A/N: These are all inspired by the 3 Sentence Prompt things frequently found on tumblr. (Though the last three are each four sentences long.) Enjoy.
1) Foothold
There was the way she held her bow, all poise and feline-menace. There was the way she held his gaze, with eyes so mastered at hiding emotion, she had no need of a domino mask. And then, there was the way she held his hand, gripped by night's depth and nightmares, and the way he held it back, hands hot from the pulse beneath his skin.
2) McDonald's
"I haven't had this stuff in years," Artemis said, opening up her sad excuse for a burger and examining it, as if surprised at how limp the food the food between the buns were.
"You say that as if it's a good thing!" he said from behind his tray piled high with Big Macs.
"For a while I couldn't afford to eat out anywhere else, so whatever your opinion is, I'm very happy I haven't eaten here in years," she said, smiling.
3) Lost Luggage
Artemis stared at the luggage carousel, her eyes trailing after the few leftover suitcases—one red, one black, and one navy blue and none of them her green one—like a sad puppy.
"Well," Wally said, leaning over to speak into her ear, "I, for one, am happy; you don't wear my clothes nearly as much as I want you too."
"If you have anything do with this, Wally," she hissed, "you are a dead man."
4) Execution AU
They didn't say anything to each other that night, bound to each other in the dark. They didn't need to. The next morning, when the guards came to get them, to bring them to the gallows, they simply told each other, "Good Morning" and "Goodbye."
5) Robin Hood AU
"And honestly," she told her lieutenant Richard, who was fondly called 'Little Dick' by her team "what would I do with a lord if I didn't ransom him?"
"You wouldn't have to risk your neck at Nottingham every night to sneak in his room through the window."
She blushed.
6) Greek God AU
"Oh, lay it off, Messenger" she said, glaring daggers at the fire-haired messenger god serenading her. "What part of Artemis, the virgin goddess, don't you get?"
"Don't worry, my supreme goddess—we can fix that!"
7) AU where Wally has access to Artemis's school locker
"The fuck is this?" Artemis stared down at the note that'd been stuck in her locker, screwing up her eyes at the writing, as if it would become legible if she concentrated harder, before passing it to Dick, who stood behind her—he was good at reading chicken scratch. He glanced over the note and made a loud choking noise.
"What's wrong, Babe?" Wally asked as Artemis stomped into the house and collapsed on their sofa, the cheap pillows giving beneath her.
"Just that—it's been a hard day."
Wally walked over behind her, dropped a kiss on the top of her head, and massaged her shoulders.
9) Strangers Meet on a City Bus AU
Artemis watched the scarlet boy everyday on her commute. She learned his habits—the way he bit his lip when he was thinking, the way he twisted his hair when he was bored (which was often), the way he thanked the bus driver each morning, and, of course, the way he asked her for her number every so often.
Today, when he walked up to her, she was ready: single at last and armed with a strip of paper bearing seven digits.
10) AU where they're still in college and everyone is happy
The smell of food hits Wally as soon as he stepped inside their apartment. Before the door closes behind him, he zooms up behind Artemis and envelopes her in a sensuous hug. She does not take kindly the affection, shoving him off her and making a grab for pan on the stove top. "Dammit Wally! Now's it's burnt!"
11) same as above
Artemis comes home from class to find him asleep on the couch, textbook over his face. She considers waking him, even though he has no more classes today, but chooses to grab a blanket from their bedroom and drape it over him. She picks up the textbook, reading the cover as she closes it. She makes a face-Calculus Three.
12) same again
M'gann still visits, at least once a month. The two of them sit in the living room, watching re-runs of comedies and chick-flicks (Artemis still remembers how loudly the other girl had squealed when she'd found out Artemis's favorite was 10 Things I Hate About You) and eating baked goods (M'gann's skills had greatly improved; now she not only didn't burn cookies, she now made complicated and labor intensive cakes, including, for one birthday party, a Baked Alaska). Artemis has made friends in college of course, but its always nice to have a friend (a female friend, because she and Wally are just as firmly friends as they are lovers) to geek about (or agonize over) the superhero life. Inevitable, M'gann hears the call to arms and has to go, but she always leaves behind a whole pile of desserts and Artemis has to hand it to her that without M'gann the pastry chef, her and Wally's paycheck might not be able to afford his appetite.