Final Chapter!

Chapter 6

Chase's Point of View

"So what I am hearing is Spike has been out for 3 days, he went on a mission and went to school for me?" I ask after Bree, Adam and Leo after they tell me what happened.

"Yep, you should have seen how mad Trent was after you showed in up in gym class." Leo laughs.

"Oh man, Trent is going to kill me." I moan.

"Oh yeah, you're dead." Leo agrees.

"He's going to skin you alive." Bree laughs.

"Can I have your Epod when you die?" Adam asks.

"Wait, is it Monday?" I ask them suddenly remembering something.

"Yeah, why?" Leo answers.

"Because today I was supposed to take my Chemistry Mid-term." Spike has ruined me.

"I think I saw Spike turning it into confetti." Adam says.

"Alright, why don't you kids get started on your homework?" Mr. Davenport says. He then turns and walks out of the lab.

"Hey Chase, can I ask you a question?" Adam asks me a couple minutes later.


"Why would I do that? " Adam asks.

"What's your question?" I rephrase myself.

"Can you tell what is going on while Spike is out?" He asks. This gets everyone's attention.

"Yeah can you? Spike said he could hear you talking from inside his head, and that you knew what was going on." Bree says.

"No, well maybe. Spike can tell what is going on when he is inside me head. He talks to me sometimes when I get really mad." I explain. "Although, if I can tell what is going on I don't remember it when I come back out."

'"Oh." Adam says.

"I have a question to." Bree states. "Spike said that he wasn't a glitch. He said that he was an ability and that you wanted him to come out in and hurt us, it that true?" Everyone is staring at me. They all seem… mad at me.

"What no! I would never wish for Spike to come out on anyone." This calms everyone down. "Although technology Spike was originally intended to be an ability, he has turned into more of a glitch since I can't control when he comes out." Everyone still looks like they are mad at me. "Guys, I'm sorry that Spike hurt you. I love you all and if I could get rid of Spike I would. I try so hard to keep him locked up, but sometimes he gets out."

"I guess he didn't cause too much damage." Leo says.

"Do you guys want to get some frozen yogurt or something? I'm really hungry." Adam suggest.

"Sure." Leo says.

"I guess." Bree agrees.

"I think I'm going to go for a run." I tell them.

"Why?" Bree exclaims.

"I need to get into shape so I can run from Trent for the rest of high school."

Okay that's it. So I'll have that new story posted as soon as I am able to. I can't really promise it to be any good though, I already failed at it once. So yeah, I'll try.

Sorry for the grammar/ spelling/ punctuation