A/N: Don't own KnA. I do own Iah Keagan. Thoth and Anubis avoid calling her by her first name for a reason.

Chapter 1

I seriously didn't want to be here. I brought here by Zeus for another girl so she wouldn't feel so alone. Until recently it was all her teaching on how humans did things, but as Christmas approached Yui leaned more on me for support and ideas.

I was currently sat in one of Master Thoth's classes just barely staying awake. He was teaching something in mathematics but I already knew it due to being pulled out of AP Calculus for correcting the teacher.

"Ms. Keagan, since you seem to be falling asleep, why don't you finish the problem on the board while I lecture?" It was worded like a question but if I knew this guy well in enough in the week I've been here, it was not a question.

I took the chalk and began writing while he talked towards the rest of the class. I took the time to do long division simply because I didn't want to go back to my seat and fall asleep.

"Try hard." I heard a voice from behind me call. I was pretty sure it was Loki, especially when Baldr called him out.

I finished the problem and went back to my seat. The second I sat down the bell rang indicating the end of class.

"Have fun at clubs!" Yui called to the gods while pinning me to my seat. Once they were out she began. "You've been here a week. Have you chosen a club yet?"

"None have gained my interest."

"You can create one." She got up from my desk. "You need to tell me by tonight. Look, I don't want to force this on you but Zeus and Thoth keep urging me to urge you to pick one." With that she left me alone in the room.

I went off to the library to clear my head and think of something that I could twist into a club.

The library was beautiful. If Thoth would just ignore my prescence, I could slowly move in and have no qualms with male roommates. The library was big, so big it could put the library of Alexandria to shame.

I found a few books and picked up the blanket that Thoth had started to order me to get before finding a corner to read in after he found me asleep one night the other week.

I was reading a book about Calculus and eventually lost track of time.

"Ms. Keagan, what are you doing here?" Master Thoth found me at the center of the stacks of books.

"Nothing." I said distractedly while trying to memorize the formulas in the book labeled Calculus. Suddenly the page went blank. I stared at the page for a minute before looking up. "What?"

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" I hated being talked to like a two year old. "I was reading. Now I'm talking to you, hoping you'll put the words back on the page."

His eyes narrowed. "Girl, it's nearly midnight. You were supposed to be in your dorm hours ago. Now I'll have to escort you."

I know I pouted visibly, "But I'm almost done with this one."

"Fine. Put these books back and I'll let you borrow that one, then I'll escort you to your dorm."

It seemed like the best deal I could get, so I took his hand and got up to put away the books. Putting away the books took about five minutes with me acting as a book cart and Thoth putting them on the shelf. When he started walking towards another shelf I stopped.

"I didn't get past the first shelf today." I stated staying were I was in the front of the library.

"This one must've been put in the wrong spot before you got it. You can stay there, I'll be back in a moment." He did as he said and we finished putting the books in silence. He put my name and the book number in the system.

Walking down the dimly lit hallway with him wore on my nerves. I didn't like being alone with any of the guys here. I knew how most mythology stories went. I just hoped that I could stand against them if they tried.

"This one's your dorm." He stopped and I nearly ran into him while I was thinking. "Have good dreams." With that he left me alone and I remembered my dilemma of not having a club.

A/N: 'Kay let me now what you think. I love hearing what's going on in people's minds.