Eren managed to control his Titan form to seal up the hole, but now there is a bigger question. How did he become this way? Does the key hold the secrets to saving mankind from genocide? Or there others like him? The Survey Corps must find a way to stop the Titans, and Eren is the answer. The squad of 104th class are lost in the vast land of the closed walls.
"Tougher than a lion
Ain't no need in tryin'
I live where the sky ends
Yup, you know this"
Rihanna - Hard Lyrics
"We lost our formation," Jean said angrily as he moved his horse over to Armin and the others. "If we stay out here, we will die."
Armin only nodded as his blue hues stared at the forest in front of them. It was taunting them, knowing without a stable surface they couldn't use their maneuver gear. "There are no trees to grasp onto if a Titan showed up. We need to find shelter in the forest. Titans can't climb trees."
Sasha's large purpleish eyes widen at the thought and she swallowed her fears into the pit of her empty stomach. The squad followed Armin's lead as his horse galloped over to the large forest. Despite being in the walls, it felt like being outside into the unknown, it's just as terrifying. The horses were pushed to their limit to reach the large forest. If they can reach the forest, they are safe. If not….
Then, the whole squad turned their head upon a shake from the Earth underneath them. Jean looked to the side to see 10 meter and 13 meter Titans running over to the group.
"TITANS!" Jean shouted causing the group to turn their attention to the creatures.
"What do we do!?" Conny shouted. "We can't take them on without something for our cables to grab onto!"
Armin's blue eyes began to shake from the thought of being eaten. They have come so far, they can't be so easily defeated. Then, his eyes grew focused on the forest. His eyes narrowed and grew focused.
"Keep going to the forest!" he shouted.
The dquad kept their horses directed to the forest but then Jean noticed another horse coming from the other direction from the forest. Perhaps another Scout? The horse grew closer to the group and Jean got a clear look at the figure. It wasn't wearing a green cape like the rest. The figure had short red hair that flowed behind its back and with two swords resting on its back. The horse is much bulker than theirs with multiple bags resting on either side. The figure grabbed both of the swords and held them at either side of its body. The horse grew closer and then Jean saw it was a woman.
"OUT OF MY WAY WALL DWELLERS!" She shouted and the horse moved through the squad. She was heading right for the two Titans at full speed causing Armin to grab his horse reigns, causing the horse to stop.
Jean and the other stopped as well to watch the red head.
"Either she's the bravest woman I've ever seen or the dumbest." Reiner said as he used his hand to block out the sun as he watched the red headed woman.
Armin couldn't take his eyes off her back and Jean looked as well, a symbol was on her back. It was of two swords stabbed into a head. It was unlike any of the military's symbols. Who is she?
Then, Armin pointed to the left of the Titans. "Look!" The squad all turned to watch as another figure appeared over the hills. Another horse was heading right for the running Titans. They are too far away to see who it is. Yet, the figure pulled out a rope and threw the other end at the red head who caught it. The Titans kept running to the figures and Armin's eyes widen. The two figures were positioned on either side of the Titans with the rope directly in front of the Titans.
"They are going to fall," he whispered.
"What!?" Conny shouted and just watched.
Sure enough, the horses kept on either side and the Titans fell over the rope they were holding. The Titans fell harshly onto the grass below, causing the Earth to shake. The figures released the rope but they did not attack. Despite the Titans being on the ground, one tried to grab one of the figures but the figure cut off its fingers with a sword. Then, another figure appeared out of thin air from behind the Titans and in a blink of an eye, the Titans napes were cut off. It happened so quickly, but the Titans were dead.
The figure who cut off their napes flipped in between the other figures. Despite being far away from them, the figure has on a mask over its face. It looked like a shrouded cowl that has a red piece of fabric covering its entire face, even its eyes. Its eyes are completely covered. It killed a Titan without having its vision. The sight struck fear and curiosity into Armin.
A black horse appeared from behind the dead Titans and trots over to the figures. The masked figure hopped onto the horse. The three figures just stand around the two fallen Titans.
Jean's hands tremble as he looked at the three figures. Sasha couldn't believe her eyes and she just whispered to herself, "They went into battle…without fear…but,how?"
Armin stared at the figures who were just standing near the Titans and then kicked his horse on its side, causing the horse to gallop over to them.
"ARMIN!" Reiner shouted causing the others to watch him disappear over to the figures.
The blonde kept his horse directed at the figures and as he grew closer he saw that another figure was a woman. She had a black Mohawk with braids hanging on the shave side of her head. She also had a large scar on the left side of her face from her ear to the corner of her lips. The red head looked over her shoulder to see Armin.
Armin pulled on the reigns of his horse and just stared at the figures. They struck fear into his body from their seer power, but he had to know who they were.
The red head just looked away toward the masked figure who had a small notebook in its hand, writing something down. The dark haired woman only raised a brow at Armin.
"What do you want wall dweller?" She questioned.
Armin felt a lump in his throat and words failed him as he stared at the figures. He got a clear look at the masked figure. It was wearing strange armor made unusual material but it looked like darkness created it. It was also wearing a cape with the same symbol as the other two. However, he noticed the masked person had more weapons than the other two. It a long sword resting on its side, three Tantos on the other side of its body, and it looked like she had smaller weapons on her back but the cape covered them. The masked figure closed the small journal in its gloved hands and looked at the other two.
"Let's keep moving." The masked figure spoke; its voice was muffled but sounded very feminine.
The two women nodded and the red head looked at Armin.
"You should head for cover," she spoke in a softer tone than the dark haired woman. "You will surely be killed if you stay out in the open."
Armin's mouth felt like it was frozen as he stared at the women but finally the ice melted from within him. "Who are you?"
The masked figure walked ahead of the other women and the dark haired woman followed behind it. Yet, the read head smiled only a little at him.
"Slayers," she replied and then followed the other two into the open field.
Armin's eyes widen and his hands gripped to the horse's reigns.
"T….That's….impossible," he whispered to himself. He could hear the gallop of horses behind him and his named being called from the squad, but the shock had overtaken his body from that word. Slayers.
Author's Note: Side note if you are a visual reader, the masked figure's armor and mask are from Skyrim since I love the armor desgins. So look up Nightingale Armor. Please review, but if you have nothing nice to say then keep it to yourself. Thank you.