OMG GUYS I AM SOOOO SORRY! It's just that I didn't mean to delete Royal Lovebirds, but when I was working on it my computer went haywire and then the story deleted itself and all my documents got deleted, and I never had anything saved :( So now hands up for my newwww Jelsa fic!

Guys, for some reason this story was taken down, and I think it's because I did some chapters where they were just ANs. I've learned that now, so I'm reposting.

If you all want to do a favor, act like this story was never deleted. Keep giving me lovely reviews, acting like you don't know what will happen next. I hd over 10,000 views and over 100 reviews just when I had about 14 chapters, and it got taken down just because of one mistake. Please help me gain these things back. Shoutout to a reviewer who can post the Fanfiction rules so I can keep looking at them before I post a chapter to make sure I'm following them! Thank you so much for reading the story again.

I SORT OF switched up a thing or two, not a lot.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Elsa! Elsa, Elsa, Elsa!" I heard my younger sister Anna shout my name, bouncing on my bed.

"Mmmph?" I mumble, trying to wipe the sleep off of my eyes.

"Get dressed! Eat breakfast! We're going to college!" She says, and flips the light open.

I squint, my eyes trying to adjust due to the sudden brightness. "Okay, okay. Is my stuff in the car?" I ask, stretching.

"Yeah, now get readddyyyy!" I hear Anna shout as she runs down the stairs. I laugh quietly at her eagerness, and get ready.

"Finally, we're here!" Anna says as we step into the building. She has a mid-sleeve green top, jeans, and black flats. Her hair is tied up into a ponytail and she carries the luggage with her.

"Anna, it was only 45 minutes!" My best friend, Rapunzel, laughs. She has long golden hair that reaches her waist (I just decide to do that since 60 feet is kind of odd for 2014 :P) and she has a purple halter top with jeans and white heels. I'm wearing a light blue mid-sleeve shirt, a jean skirt, and white leather boots.

We enter SnowflakeMoon College, and go to a woman at the front desk. She had gray hair, glasses, blue eyeshadow, red lipstick, and has more wrinkles than the amount of times Miley Cyrus sticks out her tongue. (It's the lady from Monsters Inc, the one who's expression is less than a brick :D)

"Name?" She asks, no enthusiasm in her voice at all.

"Elsa Arendelle." I say, and she says, "room 215. You bunk with Merida Brave."

"Thank you." I take the key from her hand.

"Elsa, we'll meet you in front of your room." Anna calls from the line.

I nod, and begin walking towards my room. I suddenly feel myself knocked onto the ground.

"Watch it!" I hear a voice say, and I suddenly feel myself lifted.

I look to see a boy with white hair, blue eyes, a black tee shirt and jeans.

"Sorry!" I apologize, embarrassed.

Gosh, Elsa. You enter college, school didn't even start, and you already fell! I scold myself.

"Wait, are you Elsa Arendelle?" The boys asks.

"Um, yeah, and you are?" I suddenly feel self-conscious. I just entered this building and I already have a reputation?

"Oh, I'm Jack Frost! I'm your friend's boyfriend. Rapunzel?" He asks, wondering if I remember her.

"Oh, yeah! You guys just started dating, right?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. We started dating two days ago." He shrugs.

"Jack!" I hear Rapunzel shout, and she runs to him, kissing his cheek.

"Rapunzel! Anna! Who's your roommate? What room? Are you near me?" I assault them with questions.

"We're rooming with each other, Room 214, and yeah, we're right next to you!" Anna chirps.

"Yo! Jack, my man!" A boy with a goatee, brown hair, black leather jacket, and jeans, claps Jack on the back. A boy with fair blonde hair also follows, along with a boy whom also has brown hair.

"Oh, hey Flynn! Elsa, Anna, meet Flynn. Flynn, you remember Rapunzel." Jack says.

"Yep. Hey Anna and gorgeous Elsa." The boy winks and I feel my face warm up.

"And this is Kristoff," the blonde haired boy nods, "and this is Hiccup." The boy with brown hair gives a slight wave.

"Hey! Well, I actually have to go meet my roommate. See you all at lunch?" I ask.

"Yeah! Well, bye!" Jack waves, and I walk down the corridor. I see Room 215, and I enter.

A girl with red, frizzy, untamed hair is unpacking.

"Oh! Hi! Ye must be Elsa!" The girl greets, and I note she has a thick Scottish accent.

"Yeah! And you're Merida?" I ask.

"Yep." She laughs a little. "Imagine, a random girl in yer room, unpacking things." I also laugh with her. Wow, she has a great sense of humor.

"So, you wanna pack up after lunch?" I ask, setting my things down on the bed.

"Shore! I don't really have any friends." Merida says.

"That's okay, you can sit with me and my friends." I suggest.

"Alrighty, you must be one social lassie." Merida follows me out the door.

"Actually... I fell onto some random guy who's my best friend's boyfriend, and he introduced me to his friends." I laugh.

Merida shakes her head. "Well that must've been one moment."

"Hey guys! This is Merida. Merida, this is Hiccup, Kristoff, Flynn, Jack, Rapunzel, my best friend, and Anna, my sister!" I point each one out as I say their name.

