Seeker: So this is a collab between me and Samuraipegasus12.

Samurai: Yup! That's right! This story has a bunch of OCs in it (created by me and Seeker) and it has a new...

Seeker: -clamps hand over sister's mouth- Quiet! Anyways, this chapter is a story in itself, but is apart of a bigger story that will make more sense later. Samurai! Do the disclaimer!

Samurai: -peels Seeker's hand off of mouth- Jesusseeker1 and Samuraipegasus12 do not own MFB! Enjoy!

"Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, he's never met me before," a fifteen year old girl stated. Her fiery red hair was pulled back in a braid that reached the middle of her back while her golden-brown eyes flickered questioningly. She wore a red t-shirt that had a storm cloud with a yellow lightning bolt printed on it, skinny jeans, white sneakers, and a wide brown belt for her bey gear. A yellow headband held all but her bangs back with an orange profile of a phoenix centered on it. "He might not even like me."

A tall man with equally fiery red hair and golden-brown eyes smiled fondly at the girl. "Audra, his opinion of you can't be bad because he doesn't even know you exist. Besides, you're a blader. With that fact alone, he'll accept you."

Audra smiled grimly as she looked down at the ground. "I hope so," she whispered.

"Pegasus! Cosmic Tornado!" Gingka yelled, unleashing his special move.

Zero yelped as his Ifrit was blown out of the stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen! As expected, the Legendary Blader of Autumn, Gingka Hagane himself, has breezed his way through this tournament with another incredible win!" DJ yelled.

The crowd roared with excitement as the blader grinned and waved before he walked over to Zero, grabbing Ifrit on the way. After placing the bey in his hands, Gingka whispered in the young blader's ear.

Giving the Legend a broad grin, Zero nodded before he whipped out his launcher and launched high up into the air.

The crowd watched in confusion as the bey rose higher and higher while the bey's spirit erupted into existence. Ifrit roared before Pegasus suddenly appeared beside it, their armor gleaming in the bright light before they clashed, creating several explosions in the air that closely resembled fireworks.

The two bladers watched with wide grins on their faces as the crowd sighed in pure bliss at the sight of the red and blue explosions. Gingka then leaned towards Zero as the Ifrit wielder caught his bey.

"Can you do a back flip?" Gingka asked.

Zero pulled back slightly in surprise, brow raised curiously. Gingka grinned as he pointed towards Pegasus who stood proudly in spirit form twenty feet away. The bey was motionless, the only sounds coming from it being the swish of its hair thanks to a gentle breeze and a soft nickering as it seemed to be laughing a Gingka.

Gingka glared at the bey, Zero instantly recognizing the telepathic communication the two were having before he nodded at the Legend.

"Then follow me," Gingka whispered before he leapt up into the air from his motionless standpoint. The redhead twirled in the air, doing a perfect somersault until his right palm was square on Pegasus' back with Gingka's body perpendicular to the bey's, his feet high over his head in a perfect one-handed handstand.

Zero stared wide eyed at the trick but smiled when Gingka gave him a reassuring grin from his upside down position as he stretched his hand out towards the younger blader. Giving himself a running start, Zero vaulted into the air, flipped, then found his wrist being suddenly grabbed onto.

The blue eyed blader didn't have a chance to respond before he was suddenly standing on Gingka's feet, seven feet in the air with his hands up high in a v-shape as he panted slightly.

The crowd whooped and cheered at the display of skill while Zero hesitantly waved at them, Gingka chuckling as he petted Pegasus' back affectionately with his free hand.

With a grin Zero finally flipped off of Gingka's feet and safely landed a few yards away while still waving. The redhead then used his hands to walk around on Pegasus for a few moments before finally flipping so that he now sat proudly on the back of his bey.

Chuckling as the Legend also waved at the crowd, Zero teased, "Show off!"

Sending a broad grin to his protege, Gingka laughed, "Yup!"

"You guys are insane! Your pranks on Shinobu and Ren left them trying to get pudding and Jell-O out of their hair for three hours!" Madoka exclaimed as she walked with the two champions towards Bey Park.

The two bladers grinned at each other. "What are we supposed to be? Calm and composed?" Gingka retorted with a laugh.

Madoka opened her mouth to respond but quickly shut it, earning a chuckle from the two. "I suppose not," she admitted with a giggle as they walked through the doors.

