A/N – This is just a small fluffy three part family story. I hope you enjoy.

A heavily pregnant, and very tired, Hermione Malfoy checked her watch as she wondered how much longer it would take to get home. Hermione and her husband, Draco Malfoy, had spent the weekend attending the wedding of his best friend Blaise Zabini and they were returning home. With Hermione being heavily pregnant the couple had decided to travel by car to and from the wedding, although with the long drive home Hermione was now regretting their decision.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, glancing over at his wife.

"I'm just tired." Hermione said as she tried to get more comfortable.

"We'll only be another ten minutes or so." Draco told his wife.

Relieved that the journey was almost over, Hermione settled back in her seat and watched Draco. Even though she'd been married to Draco for five years and they'd been together a few years before that Hermione still found it slightly surreal to see him at ease with muggle things like driving a car. When they first started dating he was very wary of anything that wasn't magical, but gradually he learnt to accept the muggle part of her heritage. Nowadays he was a lot more at ease in the muggle world and quite a bit muggle technology was a normal part of their life.

One of the first things Draco had taken to was television, closely followed by cars. He'd introduced both things to Blaise and the two wizards shared a passion for driving fast cars and watching sport and films on their large screen televisions. Luckily Hermione was good friends with Blaise's new wife, Daphne Greengrass, and the two witches spent plenty of time together while their partners were playing with their cars and watching television.

Hermione was jolted from her musings when they arrived home and Draco brought the car to a halt in the drive. Almost as soon as he stopped the car, Draco hopped out of the vehicle and was around the passenger side helping Hermione up. Hermione smiled gratefully at Draco as she stretched after the long journey.

"I'll grab the bags, you go and put your feet up." Draco said, giving Hermione a kiss before turning to the car to grab their stuff.

Leaving Draco to grab the bags, Hermione made her way towards the front door. Unlocking the door, Hermione stepped inside the house and frowned in confusion. Something wasn't right, there was a weird musty smell to the house and the carpet below her feet was damp. Flicking on the light, Hermione gasped as she saw the mess her beautiful house was in.

The floor was wet and there was a pool of water at the base of the stairs. Stepping further into the house, Hermione peered around the door that led to the living room. The room was a shambles, the carpet was soaking and all of the furniture was dripping wet. Looking at the ceiling Hermione saw that it was also damp and the far corner looked as though it was holding a pool of water that threated to crack the ceiling at any moment. Shaking her head at the mess, Hermione peered into the kitchen to find it was in a similar state as the front room.

"What the hell?"

Hermione turned round at the sound of Draco's voice and found her husband entering the house. He was carrying their bags and looking around in disbelief.

"I think we've had a leak." Hermione sighed. "The front room and the kitchen are a mess."

"Stay here, I'll go and check upstairs." Draco said, putting the bags down on a table that looked reasonably dry.

"I'm coming with you." Hermione insisted, following Draco as he headed for the stairs.

Draco helped Hermione step over the puddle at the bottom of the stairs and the couple cautiously made their way upstairs. The stairs were completely dry and when they reached the second floor the hall seemed perfectly normal. The first room they checked was the master bedroom and Hermione was pleased to discover the room was unscathed. The room next to the master bedroom was the nursery that Hermione had just finished decorating and getting exactly as she wanted, and as they headed towards that room she hoped nothing had happened to it.

Luckily the nursery was safe from what had occurred, much to Hermione's relief. That left the spare room and Draco's office to check, which was where the couple found the problem. As soon as they opened the door to the spare room they discovered what had happened, a pipe had cracked in the loft and the resulting leak had created havoc. The entire ceiling had collapsed and the room was totally destroyed by the water that had soaked through everything. Draco's office was in much the same state, although only part of the ceiling had collapsed and Hermione thought that some things might be salvageable.

"Bloody hell." Draco swore at the sight of his office. Luckily all his work at home was just a copy of work he had at the office, but there were a few personal bits in the room that were irreplaceable.

"We might be able to save some stuff." Hermione said gently. "I'm sure it's not all destroyed."

"I guess." Draco sighed. "But the timing couldn't be worse, could it? The last thing we want is a ruined house when the baby's due next month."

"We'll sort it." Hermione replied. True the timing was inconvenient, but they would fix things and hopefully everything would be fine by the time she gave birth.

"It's not going to be an easy job." Draco told his wife. "Even with magic, this will take a while to fix. First of all we need to determine if there's any permanent damage, then the pipe needs to be fixed. This won't be done before the baby arrives."

"What are we going to do?" Hermione asked.

"First of all we need to find someplace to stay tonight." Draco answered. "We can sort everything out in the morning, and assess the damage properly. But since it's late tonight, I think we should go to a nearby hotel for the night."

