onto her bed, before being strapped down."

I looked shocked. "She's in restraints?" Derek nodded and led me into a room where Ellie was lying unconscious on a bed, her arms and legs tied to the bed. "Oh Ellie..." I sounded so sad as I approached her, stroking her cheek gently. "We had no idea what was going on, best bet was that a memory hidden away, surfaced, and it panicked her..."

I nodded my head, only half listening as I continued to stroke her cheek. "Get off me..." Ellie said, her voice quiet but full of anger. "Ellie... it's me Spencer..." I pulled my hand away and she opened her eyes. "Spence?" I smiled and she let off a sigh of relief. "Damn doctors keep touching my face... and I don't like it..." She said and I gave a small chuckle.

"How you feeling?" I asked her and she shrugged. "Been better, but hey, I'm okay, and will be in a couple of hours." I nodded my head and she twisted her wrists. "The only reason these are still on, is because I don't like the Doctor who checks up on me..." she laughed a little and I undid the restraints.

She pushed herself to sit up and rubbed her wrists. "So... You like me?" I asked her and she blushed a little. "Yes, I do, and I have for a while now..." A smile grew across my face and I felt instantly better. "I'm gonna leave..." Derek left the room, and I just kept smiling at her. "I've been trying to find the right time to do it myself..." I told her and it was her turn to smile.

"You know, it's been so long, and our last kiss, was under strange circumstances..."

I laughed and she did too, before I leaned in closer and pressed our lips together gently. She kissed me back exactly the same our lips moving in sync and I lost myself. Her lips, were as soft as I always imagined, her smile was just beautiful and she was so intoxicating. I was surprised I never fell for her sooner.

We pulled back after a few moments and both smiled, a small laugh escaping us. "I love you so much..." she said to me and I kissed her lips gently. "I love you too so much..."

Ellie moved over on the bed and I sat next to her, wrapping my arms around her and held her close. This wasn't exactly how I imagined telling her, but I wouldn't have it any other way...

She rested her head on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair. "I have never been so comfortable about relationships before..." I told her finally, feeling a little nervous about it. "Does this mean I'm you girlfriend?" she asked and I nodded my head. "Well... the only other relationship I had, ended badly..." she muttered, shifting a little and holding onto my shirt. "What do you mean?" I asked her, feeling worry fill me.

"I remembered now... and everything that happened... It's why I had to be restrained when they stuck needles into me and such to draw blood and give me the cure..." she explained, still holding onto me, seemingly listening to my heart beat. "I'm not sure I follow..." I told her, really curious. "The one guy, the one guy I thought I could trust, broke it. and nearly ruined my life... I was stupid... I was young..." She muttered.

"Ellie... I'm not sure I follow..." I was getting scared now, not liking how she seemed to avoid speaking of him. "I was 15... it lasted two years... its exactly the reason I left when I was 17... it's the other reason I left when I was 17. He's the only one I know who would infect me with Anthrax." I made her look at me. "Who, who is it Ellie...?" I asked her, worry now in my voice.

"Michael Sullivan... My ex-boyfriend."