"Nearly time for bed, I think." Said Mrs Weasley with a yawn.

"Not just yet, Molly." muttered Sirius, pushing away his empty plate and turning to look at Harry. "You know, I'm surprised at you. I thought the first thing you'd do when you got here would be to start asking questions about Voldemort."

The atmosphere in the room changed with rapidity Harry ascosiated with the arrival of Dementors. Where seconds before it had been a sleepily relaxed, it was now alert, even tense. A frisson had gone around the table at the mention of Voldemort's name.

Lupin, who had been about to take a sip of wine, lowered his goblet slowly, looking wary.

"I did!" hissed Harry indignatntly. "I asked Ron and Hermione but they said we're not allowed in the Order so.."

"And they're quite right." interrupted Mrs Weasley. "You're too young."

She was sitting bolt upright in her chair, her fists clenched on its arms, every trace of drowsiness gone.

"Since when did someone have to be in the Order of the Phoenix to ask questions?" asked Sirius. "Harry's been trapped in that muggle house for a month. He's got the right to know what's been happen…"

"Hang on!" shouted George loudly.

"How come Harry gets his questions answered?" demanded Fred angrily.

"We've been trying to get stuff out of you for a month and you haven't told us a single stinking thing!" spat George.

"You're too young, you're not in the order." Said Fred in a high pitched voice that sounded uncannily like his Mother's. "Harry's not even of age!"

"It's not my fault you haven't been told what the Order's doing." Sirius told them calmly. "That's your parents' decision. Harry, on the other hand…"

"It's not down to you to decide what's good for Harry!" Mrs Weasley countered sharply. The expression on her normally kind face looked dangerous. "You haven't forgotten what Dumbledore said, I suppose?"

"Which bit?" Sirius asked polightly, but with the air of a man readying himself for a fight.

"The bit about not telling Harry more than he needs to know." muttered Mrs Weasley, placing a heavy emphasis on the last three words.

Ron, Hermione, Fred and George's heads swivelled from Sirius to Mrs Weasley as though following a tennis rally. Ginny was kneeling amid a pile of abandoned butterbear corks, watching the conversation with her mouth slightly open. Lupin's eyes were fixed on Sirius.

"I don't intend to tell him more than he needs to know, Molly." Sirius growled. "but as he was the one who saw Voldemort come back"

(There was a collective shudder around the table at the name.)

"He has more right than most to…"

"He's not a member of the Order of the Phoenix!" interrupted Mrs Weasley. "He's only fifteen and…"

"And he's dealt with as much as most in the order." Sirius mumbled. "More than some."

"No one is denying what he's done!" hissed Mrs Weasley, her voice rising, her fists trembling on the arms of her chair. "But he's still…"

"He's not a child!" groaned Sirius impatiently.

"He's not an adult either!" Mrs Weasley told him, the colour rising in her cheeks. "He's not James, Sirius!"

"I'm perfectly clear who he is, thanks Molly." Said Sirius coldly.

"I'm not sure you are!" continued Mrs Weasley. "Sometimes, the way you talk about him, it's as though you think you've got your best friend back!"

"What's wrong with that?" shouted Harry.

"What's wrong, Harry, is that you are not your father, however much you might look like him!" snapped Mrs Weasley, her eyes still boring into Sirius. "You are still at school and adults responsible for you should not forget it!"

"Meaning I'm an irresponsible godfather?" demanded Sirius, his voice rising.

"Meaning you have been known to act rather rash, Sirius, which is why Dumbledore keeps remiding you to stay at home and…"

"We'll leave my instructions from Dumbledoreout if this, if you please!" growled Sirius loudly.

"Arthur!" pleaded Mrs Weasley. "Arthur, back me up!"

Mr Weasley did not speak at once. He took of his glasses and cleaned them on his robes, not looking at his wife. Only when he had replaced them carefully on his nose did he reply.

"Dumbledore knows the position has changed, Molly. He accepts that Harry will have to be filled in, to a certain extent, now that he is staying at Head quarters."

"Yes, but there is a difference between that and inviting him to ask whatever he likes!"

"Personally," Remus interrupted quietly, looking away from Sirius at last, as Mrs Weasley turned quickly to him, hopeful that she was about to get an ally. "I think it better that Harry gets the facts- not all the facts, Molly, but the general picture- from us, rather than a garbled version from… others."

His expression was mild, but Harry felt sure that Remus, at least, knew that some of the extendable ears had survived Mrs Weasley's purge.

"Well." muttered Mrs Weasley, breathing deeply and looking around the table for support that did not come. "well… I can see I'm going to be overruled. I'll just say this: Dumbledore must have had a reason for not wanting Harry to know too much, and speaking as someone who has Harry's best interests at heart.."

"He's not your son." murmured Sirius quietly.

"He's as good as." snapped Mrs Weasley fiercly. "Who else has he got?"

"He's got me!"

"Yes." hissed Mrs Weasley, her lip curling. "The thing is, it's been rather difficult for you to look after him while you've been locked up in Azkaban, hasn't it?"

Sirius started to rise from his chair.

"Molly, you're not the only person at this table who cares about Harry." Remus put in sharply. "Sirius sit down."

"No! don't sit down Sirius!" Harry shouted rising from his chair also. "Mrs Weasley, as touched as I am that was completely out of order and uncalled for. The past is the past. I can forget about that, what I wont stand for is unreasonable verbal abuse thrown at Sirius for something beyond our control!"

Everyone at the table stared at Harry with open mouths.

A grin spread across Sirius' face.

"Have you unpacked yet Harry?" he asked.

"No." Harry replied confused.

"Good boy. Accio rucksack!" Sirius called out, Harry's rucksack flying into his hand. "Come on Pup, we're leaving."

"What?!" Mrs Weasley screeched. "You cant just make off with him! Where are you going to go? the streets of London?"

"Who cares?" Harry smirked. "No offence, but you all left me with the Dursley's! what do you care what happens to me? you all forget me every summer!"

"Mate, you're talking madness!" Ron interrupted.

"No Ron. He's not." Hermione smiled, standing and walking over to Harry. "He told me in 3rd year, after we saved Sirius, that he was going to live with him one day. Some place you can see the stars, right Harry?"

"Thanks Mione, you're the best." Harry beamed.

"You'll be ok Harry. But you had better write to me." Hermione mumbled giving him a tight hug.

"I'll send Hedwig tomorrow. She can fly behind us." Harry assured her.

"We'd best be off then, c'mon Harry." Sirius muttered.

"Be safe you two!" Remus called after them.

"On the road again." Harry and Sirius snickered.

Hey Readers, this will be a 5 chapter story featuring Sirius, Remus and Harry bonding. The idea came to me when I was bored in **** class. Hope you enjoy, Your Loyal Writer...