Chapter 6; Victory Shouldn't Taste Awful.
Natsumi started at the two brothers as they did their introductions. Was this some kind of anime? Though she'll give them points for the poses, they must have worked really hard, and their eyes did shine as they introduced themselves. This must be the very first time they were able to show it off.
"Do you see the fear in her eyes brother?" Viper with the Wooden Left Leg huffed.
"Yeah, we did amazing, for it being our first time doing so. Told you our hard work will pay off." Viper with the Wooden Right Leg beamed.
Natsumi could clearly hear them whispering. They weren't being humble about it. Natsumi could feel the seeds loosing its effects, the Quick Seed, giving her a boost in speed for a small period of time, and the Eyedrop Seed, granting the ability to reveal invisible conditions and hidden traps. She had to move fast if she wants to take this opportunity to take them down once in for all. Without hesitating anymore she sprinted towards the two brothers while they were still in their weird introduction pose.
The brothers saw the pink lump vanish for a moment, before reappearing right in front of them. Viper with the Wooden Right Leg jumped back avoiding a kick in his face, while Viper with the Wooden Left Leg wasn't lucky enough to have fast reflexes as his brother, got kicked in the face sending him flying to a rock from behind.
"Brother!" Viper with the Wooden Right Leg called after him, he began to run towards him.
"You're not going anywhere!" Natsumi yelled, as she made another sprint, but now that the Quick Seed lost its effect she was no longer fast. Viper with the Wooden Right Leg noticed she lacked speed and began to charge his cannon, turned around at the last second aiming right at Natsumi.
The loud explosion shook the cave, causing Giroro to jerk wide awake. He was confused for a moment, before he caught a glimpse of Natsumi's body flying across the room. Giroro eyes shrunk letting out a muffled scream that was drowned by the laughter of Viper with the Wooden Right Leg. He tried getting up, ignoring his protesting body, he couldn't move. Giroro glared down at what was prevent him from getting up, realizing that he was tied to a rock. Giroro continued to scream wondering if Natsumi could hear him, as he continued to struggle so he could break free from the ropes and run to his partner, hoping she was okay. He saw Natsumi's body hit a large column causing it to brake, sending chucks of rock flying everywhere.
"Great Job Brother." Viper with the Wooden Left leg grunted as he got up from the pile of rocks. He limped his way over to Viper with the Wooden Right Leg.
"Let us not get too cocky brother. Lets use Surprise Attack Three!" Viper with the Wooden Right Leg shouted as he crouched, his free hand holding onto the cannon as it started to form a ball of energy. The same one that attacked Giroro from below.
"Right!" Viper with the Wooden Left Leg said as he stood behind his brother. He spread his legs slightly apart to prepare himself for the recoil from the blast. His cannon started to gain energy just as his brother.
"FIRE!" Viper with the Wooden Right Leg yelled over the noise, both brothers shot the energy ball towards the column where Natsumi had crashed. Giroro tried to struggle hoping to save his partner. The gag came loose from all the struggling Giroro did.
"Natsumi!" Giroro yelled as his eyes saw the energy ball hit the column blowing it into little pieces. Causing the upper part of the column to crumble into pieces, chunks of rocks falling smashing everything it made contact with. No way Natsumi wouldn't be able to to get out of it unscratched, if anything it would kill her. He almost lost her to the Orsino, now he will be loosing her to these criminals. Just like he lost his brother. Giroro could feel his heart becoming heavier and heavier each second that passed. His body no longer fighting to get free, and his mind only thinking that Natsumi had been crushed by those damn rocks or just being lifeless covered in rubble and blood.
"She was no match for us brother!" Viper with the Wooden Left Leg smirked.
"Much easier than The Red Devil." Viper with the Wooden Right Leg laughed as he stood up, dusting his knees.
She is no weakling. Giroro's body started to tremble in anger. They dare laugh at his fallen partner?
Both Vipers paused, the sweet taste of victory soon being replaced by uncontrollable blood lust. They both look at each other wondering if this blood lust had come from one of them. Seeing the fear in each other eyes answered their question, as they slowly turned around to see the Red Devil.
The Red Devil's eyes glowing red, as he stood up breaking the ropes apart as if it was nothing. His canine teeth out in the open, drool spilling out of his mouth, as he growled incoherent words. No one needed to have a special talent to see or feel the deadly aura surrounding the Red Devil. Now they both knew how he got his name. The brothers shrunk in their place, unable to move their legs as they became paralyzed in fear.
