a/n: This is the first installment of my new spitfire drabble/short fic collection. Each chapter will vary between 100 words to 1000 words. Anything longer than 1000 words will probably be posted as its own story. My main purpose to create something I enjoy writing and you enjoy reading, but reviews, comments, or PMs are always exciting.

It was sudden. So sudden. One moment, they'd been just standing there quiet, the unaccustomed silence making the distance between them seem larger, so large she was afraid they could never bridge. The next moment…

The next moment she was pressed against a wall and he was kissing her. And while it was clear he was inexperienced—clear that she would have to teach him how to kiss—she had to given him points for caring so much, for kissing more than her mouth, for kissing her nose, her eyes, for tracing her jawline in wet, open mouthed kisses. And fuck—had kissing always gotten her this hot, always made her heart beat this fast, or was it just Wally?

"Wally," she breathed: a curse, a blessing, a question. "Wally."

He stopped and pulled away. His face didn't read like an open book, but Artemis recognized all of his emotions—joy, arousal, hesitance, fear of rejection—because they were the same things she was feeling. "Artemis."

"Wally," she said. "I didn't say you had to stop."