A/N: This is my very first Dean/Castiel fic but I'm looking forward to writing it, really. I might get the characters a bit wrong, but after all it's an AU so I can pretty much do whatever I want to and with them *chuckles darkly*
I'm not sure how often I will update this, but I will try to do it at least once a week and I have no idea how long it'll turn out to be, but don't worry.
ALSO I'm not American in any way (I'm Swedish) so I don't know shit about High Schools so if you se something weird, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

This is also posted on AO3 under the same name. (I also have the same username there too).

First things first

I don't wanna be forgotten

Even worse

I don't wanna be alone

The Neighbourhood - No Grey

The bell rang and every student standing in the big corridor started to hurry. Castiel were already in his seat, it was only the third school day of the year and he had already started to get a hang of his classes, at least in the right order.

Soon people started to come in through the door to the first English lesson of the year and Castiel knew all of their faces, same old boring faces that he'd seen the last two years of his high school life.

English class were always boring since he barely knew anyone there, at least not good enough to call anyone "friend" and everything the teacher said he already knew. But, this was his last year and he was hoping that this year it might become a bit more interesting and maybe he'd even make a new friend, because after all, he wasn't shy.

This year there were a new teacher at the front of the classroom, a pretty young woman, average length with short, brown hair. She looked pretty strict and Castiel felt good about that because the only thing worse than being in a classroom filled with people you don't know and the teacher only telling you things you already know is being in a classroom filled with people you don't know that are loud and a teacher standing in front of the class, yelling and trying to get everyone's attention to tell everyone things you already know.

When everyone had taken their seats (Castiel sat as usually in the front row, next to the right wall of the classroom where a big window were placed) the teacher started talking.

"Good morning everyone and welcome to your first English lesson of the year. I'm your new teacher, Jody Mills. Okay, before we get started I'll have to check that everyone is here."

Castiel had been right, this new teacher seemed to know what she was doing and when she talked she had this tone that told everyone to sit down, shut up and listen and that was a good sign.

Ms. Mills started to call the names, one after one, in the same order that it'd always been.

"Masters, Meg." Castiel knew that the next name to be called was his own.


Ms. Mills took down a note of Meg being there before moving on to the next name. But before she had the time the door burst open and a light haired boy whom Castiel never had seen before entered. Everyone stared at the tall, muscular boy whom probably would be very popular if he weren't already. Even if everyone stared (a lot) he didn't look very uncomfortable, instead it nearly looked as if he enjoyed the attention.

The new teacher cleared her throat and looked intensely at the newcomer.

"And you are...?"

"Dean Winchester, ma'am." Dean had stopped and looked at the teacher who nodded and checked her list.

"Why are you so late, Mr. Winchester?"

"I'm new here and had to talk to the principal."

Ms. Mills actually didn't seem to mind very much and told Dean to take a seat but that he should knock next time, and try to be on time.

Dean sat down in the middle of the classroom and let his gaze wander around the classroom. Castiel was still looking at him, taking in every detail of his face, the eyes (blue? Green?), the nose, the lips, the freckles... And then those eyes met Castiel's and for a second they locked eyes and it all stopped.

"Novak, Cass... Castiel?" The voice of the teacher interrupted and Castiel looked away as fast as possible and turned his eyes to the front of the class room, leaving the new boy's eyes looking at the back of his head.

"Here," he answered and Ms. Mills looked up.

"How do I say your name?"


"Very well."

The name calling went on after that rather... weird moment of the new kid's eyes meeting Castiel's.

For the second time that day Castiel seemed to be right about Ms. Mills, she was actually a good teacher and seemed to have some useful information to teach them even if Castiel's eyes started to wander towards the new boy but every time it happened he made them wander out the window, watching the green leaves having fun in the wind.

He wasn't sure when he'd started drinking coffee, he just knew that it'd happened some time during his second year and now he nearly always had a coffee cup in his hand whenever he sat with his piles of books. Of course, being the first days of the year he didn't really had that much of homework to do, but Castiel had always liked being organised and on schedule and today he didn't have the usual book piles on his bed, instead there was a laptop with earphones attached to it, playing some music.

'Turn the lights out, so I can't se into your eyes.'

After the English lesson his fingers had began to tingle as they always did whenever he felt the urge to write and today that was the reason for the coffee mug in his hand.

Some days he wasn't sure what he wrote, some days he knew exactly and today he just felt that he needed to get the tingle out of his system.

'You know it's only place that'll give away your lies.'

His dream had always been to become a writer, for as long as he could remember. Starting up his outdated version of Word (he still wasn't sure why everyone had changed to the new, Castiel didn't find them that very different) he let his fingers rest on the keyboard as he opened an old document of some everyday poems as he felt like adding something.

'Turn the lights out in this place.'

Before he got down any words at all the door to his room opened and in the door stood his red haired sister Anna (obviously coloured hair since Castiel's hair was a dark brown, nearly the same colour as Anna had naturally) with a big smile on her face and Castiel turned off the music because he knew Anna was going to talk.

Anna was only one year younger than Castiel himself but Castiel had always thought of her as the same age as him for some reason, except for when they argued, then that one year was always good to point out.

"I didn't se you today," she said before throwing herself onto Castiel's bed, besides him.

"So, had a good third day?" he asked after moving himself a bit to the side so Anna could fit on his bed.

"Yes, did you se that really hot new guy in your grade though? Seriously, he was h-o-t."

Castiel smiled and just replied;

"Dean Winchester? We apparently have English together."

Anna's already big eyes grew even bigger.

"Really? Wish I was in third grade."

Castiel just nodded and turned his eyes once again to the laptop screen, trying to catch his thoughts in words again.

"What're you writing?"