"How Dare You Hurt Natsumi." Giroro's voice was rougher than usual, if anything deeper. He took a small step forward, his cold blue eyes staring at the weaklings that were before him. Two guns materialized both in his hands, both ready to shoot their fucking brains out. More weapons materialized around him, bazookas, bombs, snipers, just about everything. He couldn't help but smile, soon their blood would be decorating this lifeless cave. Their screams would echo inside and no one would be able to hear them. No one will know that they died here. They will be forgotten. Just the mere thought of that pleased him, he'll make sure to make them suffer till their very last breath.
"P-Please don't kill us!" Viper with the Wooden Left Leg plead.
"We'll turn ourselves in!" Viper with the Wooden Right Leg cried.
"We're Sorry!" Both Vipers hugged each other, tears and snot running down their faces.
Seeing these weaklings beg for their life pleased the Red Devil. Maybe he'll give them the false hope, and rip it apart just as they did to his partner. Just as they did to his brother. He will kill all these criminals so their close ones will feel the same way he felt.
"You think that will bring my partner back alive?" The Red Devil took another step,making the brothers flinch.
"I wasn't dead in the first place." An angelic voice echoed in the room.
The brothers looked around quickly before their eyes went back to the Red Devil, afraid that he would kill them once their eyes were off of him. They noticed that the Red Devil lost the anger in his eyes, if anything, his eyes soften. The blood lust disappeared, leaving no trace behind. One by one the guns disappeared, including the ones in his hands.
"Natsumi…" Giroro mumbled softly, his eyes trying to search for any hint of her.
"So much for not getting cocky!" Natsumi yelled. The trio looked around before they looked up as they saw the pink Keronian coming from above, blinding them from the light. The Vipers had to squint to avoid being blinded. Their eyes widen when they realized that she wasn't stopping, and her feet were heading straight towards them.
"Brother! Special Attack Three!" Viper with the Wooden Left Leg shouted. Viper with the Wooden Right leg nodded and took aim at Natsumi.
"Giroro catch!" Natsumi yelled, tossing his bag. Giroro caught his explores bag and quickly opened it, getting a seed out and throws it at Viper with the Wooden Right Leg.
Viper with the Wooden Right Leg caught a glimpse at the seed, he quickly aims his cannon towards the seed.
"Brother! It's a Trap-" Viper with the Left Wooden Leg was about to tackle his brother, he knows what kind of seed that is, a Blast Seed. If his brother explodes it, they will be inside the explosion.
"Not so fast!" Natsumi threw a Stun Seed at Viper with the Wooden Left Leg, summoning a snake like static as it wrapped itself around Viper with the Wooden Left Leg, paralyzing him. But since Viper with the Wooden Left Leg was midway from clashing with Viper with the Wooden Right Leg. Forcing Viper with the Wooden Right Leg cannon slightly tilt upward. Natsumi noticed the domino effect, she quickly reached into her bag for some pebbles, throwing them towards the cannon to move it back into position.
Viper with the Wooden Right Leg let go of the trigger, unleashing the energy ball straight for the Blast Seed. Natsumi knew she was going to be in the blast, but she had another Oran Berry in her bag. The energy ball hit the Blast Seed causing a large explosion, Natsumi could feel the warmth from the explosion. Natsumi got ready for the pain, but at the corner of her eye she saw Giroro coming towards her. Giroro flew at her with transparent pink, pure energy, wings behind him with a metal back pack attracted to his back.
Giroro caught Natsumi in his arms as he flew far away from the blast. He hugged Natsumi tightly, afraid that she would disappear from his sight again. He could feel her arms squeezing tightly around him as well. He wasn't sure if she was grabbing because she was scared of falling or she actually missed him.
"I'm sorry." She whispered. If it wasn't for Giroro's amazing hearing, he would have missed it though the explosion. Once they were in a safe distance, they watched the two brother flying upward, only to land into their traps they had set up earlier being activated one after another. Watching the two Wooden Legged brothers being exploded, pricked, paralyzed, bitten, warped, spun, tripped, poisoned, and blowing up once again only to land badly injured onto the cold ground.