"Nice to meet you all." Merida says.

All of a sudden, Anna lets out a squeal as she looks at her phone.

I sit down at the table, in between Rapunzel and Anna, across from Jack.

"I got a boyfriend!" She says.

"What?!" I shout. "Anna, we just entered this school!"

"So? It's true love!" She says, stomping on the floor excitedly.

"Elsa, it's fine." Rapunzel says. I let out a deep breath. "Okay, okay. So, who is he?" I ask.

"His name is Hans Isles, and he's dreamy!" Anna says with a far-off look in her eye.

"Hans? That lass is bad news. Sells marijuana from what I hear." Merida says. "But, could be rumors." She takes a sip from her juice.

"Anna, if he does anything, you better tell me." I say, a fierce look coming into my eyes.

Jack lets out a whistle."Someone is an overprotective sister." I kick him under the table.

"Ow! She's also got one leg." Jack rubs his shin.

"Elsa, maybe we can get you a boyfriend!" Anna says.

"Ohmygosh, yes! He could be a hottie! Elsa, you could name your kids after me and Anna!" Rapunzel agrees enthusiastically.

"Ahem, and me!" Merida butts in.

"Woah, woah, woah! Nobody is getting a boyfriend, nobody is having kids!" I say quickly.

I look to see the guys laughing. "Gosh, you guys just got here and are already thinking of having kids!" Kristoff wipes a tear of laughter from his eye.

"Duh, we're girls." Rapunzel jokes.

"OH MY GOSH! ELSA! HANS INVITED ME TO GO TO A PARTY! CAN I GO?! PLEASSSEEE?!" Anna looks up from her phone and begs.

"Only if we all can come." I say after a moment.

"Okay, I'll tell him." She begins typing letters on her phone.

I get up to empty my tray, and Flynn follows.

"So, Elsa. Would you, um, go to the party with me?" He asks.

"I'd love to." I say.

"YES!" He jumps up and cheers.

Wow, Elsa, you already got a date.

We enter Hans Isles house, and it reeks of alcohol.

"So, where do we put our coats?" Anna asks.

"Um," I open a closet, and I see a couple making out furiously.

"Hey! It's only been 2 minutes!" The girl says, and slams the door shut. I see a sign that says 7 Minutes In Heaven.

"Oh... fail." Rapunzel says.

"Guys! Here's Hans!" Anna pulls a man.

"Hey guys. Anna, let's go and party." Hans says, his words slurred.

"I'm going to go get some punch. You want anything?" Flynn asks me. I shake my head.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Rapunzel says, and trots off.

"Well, it's just you and me." Jack says.

"Yeah, where's Hiccup and Kristoff?" I ask.

"Dunno. They stayed in their dorm." Jack shrugs.

All of a sudden I hear a piercing scream. "God, that sounds like Anna." I begin running in the direction of the screams, and Jack follows.

"Anna!" I jiggle the doorknob of a bedroom that also has the sign, 7 Minutes In Heaven.

"Oh god, no! ANNA!" I shake the doorknob harder after reading the sign.

"Elsa, it's no use! I'm calling the police." Jack grabs me by the waist and pulls me back as I begin punching and kicking the door.

"NO! MY SISTER IS IN THERE!" I shout, and I push him. I then kick the door harder then ever, and it swings open.

I see Anna backed up in the corner, Hans trying to grab her, but Anna is beating the crap out of him if I do say so myself, and I do.

"Elsa!" Anna says as she looks up at me. I look around and I see that this is a kitchen. I grab the nearest frying pan and knock Hans out.

"Shh, shh, it's okay." I murmur soft words in Anna's ear as she cries into my shoulder.

"Guys, we better go before he comes to." Jack says from behind.

"Yeah, let's go." I lead Anna out of the room.

"Where's Rapunzel and Flynn?"I groan.

Jack shrugs. "I texted them, and they said they'll come soon." We were in the foyer, and Anna was feeling better.

"I'll get our coats." I open the closet door, the one that has the sign 7 Minutes In Heaven, (which I failed to see, once again) and I see Rapunzel and Flynn, making out aggressively. They both moaned into the kiss.

"O-Oh my god." I whisper, barely audible.

"Rapunzel?" Jack says in disbelief. Rapunzel and Flynn break apart.

"Elsa, I-" Flynn was about to say something, but I don't care for that shit.

"Save it. Anna almost got raped, and I see my best friend making out with my date. Let's go." I say.

"I agree." Jack gives Rapunzel and Flynn one last glance before we exit.

"Elsa, I'm sorry. I guess you and Flynn won't be having any kids named Anna, Merida, and Rapunzel." Anna cracks.

Her joke worked, I laugh a little. "It's okay, Anna. You didn't do anything."

We step into the car, me in the passenger seat, Anna in the back, and Jack driving. We drove to the college in silence.

Please, please, PLEASE review! It would mean the world to me! I'll also be giving shoutouts to those who reviewed because it would help a lot through this crisis.

Question For This Chapter: Who is your favorite Frozen character?