Zero instantly raced towards one of the lifts before raising his launcher towards a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes.

"Besides," Gingka continued, glancing every now and then towards the stadium. "Zero deserves a break after that whole thing with the DNA. It kind of freaked him out when…"

"He saw you trapped like that?" Madoka finished, catching the sad look the redhead shot towards the distracted Ifrit blader.

"Yeah, when he saw me." Gingka sighed, looking down at his feet while he shuffled them. He suddenly snapped his head up at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Burn Fireblaze! Burning Fire Strike!" a deep voice yelled as an explosion erupted, knocking Zero and his opponent nearly off of their lifts, their beys thrown completely out of the stadium.

"Dad!" Gingka cried as he caught sight of a blonde masked figure who wore a long orange coat as he stood high up in the stands.

After recovering from his fall, Zero along with the rest of the bladers all turned from the masked man to Gingka in shock. "Dad?!"

An orange bey leapt from the clearing dust towards the man's outstretched hand before he jumped so that he stood only a few feet in front of Gingka and Madoka. The two smiled as the masked man unhooked and pulled off his mask, revealing a fiery haired, golden-brown eyed man.

Madoka chuckled as she grinned. "Phoenix," she greeted.

Ryo looked somewhat shocked before he struck a dramatic pose. "That's right! I am the one, the only, the Immortal Phoenix!"

Gingka sweatdropped. "You haven't changed a bit."

The elder redhead turned towards the younger with a huge grin on his face. "The size of my spirit can only grow, but the nature of it will always stay the same," he said as he put his fist to his chest and winked.

Chuckling, Gingka wrapped his arms around Ryo. "I've missed you," he mumbled as the two hugged. After a few moments, the Legend pulled away and eyed his father curiously. "So what brings you to Metal Bey City?"

"Bladers," Ryo replied simply before he turned to face the younger bladers that had gathered around the three adults in a wide semicircle. "My name is Ryo Hagane. You've probably already guessed that I'm Gingka's father."

Zero chuckled as he took a step towards the Fireblaze wielder. "Nice to meet you, sir," he greeted with a grin.

Ryo arched an eyebrow before he turned to his son. "Is this the young man you've been telling me about?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Gingka grinned as he stood beside the two while Madoka tood beside Zero. "Yeah this is Zero Kurogane, Dad. He's an incredible blader," Gingka answered, making Zero blush.

"Yes, I've heard of Zero and his win at Neo Battle Bladers," Ryo said, smiling brightly at the blue eyed blader.

"That's not all though," Gingka continued. "Zero and his friends came to rescue me at the DNA after I got captured."

At this, Ryo whirled on his son, eyes wide. "You were captured by the DNA?" he yelped.

Madoka chuckled as she elbowed Zero in the ribs. "Looks like someone didn't tell his father what he's been up to lately," she whispered to the Ifrit blader. "Let's watch the fun."

"Uh, I uh…" Gingka began nervously.

Ryo crossed his arms over his chest while he raised a brow at his son, waiting for a response.

Sighing heavily, Gingka nodded. "Yeah, I got captured when I was trying to help this young blader who I thought had gotten his bey stolen. I then got trapped and was taken to the DNA where Zero and his friends battled until they found me. After that, us and the top DNA bladers escaped after we defeated Doji again and the building was destroyed."

"Benkei, Tsubasa, and I all flew in on a couple of helicopters and we brought the group back here. Ever since then, Zero and Gingka have become the best of friends and Gingka is always helping to train Zero, his friends, and the other bladers," Madoka finished as she motioned towards the bladers around them, all of which smiled and nodded in agreement.

Ryo shook his head. "I can see you haven't changed either," he sighed.

Grinning, Gingka shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a blader," the Pegasus wielder replied before he grinned. "Come here guys!" Gingka waved towards a group of bladers that had just entered and were watching from the back of the group.

Madoka and Zero's faces lit up when they saw all of Zero's friends, Benkei, and Tsubasa.

"Phoenix?" the two adults asked in surprise.

"How do you know him?" Kite asked, pointing at the redhead who stood next to Gingka.

"He looks a lot like Gingka, don't you think?" Maru whispered to Eight who nodded his head.

"Phoenix is an old friend," Benkei replied as Tsubasa watched the redheaded man.

