"Sammy? Can you hear me?" Dean called. "Sam?" He wandered down the empty halls, his voice echoing, looking for his Sasquatch little brother. He kept his gun halfway up, for when the S.O.B they were hunting decided to show up. The demon had taken Sam, and had hidden him somewhere. Dean sensed movement to his left, and immediately turned, the gun rising.

"Hello Dean," Castiel said in his monotonous voice. Dean sighed and lowered his weapon.

"Cas," he replied.

"Where's Sam?" the angel asked. Dean sighed again, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"That's what I'm tryin' ta find out, Cas. The damn demon we're hunting decided he wanted to play hide-and-seek."

"I do not understand what that means."

"I am fully aware." A sudden bang echoed around the two men, setting Dean's inner alarm off. He quickly raised the gun, searching the area around him. Too suddenly for his liking, the gun was flung out of his hands, and he was thrown into a wall. Cas stood his ground as the demon came out, its meat suit a young man with a beard.

"Castiel, how've you been?" the demon asked, smiling, its black eyes flashing momentarily before changing back into the hazel of the meat suit.

"Hello Gary," Castiel replied. He threw the demon up against the wall, pinning him there with his mojo. Dean hauled himself up, walking over to Cas and the demon.

"Where's Sam?" Dean ground out. The demon smiled, not saying a word. Dean pulled out the demon blade and examined it, meeting the demon's eyes, which were full of realization. "I'll ask again; where's Sam?"

"What are you gonna do, kill me?" the demon scoffed.

"Sure, Gary, if that's what you want. But I'll make it as painful as possible, and you'll tell me where Sam is, because I think you'd be into that kind of kink," Dean hissed, slicing the demon's arm. Gary screamed, struggling against Cas. A stab to his leg had him spilling his guts.

"Last door in this hallway!" he shouted. Dean looked at Cas, who nodded, before plunging the knife, handle-deep, into the demon's chest. He cried out before dropping to the ground, dead.

"Let's go," Dean said, pulling the knife out. The two hurried down the hall, and Dean kicked the door they were looking for open. What he saw made his jaw hit the floor.