OiHina.. To be honest, I never really thought of them together. I chose random characters (since I don't have any ideas..) so we'll see where it will go, aha. It might ends as a KageHina fic *laughs*.. By the way, I'm planning to do more chapters ! If I don't give up.
"The Grand King... Amazing ! That's really amazing ! He's so strong ! and even stronger than Kageyama !", he thought.
After Karasuno's victory against Aoba Josai, Hinata felt more nervous than before the match. Whereas everyone was ready to leave, he needed to refresh himself. At that moment, he saw Kageyama and that scallion boy. "What was his name already ? Kondaishi ? Kindishin ? Meeh, who cares." He decided to leave discreetly because the two seemed to talk seriously. On his way, he ran into their new strong opponent. Oikawa.
"Yahooo! Shōyō-chan !", he said happily with his clear voice.
Hinata was surprised. He didn't expect that King to approach him, and even to know his name.. And by the way, how did he know?!
"Congratulations ! But... don't forget that you only won because I wasn't there at the beginning of the match", Oikawa said while pulling the ginger's cheeks. "Anyway, as expected of my dear kouhai, Tobio-chan really improved. And he's.. quite different than before. Is it because you're here ?"
Hinata was speechless ; he couldn't say a word. What does he want ?! Why is he saying this to me ?! He could have talked to Kageyama directly..
"Hinata. Senpais are waiting," said a familiar voice.
"Kage - !" Before he even finished talking, Kageyama took his hand and headed for the exit, while giving a dirty look at the brunette.
They could hear him say "Bye-Byeeee Tobio-chaaaan !" before they joined the others.
"You're only first years.. You reckless brats think you can keep waiting your great senpais ?!" Tanaka yelled.
"Aaah, finally ! What were you doing ?" Suga asked, holding back his laugh.
"I'm sorry," Kageyama finally answered before they both sat.
During the ride, none of them talked. Actually, Hinata was lost in his thoughts and Kageyama couldn't calm himself. Why was he angry ?
Hinata was in his bedroom, in the dark. His sister was already sleeping. He was still thinking about him.
"You're bad at receives, right ?".. Sure, Hinata was really bad at receives but it wasn't the only thing he failed at. He shake his head, as for get Oikawa out of his thought.
A short time afterwards, he started to ask himself if he did something bad towards Kageyama, before sending the aforesaid a message.
"Oi, Kageyama.. Are you still mad at me ?"
Kageyama looked at his phone. "Idiot !" he thought. He wasn't actually mad at Hinata. No, he was mad at Oikawa. But what could he say ? "Don't worry, I just don't want that guy to approach you because you're mine" ? Tsssh..
(And that's how Kageyama fell asleep without even answer to his beloved Shōyō.)
Class finally ended. The little spiker ran towards the gym, where his friend was already waiting.
"Kageyama !" The concerned smiled at the cute voice calling him. Hinata ; the one he wanted to say those words. The words that he couldn't even think at.
"...Yo," he blushed. "Sorry for yesterday, I.."
"Don't mind. Anyway,.. It's volleyball time !" he said , full of enthusiasm. Hinata smiled at Kageyama, and they both entered the gym to start training.
"I want to be stronger. And I will. For you, Hinata, and for the team. Together we'll defeat Aoba Josai and especially Oikawa once more," Tobio thought.
"Next time, for sure.. I'll show him how I receive ! That King better should not underestimate me !" It looked like Oikawa's words were still in Hinata's mind.
Kageyama served. Once. Twice. Hinata's arms were red, marked from the contact with the ball.
"That's not good, Hinata."
"I know, you idiot !" he answered, embarrassed.