Once the commotion had quieted down, Giroro slowly flew back on the ground in front of the two half dead Vipers. They both knew that the Vipers wouldn't be able to do anything in their current condition. Giroro waited until they were close to the ground to put Natsumi down in front of them.
Natsumi made her way towards them, seeing them flinch under her smirk. "Viper with the Wooden Right Leg," She stated as she lifted her badge in front of her, making sure to point it at them. "I am here to arrest you for stealing a painting. As for Viper with the Wooden Left Leg, I arrest you for helping a criminal. Both of you will be-"
"Please don't kill us!" Both Vipers started to sob.
"Shut it!" Giroro growled, making both of them flinch.
"As I was saying, both of you will be sent to Officer Taruru where he will deal with your punishment." Natsumi gave them a small smile. They both stared at her, before they started to sob uncontrollably, thanking her.
Giroro rolled his eyes. He looked at Natsumi, grateful that she was alive. He took some rope out of his bag handing it over to Natsumi. "You'll need this before you sent these criminals out."
Natsumi smiled and took the rope. She doesn't need to hear it from him, but she knows she won the bet. "Mission Complete."
Natsumi leaned against the wooden pole in the Crossroads next to Giroro who was watching Officer Taruru take both Vipers into his custody as everyone whispered that it must have been some kind of fluke that Giroro had brought outlaws alive, not only once but twice. While avoiding meeting his and her eyes.
"You know Girlie, you never told me how you avoided that blast. Or the crushing of those rocks." Giroro glanced over at her once they were alone.
"I ate a warp seed." She chuckles. "I packed one, hoping to use it against you if I ran into you." She scratched the back of her head.
Giroro stared at her. She was going to use it on him?!
"I'm kidding! I wouldn't use it on you. You thought I really would try to betray you? Even I am not that mean. If you got to them before me I would accept my lost and follow your rules even if I hated it." Natsumi sighed. "I bought one from the two girls before we left town, it was the seed of the day. When I saw that energy ball coming towards me, I immediately grabbed it and ate it, only to appear somewhere else in the room." She paused for a moment before she continues. "While you were distracting them, I grabbed your bag and ate another warp seed, making me appear above."
Giroro nodded. Since he has a good handful of stuff in storage, he doesn't need to buy many items from the girls. He stands up straight and starts to walk west, Natsumi stands up as well, following right after him. Without saying anything, they let silence take over the conversation. Natsumi though had other plans.
"What happened in there Giroro?" Natsumi asked. Recalling what happened when she saw what Giroro did. In fact, she isn't sure if she should call him Giroro at that time. The way his eyes turn cold, his eyes full of blood lust. Just thinking about him made her shiver.
Giroro paused. How could he forget. "I'll tell you another time." Giroro shrugged.
Natsumi frowned. He acted the same way when it came to Drowzeze. If she remember correctly, when she tackled him down he growled at her, something about his brother. Did something terrible happen? Was Giroro's brother his partner before her? So many questions she had about him. Maybe she doesn't know much about Giroro as she thought she did, but then again, they hadn't been together more than a week. Now that she thinks about it, shes only been with him for only four days. As much as she wants to know, maybe its not the right time. He'll share with her when hes ready, since they will be partners for a while the way things are going since she hadn't gotten close to finding out who she is. The visions she had was of the little kids and talking with someone near some fire. Wait, the name Dororo!
"Giroro, do you happen to know the name Dororo?" Natsumi changes the subject.
"What?" Giroro was taken by surprise, he thought the girl would push it until she got the answer.
"Do you know someone name Dororo? I mean it has the same sound as the other names you Keronian frogs go as." Natsumi looked at Giroro.
"Thats raciest, even to your own kind." Giroro stared at her. Even though she claims to be human, shes in a frog form and people think shes Keronian.
"Thats not what I meant!" Natsumi starts to blush a little as she shakes her head. "I mean I'm being serious here!" She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her self and explain her reason. "Because I had another of those Dizzy Spells."
"Dizzy Spells?" Giroro quirked an eyebrow. Who's the original name giver now?
"Those visions I keep having. Things that shows me that I was human."
"Wouldn't it be memories?" Giroro asked.
"If that were the case how come Maru and Meru don't remember me?" Natsumi frowned. "If anything maybe they are visions that might happen in the future for all we know."
"So your a fortune teller?"
"No! I just get these visions when I touch someone."