Ryo smiled. "How's the WBBA doing, Tsubasa?"

"Fine, though not as great as when you were running it," Tsubasa replied with a small smile.

"Wait, he ran the WBBA?" Shinobu asked in surprise.

"I did," Ryo answered before turning to Benkei. "I hear you've opened up a restaurant."

Benkei nodded. "Bull Burger, home of the greatest burgers in the world!"

"I don't doubt that!" Ryo laughed, his deep chuckle instantly putting the still wary bladers at ease.

"He's right, Dad. Benkei makes a mean burger," Gingka added with a grin.

Ren's eyes widened. "He's your Dad?"

Both redheads nodded. "Yup, meet Ryo Hagane, aka the Immortal Phoenix," Gingka said, elbowing his dad in the ribs.

Returning the sharp poke, Ryo shot his son a playful glare before smiling at the bladers. "Who wants to battle?"

"I do!" every young blader in Bey Park yelled as they all whipped out their launchers and pointed them at Ryo.

Turning to his son to help him call them off, Ryo sweatdropped at the sight of Samurai Pegasus' face bolt appearing behind Gingka as the eyes of the Legendary Blader of Autumn gleamed challengingly.

Sighing, the Fireblaze blader stepped up onto one of the lifts before gesturing to the other. "Well let's go!"

Ryo grinned as Gingka pushed Zero towards the opposite lift, the Ifrit wielder looking nervous before he confidently rose up into the air. The remaining bladers all took their stances around the stadium.




"Let it rip!"

As everyone launched, Gingka and Ryo shared a look, and father and son nodded in agreement. Slowing down their rotations, each told their respective beys that this was a half-power battle and that it was a teaching tool for the younger bladers, not a time for them to show off.

In a flash of light, Ren had called out her special move, others quickly following her as they all targeted Burn Fireblaze.

While Gingka listened to his dad effectively block every attack, even at half his normal strength, the Autumn Blader closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall with a small smile on his face.

"Ifrit! Burning Upper!"

Madoka, Tsubasa, and Benkei all laughed as Gingka yelped, his eyes flying open while he jumped away from the wall. "Pegasus!" His bey just barely had enough time to jump over Zero's special move, to the shock of others but to Zero's obvious frustration. It seemed the Neo Battle Bladers champion had experienced this before and had hoped his flames were too high today for Pegasus to jump over. Apparently he was wrong.

Ryo watched in surprise as the beys in the stadium began to be sucked towards the ring of fire that was Samurai Ifrit. Soon all but three were knocked out. "Fireblaze!" the redhead shouted as his bey began to burn brightly.

"Pegasus! Storm Bringer!" The blue synchrome began moving twice as fast as Ifrit, its blue flames quickly overpowering the red and orange ones until they completely enveloped the entire stadium.

"Ifrit!" Zero cried as his bey was knocked out of one of the holes in the bottom of the stadium.

Ryo smiled to himself as the blader sighed in defeat. The redhead then turned back to the battle. "Alright Gingka! It's just you and me!" he yelled, sweeping his arm to the side.

Smiling as his eyes blazed fiercely, Gingka called, "Lets take it up a notch! Full power!"

Zero's mouth dropped. "You weren't even using your full power?!" he exclaimed as he glared at the redhead.

Gingka shrugged sheepishly but quickly refocused on the battle. "Pegasus! Star Booster Attack!"

"Burning Fire Strike!" Ryo yelled as his eyes brightened in excitement.

An explosion soon followed, but as the dust began to clear, three bey silhouettes appeared. Pegasus soon blew the dust away to reveal itself and two Fireblazes.

Gingka's eyes widened slightly but he made no other outward reaction.

Ryo growled under his breath before turning to his left. "Stay out Audra. This is not your fight." Burn Fireblaze then knocked the other fiery bey out of one of the pockets, swiftly defeating the bey.

Turning, Gingka caught sight of the owner of the second Fireblaze. She had bright red hair that was braided down to the middle of her back while golden-brown eyes flashed in frustration as her bey stopped moving.

Seeing the roughly fifteen year old girl at the same time as the Legendary Blader, Madoka noticed with a chuckle that she too wore a headband that closely resembled Gingka's. However, this one was a bright yellow and sported the profile of the fiery bird that was the blader's bey.