Hermione nodded and let Draco escort her back down stairs. When they reached the ground floor she took one last look around her house, before Draco grabbed their bags and they locked up for the night. Throwing their luggage back into the car, Draco drove them to a nearby hotel and the couple settled down for the night, hoping they could get everything sorted the following day.


In the cold light of day Hermione realised that things at the house were much worse than she'd initially feared. Examining the damage it was obvious that the house was inhabitable and Draco was guessing the work to fix it could take a good couple of months. The only bright side was that their bedroom and the nursery were untouched, so at least some of their things were safe. Just by looking around Hermione knew they would need to totally redecorate several rooms and buy new furniture. She also knew that plenty of personal items would be beyond saving, but she was trying to concentrate on the things they could save.

With the realisation that they wouldn't be able to stay at home Hermione and Draco had started to talk about their options. Hermione initially suggested they just carried on staying at the hotel, but Draco had refused to stay there long term. As he so rightly pointed out they could possibly be homeless for several months and with a baby due to be arriving soon they needed a more permanent solution.

"There's only one option." Draco stated. "We'll have to go and stay at the Manor. We can take plenty of our things and set up a nursery there as well."

"Isn't there another solution?" Hermione asked with a grimace. The thought of living at the Manor wasn't appealing in the slightest.

"No. The Manor's our only option." Draco replied. "You're not scared of my father are you?" He asked, knowing full well that Hermione wasn't scared of Lucius, they just didn't get along.

"Of course not." Hermione scoffed.

"Then there's no problem then is there?" Draco replied, smirking at his wife before he left the room to continue checking the rest of the house.

Hermione scowled at Draco's retreating form, wondering if she could find an alternative solution before her husband contacted his parents and arranged for them to go and stay at Malfoy Manor. Hermione had nothing against Narcissa, in fact she really liked her mother-in-law and got on great with her, it was Lucius that was the problem. Unlike Draco and Narcissa, who had avoided being sent to Azkaban after the war, Lucius did get a short jail term. By the time he was released Hermione and Draco were already a couple and Lucius made his displeasure known from the beginning. Draco had told his father in no uncertain terms that he was with Hermione and nothing Lucius could say would change that and if he didn't want to lose him then he would have to accept things. Lucius hadn't been happy with Draco's ultimatum, but he agreed to it and didn't try to cause trouble between Hermione and Draco. Despite not causing trouble his disapproval was still evident and he and Hermione had never forged a relationship, they merely tolerated each other for Draco's sake.

Not wanting to spend more time than necessary with her frosty father-in-law, Hermione began to think of other alternatives than going to the Manor. Unfortunately almost all of her ideas hit a stumbling block fairly quickly.

Her parents were out of the equation because they lived in Australia and to be honest Hermione didn't have the best relationship with them anymore. When they'd had their memories restored after the war they'd been disgusted with what Hermione had done and it had caused a severe rift. Over the years they had calmed down and accepted she had only been trying to protect them, but they'd never fully forgiven her for using magic on them. Within the last few years things had improved even more, but even if they lived in England Hermione doubted if she would be comfortably with asking them to put her and Draco up for a few months.

The most obvious solution had been Blaise and Daphne as the couple were their best friends. Hermione had been quite pleased with the idea, until she remembered they were on an extended honeymoon. Being a bit of a flash git Blaise had gone all out for the honeymoon, organising for him and Daphne to spend six weeks travelling the world and visiting all the places she wanted to see. Even if they hadn't been on an extended honeymoon Hermione figured it wasn't the best time to stay with them anyway, as newlyweds the last thing they would want was Hermione, Draco and a new baby gate-crashing their lives.

Hermione's best friends were also out of the equation, partly for the intrusion it would cause and partly because they just weren't quite as close any more. Hermione was closer to Harry and Ginny Potter, but they had a three year old son and Ginny was four months pregnant herself so it was hardly an ideal time for houseguests. Plus while Harry and Draco got along fine these days Hermione didn't think they would cope very well with living together, spending a few hours together every couple of weeks was very different from spending months under the same roof.

Hermione's other friend, Ron Weasley, was certainly out of the equation as there was no way in hell that Draco would stay with him and there was no way that Ron would make the offer. Things between Hermione and Ron had been strained since just after the war when she'd made it clear she didn't want to pursue a romantic relationship with him and she just saw him as a friend. Ron wasn't happy, but he'd accepted things with grace until Hermione went back to Hogwarts to repeat her last year and got involved with Draco. Ron had taken the news badly and had stopped speaking to her for nearly three months, he did come round eventually and they resorted their friendship but him and Draco had never gotten along and Hermione doubted they ever would.

"Damn." Hermione muttered, realising she was out of options. It looked like she was going to be staying at Malfoy Manor for the foreseeable future.