Anna was out the door, laughing to herself as Castiel asked her to shut the door and she did, after shooting him a look that said more than thousand words. Castiel just wished he knew how to read all of those thousand words, because right now he only knew how to read about two of them and all he could read was 'hmm, sure?'

The following day was a long day, he had both English, maths and science, all in one long day that never seemed to end. Castiel was glad it was only the fourth day and everything was still pretty new and the teachers didn't really teach them that much, mostly it was just recieving some books and note some small things in the introductions every teacher held.

At least this day he had some lessons with his friends. Joining Andy at their usual table felt good and it felt even better (for some weird reason) when Dean Winchester arrived to his math lesson, accompanied by Jo Harvelle, one of Castiel's friends whom he still wasn't sure how he'd befriend since they were both so different but still, he liked the blonde girl. She was smart and funny, after all.

When the pair saw Castiel and Andy, Jo lead Dean towards them after waving and giving them both smiles.

"Is that the new guy?" Andy asked and shot Dean a look.

"Yes, I believe so." Andy nodded one time before saying hi to the two newcomers and saying that his name was Andy, everything sounding very smooth. Castiel did the same, trying to sound as casual as he could (not that very casual, but it'd do) while his heart did some strange things when meeting Dean's eyes. It was very strange, the whole heart thing, why it did this to him. It hadn't really happened before, but he wasn't blind, he knew why it was jumping up and down like crazy, but neither was he stupid, he knew better than to actually show it so he tried his best to hide it, hoping he was better at hiding it than he was at "casual" introductions.

"I'm Dean." One half smile later Dean and Jo had taken the two chairs next to Castiel, Jo sitting next to him and Dean one seat further away.

"Hey, how was yesterday? I don't think I even saw you," Jo whispered to Castiel as the teacher started talking.

"Intense day, I got the new teacher as English teacher, Ms. Mills, she seemed nice. How about you?"

"Hmm, good I believe. I met that guy," she nodded her head towards Dean who gave them a strange, asking frown with a smile, "who also said something about that English class. I don't know, Castiel, if you like a teacher it must be something good, right?"

The teacher shot them a hard look before Castiel got the chance to laugh, instead he only sent a small grin to Jo.

The two first weeks passed and Castiel spent both weekends trying to write by his computer at the small, cozy local café that wasn't invaded by every single student from the school. He liked the sound of people typing, reading and sipping coffee and somewhere some people were talking quietly. Mostly he liked the quietness and of course, the coffee. Even if Castiel had friends in school he wasn't sure how much they liked him and these thoughts far too often went through his head. Sometimes they spent time together at weekends and after school but it'd been some time since last time and he wasn't sure if it made him uncomfortable or not, but still, he liked his friends and he thought they liked him too.

Arriving to school the Monday after the first two weeks in school had passed was actually nice, everything was now in place and a schedule had started to form even after only two weeks of school.

First lesson he had on Monday was math and now it had started to calm down in maths class. Jo and Dean were now regulars by his side and he felt a sting in his heart when he saw that Jo now talked more to Dean than to him because Jo had from the start been his friend. He hadn't really talked to Dean that much, only a couple of words since Castiel was still pretty weirded out over his heart doing strange things whenever he was there but a joke and some small sentences had been exchanged and a lot of eyes on eyes.

Castiel wouldn't call himself shy, not at all, he just saw himself as a bit reserved, but not shy. There was a very fine line between the two but Castiel knew the line very well since he'd been shy once upon a time but now he was confident (sometimes) in his own skin and didn't really care what people thought even if they tended to not think a lot about him since he was somewhere in the middle of the popularity scale. He wasn't popular, not even close, but he was accepted and he sure wasn't one of the outcasts either.

Dean seemed to belong to the popular kids and Castiel was still a bit confused why he'd decided to befriend them instead of the popular kids but he didn't really complain. Why would he?


Castiel's head jerked up from his thoughts and looked at the teacher.


"Can you tell me the answer?"

A small whisper, just enough so that Castiel could hear gave him the answer.


The teacher nodded and continued with his numbers while Castiel turned his head towards where the whisper had come from and to his surprise his eyes met a pair of eyes, definitely green which belonging to the face full with freckles, smiling and he smiled back.

Four days later, French words were flowing trough the air, every word in very fragile state since everybody in the way-too-hot-classroom spoke pretty bad French.

Today everything they did was just trying to talk to each other and Castiel tried his best to understand whatever Jo was saying.

"Tu me mange?"

"I'm pretty sure that you just asked me if you could eat me."

"Fuck it." Jo swore but then laughed when she realised what she'd just said.

"So what? Exactly what I was trying to say, asshat."

"Was it?"

"No, Castiel, it was not. I was trying to ask you if we could eat in the cafeteria for lunch?"

Sometimes he felt a bit bad for not understanding jokes, how could he not? It was slightly embarrassing even if he usually understood.

"That sounds good to me. Andy too?"

"Yes, and Dean."

The French teacher, Mr. Henriksen, now stood at their table with a sharp look.

"That's a very French conversation you got there, Novak."

"Ça sonne bien, Jo."

Mr. Henriksen left but were still watching them as he walked to another pair talking broken French.

"Ton français n'est pas mauvais."


"Tu dois dire 'Toi aussi', ton... you butthead."

Jo slapped his arm playfully, the air waving all around. It didn't hurt, it never really did (sometimes it did though, but that was because Jo wanted it to hurt) so Castiel just laughed a small laugh.

"Toi aussi, butthead."

A/N: The lyrics used in this chapter is from the song Circles by Frankie Rudolf, which I highly recommend you check out because this guy is seriously brilliant, which I don't own. Neither do I own the Neighbourhood's music (sadly) or the characters (even more sadly-ier).