Gingka opened his mouth to ask who she was but was cut off when Ryo called for his special move once more.

"Pegasus! Stop his attack! Stardust Driver!" In a flash, Burn Fireblaze was also knocked out of the stadium.

Ryo sighed as he retrieved both his and the girl's bey. Tossing the red and orange bey to the girl, Ryo shot a smile to his son while the two began walking towards the door. "I'll see you later, Gingka!"

Madoka watched as the girl hesitated for a second while she gave the man an incredulous look before she lowered her head and once again began following Ryo.

"Wait!" Gingka yelled as he caught Pegasus and leapt off of his platform before it even had a chance to touch the ground. "Dad! Wait, please!"

The redhead raced out of Bey Park, determined to catch up to his father.

It wasn't until they were outside of the park did Gingka finally catch up to them enough that the two turned around to face him. Panting slightly, Gingka looked from one redhead to the other. "What's your name?"

The girl looked confused before she pointed to herself. "Me?"

Gingka rolled his eyes before smiling gently. "Yes you."

"Uh, my name is Audra," she replied hesitantly, glancing up at Ryo who nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, Audra took a step towards Gingka, her head held high. "My name is Audra Hagane."

The Pegasus blader blinked before he looked to his dad questioningly. When Ryo gave a helpless smile, Gingka's gaze returned to Audra in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and curiosity.

"Are you a strong blader?" Gingka suddenly asked.

Taken by surprise at his bluntness, Audra stared at the Legend before she shrugged. "I guess. I mean, you just saw Dad defeat me like I was nothing while you defeated him in the blink of an eye."

Gingka grinned at Audra. "So you're my sister."

Audra's jaw slackened as her eyes widened at the twenty-one year old before turning on Ryo. "Did he really just accept me like that? So quickly and without a fight?"

Ryo chuckled as he crossed his arms. "Gingka's known for his laid back personality. However, for him, bladers are family and it doesn't matter where you come from or who you're related to because he will fight for any blader."

"Really? Even though I just popped up out of nowhere, you'll still defend me because I'm a blader?" Audra asked the Autumn Blader.

"The fact that you're blood related even strengthens his bond with you," Ryo continued, smiling fondly at his son who nodded in agreement.

"Yup," Gingka replied simply. "Come on, let's battle!" His launcher was soon aimed at the ground between him and Audra.

"But I'm not nearly as strong as you," Audra protested, backing up until she bumped into Ryo who gently pushed her towards Gingka.

"So?" Gingka retorted. "Where in the rule books does it say that only weak bladers can battle weak bladers and strong bladers can only battle strong bladers? As soon as someone can find that rule and show it to me, I'll battle whoever I want!" he yelled, his eyes burning with anger.

So many had refused to battle him because they thought they were either too weak or thought themselves above him. Needless to say, it was both battles against the strong and the weak that had helped Gingka to become the blader that he was.

Madoka, Tsubasa, Benkei, Zero and his friends all stepped outside to watch as Audra pulled out her bey and launcher.

"Fine, but I won't hold back!" the girl replied with a grin.

Gingka chuckled. "As long as you don't freak out when I use my full power."

The group behind the two redheads gulped at the challenging tone in both bladers' voices as they launched at full power.

"Samurai Pegasus!"

"Storm Fireblaze!"

The two beys clashed as their bladers shared a heated look, golden-brown clashing with golden-brown.

Audra was the first to break the look as Gingka's eyes began to throb with power while the blader himself stood calmly as his bey pushed Audra's up against a boulder.

"Fireblaze! Push him back!" However, the bey was caught between a rock and a hard place with nowhere else to go. "Gahh! Fireblaze Lightning Torch Attack!" Audra yelled as her yellow and red bey shoved Pegasus back just enough so that it could leap up into the air. Lightning then began to flash before a ball of fire and lightning Earth at the speed of light itself, burning bright and fierce.

"What was that?" Maru wailed as she watched the bey collide with Samurai Pegasus.

Madoka looked worriedly towards the Legendary Blader of Autumn, but was shocked to see that there was neither fear nor worry on his face as Storm Fireblaze connected with his bey.

"That is such a cool move! What did you call it again? Whatever it was, it was awesome!" Gingka exclaimed with a broad smile on his face.

Madoka sighed and shook her head. "You're still reckless," she muttered before she broke out in a wide grin. "I love it," she whispered to herself.

