"K-Kakarot, now what do we do?" Vegeta shivered as he held his mate close, looking at the pitch black screen before them.

Goku spoke not a word, but instead stood up, making Vegeta let go of him.

"Kakarot? What are you doing?" Vegeta looked up at his lover with a worried face.

"Vegeta," Goku finally spoke, "I have no other clue on what to do but to reset the game . . . to see what happens."

Vegeta's eyes widened as he got up, "Kakarot, you don't have to do it! We could just throw the game away!"

Goku shook his head as he walked over to the game system.

"Vegeta, it's just a game. It can't threaten us in any way." the bigger warrior spoke as he hit the reset button and the Pokémon Snap starting screen showed.

Looking up, Goku saw no other option but to go to the photo album.

"This is weird." he spoke as he walked over to Vegeta, sitting on his bed.

Vegeta, having a bad feeling, held onto Goku's arm and looked at the screen.

"Does it usually do that?" Vegeta looked at his lover.

"No . . . it doesn't." Goku gulped, speaking out the truth as he selected the photo album selection displayed, which he later, quickly wished he hadn't.

"K-Kakarot . . . " Vegeta trembled as his eyes widened.

"Oh my . . . " Goku too then began to shook as they both couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The album was full of hundreds of photos, all torturing and very mutilated scenes. Most of them involved children.

What shocked Goku was that these pictures weren't in 64 bit, but instead appeared to be authentic, scanned photos.

"Kakarot, ugh, I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Vegeta closed his eyes, his hand covering his mouth.

Goku too was overcome with nausea, and tried to get out of the album, which only made things worse. The game force scrolled down to the last picture and zoomed up on it. There they stood, Goku and Vegeta, not just them, but their dead bodies! Their bodies a foot off the ground, cameras jammed into their heads.

"Agh!" Vegeta screamed as he ran to the game system and took the cartridge out, breaking it into two.

The prince huffed and puffed, looking over at his still frozen lover.

"V-Vegeta, please tell me that wasn't us."

Vegeta walked over to Goku, putting one half of the cartridge into his hand.

"Why do you think I did this coconut head? You've seen correctly, the dead bodies . . . it was us. Now get up, we must get rid of this cursed game."

The couple couldn't sleep the whole night, due to the damned game they have played. The picture of their dead bodies was carved into their memories, not letting them sleep in peace.

Getting up the next morning with Vegeta, they walked to the kitchen to see Bardock cooking.

"Ah, good morning lovebirds!" Bardock chuckled, "How was last night?" he added a wink.

"Unforgettable." Goku grumbled as he took a seat next to Vegeta on one of the table's seats.

"Ah, really? What happened?" Bardock smirked.

"Dad, do you remember about the Pokémon Snap game I used to play with all the time?"

"Yes, what about it?" Bardock walked over to the boys with a mountain of pancakes.

"Well . . . did you by chance do something to it?"

Bardock scratched his head as his face displayed a look of sadness, "I thought you had grown out of it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"About what?" Goku looked confused, his lover beginning to take a couple of pancakes from the mountain.

"That game, when we moved in, it had broken because it fell out of the top of the box. The chip was ruined and cracked when I picked it up that I thought I should throw it away . . . I'm sorry I didn't tell you . . . "