"Tell my future then." Giroro reaches his hand out.
"It doesn't work like that." Natsumi looks at his hand. "Besides it isn't the first time we touched."
"Maybe because you weren't trying. When do these visions happen?" Giroro asked, his hand still out.
"When Meru bumped into me in the market. Then when he gave me a hug. And in todays mission I had another when I was staring at the crystal ball when Duskoko told my future." Natsumi answered.
"But you weren't doing anything, or your life wasn't in danger. It isn't now. So why don't we try it now."
Natsumi looked at Giroro. Out of all the times that they made contact with each other, she was either fighting with him or they both were caring for each others wounds. There hasn't been a relaxing moment between the two. Maybe he could be right. She slowly reaches for his hand and takes a hold of it. She couldn't feel anything, she grabbed him with her other hand. She stared at his hand, her fingers tracing the lines on his fingers.
Giroro's face turn slightly red when he watched Natsumi's beautiful eyes focused on his hand, he wasn't sure if her eyes were just naturally filled with kindness and her touches sweet and loving. He hadn't felt this way in years.
Natsumi kept tracing his hand with her hand, as the other was holding onto it. She noticed small scars of his fingers and could feel how rough they are. Even though the hands can tell so much about someone, somehow his hands could show love and be gentle if he really wanted to be. She felt them when he caught her, when he tried to remove the poison from her arm, when he carried her back to the guild, pulling her away from danger, and even now trying to help her. He was truly caring, and he was willing to stay with her until she got her memories back.
"Natsumi! Giroro!" Zeroro called after them as he made his way towards them. Giroro jerked his hand away from Natsumi who put her hands behind her. Both of their faces red. "Am I interrupting something?"
"No." Giroro answered.
"Hi Zeroro. Uh, what brings you here so late at night?" Natsumi asked, avoiding eye contact.
Zeroro looks over at Giroro before looking at Natsumi. "I guess Giroro hadn't told you anything."
"No. He hasn't." Natsumi folded her arms across her chest looking unpleased. "He Never does."
"Giroro, I hope you didn't forget." Zeroro looked at Giroro, if he wasn't wearing a mask he would be frowning about now.
"No I hadn't, I was just dragging my feet." Giroro sighed. "Lets go Girlie, you'll see what hes talking about. You go ahead and take the lead Zeroro."
"Alright, see you guys soon." Zeroro turned around and started to head back to wherever he came from.
"I don't like surprised Giroro. I think I had enough for one day." Natsumi stared after Zeroro.
"I wouldn't consider this a surprise." At least not to me, Giroro thought. "Did you see anything?"
"Saw what?" Natsumi's attention went to Giroro.
"When you know, grabbed my hand." Giroro looked away, blushing a tiny bit.
"Oh that." Natsumi looked away. "No. I didn't."
"Maybe certain people will activate it then. But I don't want you touching people randomly." Giroro started to walk.
"Why not? Don't tell me you'll get jealous." Natsumi laughs.
"Never." Giroro lied.
Natsumi laughed as she followed after Giroro, walking by his side.
"A toast to Natsumi for completing her first S rank mission and becoming an official guild member! Welcome to the family!" Keroro raised his drink in the air as did everyone else congratulating her as well.
Natsumi raised her drink up smiling, ignoring the fact that all eyes were on her. She is so going to kill the stupid frog for putting her in the spot light, and Giroro for letting him do something so stupid. After Natsumi got dismissed she made a bee line to the back of the tent. Thanking everyone who congratulated her on the way. She was trying to find the familiar red frog in this massive crowed. These must be the other guild members or explorer teams. Natsumi looked around the tent, noting that all the tables were pushed to one side of the tent where Keronians and other aliens ate, talking among each other. For a moment she thought she spotted Grovovo in the crowed. At the other side were tables lined up, set up with food as other Keronians were serving food.
Everyone were cheerful and chatting with one another, music playing loud for it being so late at this hour. It was very lively even after being a long day. Her eyes continued to scan around the area until she spotted Giroro. She smiled as she started to make her way until she spotted another frog chatting with him. A female frog to be exact. She was a lavender Keronian with a hot pink hat, not only with flaps like most frogs but she had a set of pointy like ears. Her symbol was of a heart with two different colors, matching the one on her belly. She could tell that Giroro was actually laughing with her. Something she doesn't see often. She could feel a small tug on her heart. Unsure what this was she decided to look away and go hide somewhere else.-
"Congrats Natsumi! I was just looking for you." Zeroro came from behind, making Natsumi flinch. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you. Just a habit of mine."