Ryo looked from his smiling son to his daughter and nearly busted up laughing at the look on her face. The fifteen year old's features were contorted in a mesh of surprise, angst, excitement, and fear.

"What will you do now Audra?" Ryo asked.

"I think I'll use my other special move. Fireblaze! Heaven's Brimstone Shooting Star!" Audra yelled.

Fireblaze quickly erupted into a ball of fire as it leapt once more into the air before smashing into Pegasus, a huge explosion knocking the girl off her feet.

"Did that end it?" Zero asked worriedly.

Audra cried out in triumph as the dust settled, revealing only her Storm Fireblaze as it wobbled slightly. She stuck her tongue out at Gingka with a triumphant grin.

Everyone looked wide eyed at the twenty-one year old whose bangs were shadowing his face.

"Gingka?" Zero whimpered.

A small smile suddenly broke out on the Autumn Blader's face.

"Uh oh," Madoka muttered, looking over at Benkei and Tsubasa as the three took several steps away from the battle sight.

With his eyes still shadowed, Gingka chuckled. "Everyone I battle seems to forget that a Pegasus without wings is just a horse. Pegasus has soared through galaxies with its wings. Prepare yourself sis!"

The jaws of the onlookers dropped as Pegasus' facebolt flashed brightly in all its glory high above their heads.

"Pegasus! Galaxy Nova!"

In a blinding flash of light, an explosion surrounded the bladers as the sound of metal clashing resounded through the air.

Suddenly, Storm Fireblaze was thrown up into the air before it landed motionless several feet behind Audra.

Staring with wide eyes at her bey, Audra breathed, "But… how?"

"He's the first ever champion of Battle Bladers, the World Champion, the Legendary Blader of Autumn, and arguably the strongest among the Legendary Bladers themselves," Ryo said. "I didn't really expect you to win in the first place, sweetheart."

Gingka caught his Samurai Pegasus out of the air with a grin. "That was awesome Audra! Your bey is so strong! I'll be looking forward to facing you and Storm Fireblaze in battle again."

Audra smiled at her older brother after she had returned Fireblaze to it's carrying case on her hip. "I'd love to."

"Well you won't have to wait long. Audra is living with me back in Koma so you two can battle whenever you're in the area Gingka," Ryo said with a smile.

Phoenix smiled as he thought about how glad he was that his son and daughter were hitting it off so quickly. It had been his biggest fear that Gingka would ignore or even despise Audra. It looked as if his fear hadn't been rationally based.

Gingka's smile faded for a second before his entire face lit up. He quickly turned towards his sister, his eyes shining. "Audra, stay here with me in Metal Bey City! We'll have tons of battles and you can meet everyone!" Gingka exclaimed, gesturing towards the bladers behind him who grinned.

Audra's eyes widened in surprise before she looked questioningly towards Ryo.

"It's fine with me. Gingka was traveling around Japan when he was a couple years younger than you. Besides, you have Gingka and his friends with you. If Gingka isn't able to protect you, then I know one of them will," Ryo said with a smile.

Turning towards her brother with a huge grin, Audra cheered. "Yes! Thank you so much for letting me stay with you!" She then flung her arms around the Autumn Blader's neck. "Thank you big brother."

Smiling, the Pegasus wielder held his sister close. "Anything for my little sister." Gingka then buried his nose in the fifteen year old's hair and breathed in her scent as a stray tear threatened to fall.

I never knew Mom. Dad was all I had. Then I thought Dad had died. But I was wrong. So now that I have you to hold onto, I'll never let go. Promise me that you'll stay close. Let me show you the love I have that I never got to show.

"I love you Audra," Gingka whispered.

The teen smiled warmly as her arms tightened. "I love you too Gingka. I barely even know you but you're already the best brother in the world."

Gingka: THAT'S MY SISTER! -gives Audra bone-crushing hug-

Audra: Ack! Gingka! Can't... Breathe!

Samurai: -facepalm-

Seeker: -sweatdrops- You're crazy.

Gingka: You're one to talk. Does Attack of the Authoresses ring any bells?

Seeker: Nope!

Samurai: Idiots...

Seeker: We hope you enjoyed this! GalaxyPegasus14 is working on drawing this character and future OCs on her deviantart account that you can go to.