"Oh its okay." Natsumi smiled, glad for the distraction and that she knew someone here. "Thank you. I'm glad I bumped into someone I know. Theres so many people here. I don't even know more than half of these aliens." Natsumi chuckled nervously.
"Well if theres a party, everyone gathers, regardless of the occasion." Zeroro explained. "Were you trying to find your partner?"
"More or less. I was expecting him to be gone since its so lively here." She chuckles. "So I didn't have my hopes up."
"Nonsense. He should be here after all. Just look for a spot thats wide open and," Zeroro looks around until he spotted Giroro. "And you will spot him. Its the easiest way to find him that way." He chuckles.
"Ah, you are right." Natsumi chuckles softly. He's still talking to that beautiful lavender frog.
"Oh! And we're in luck. Come along Natsumi," Zeroro drags Natsumi towards Giroro and the other frog before she could protest.
The lavender frog spots Zeroro and Natsumi, she smiles and waves as Giroro turns around giving a small smile to his two friends.
Natsumi gives an awkward wave and smile as Zeroro lets go of Natsumi. Now that she looks at the lavender frog much closer she could see that shes even more beautiful.
"Congratulations Natsumi, I'm glad I finally get to meet you." She smiles as she reaches her hand out.
"Thank you." Natsumi reaches for her hand and shakes it.
"Oh how rude of me, my name is Pururu. I'm the owner of this restaurant. A pleasure to meet you." Pururu smiles.
"You're Pururu? Your food is amazing!" Natsumi lets go of her hand and smiles. This person is the one who owns the restaurant that Zeroro told her about when she first came to this town, the very same food that Giroro bought after their long mission.
"Why thank you, but its not the very best. I still have a long way to learn." Pururu blushed a little.
"Really? How long have you been cooking?" Natsumi asks.
"Only two years." Pururu continued to blush.
"Only Two Years?!" Natsumi echoed. "And your food tastes this amazing already!"
"Cooking is recently new to me, I used to be a Chief Medic." Pururu smiled.
Natsumi blinked. A chief medic? "What made you want to start cooking if you had an amazing job before?"
Pururu paused, her smile fading away. Natsumi noticed that Giroro was frowning now and Zeroro was looking elsewhere. Natsumi just had to step in a land mine.
"Well if it isn't Natsumi, or should I say Light Angel." A familiar voice came from behind. Natsumi turned around and saw it was Grovovo.
"Grovovo!What are you doing here?" Natsumi was happy for the interruption.
"I came here on the behalf of Pikaka. She seemed very worried after you left, even when Duskoko told her there was nothing to worry. But also to gain some information." Grovovo looked around the crowed. "I'll be sure to tell her that you're safe and sound."
"Please, and if you don't mind telling them thank you for looking out for me." Natsumi smiled, only to glare at Giroro. "After someone decided to abandon me."
"It was for your own good girlie." Giroro rolled his eyes.
Grovovo laughed. "I see the rumors are true after all."
"Rumors?" Natsumi asked.
"I'll give you a freebie for this. As a congratulation gift." Grovovo winked. "Theres a rumor that a beautiful angle came from above, sparing two unlucky duo who ran into the Red Devil himself. She filled the room with warmth and light, enough to shine the darkness from the Red Devil heart. Known as the Light Angel, who gives second chances, if they deserve it."
Natsumi blinked, is she supposed to be the Light Angel they spoke of? Giroro was confused as she was, were the stupid Viper brothers spreading rumors.
"It suits you Natsumi." Pururu smiled. "You do represent the light, since your insignia is of a sun. And if I remember, your name in Pekopon, has two characters of Summer and beautiful. But that depends what characters you spell it with too."
Natsumi and Giroro looked over at Pururu. Even Grovovo was intrigued by this information. Zeroro's expression couldn't be read through his mask.
"What? It's something I picked up while I was in Pekopon." Pururu said. Natsumi looked over at Giroro, who understood that look.
"Hey Zeroro and Grovovo, I have a question for the both of you, and I need you guys to keep it a secret." Giroro grabs the two Keronians and pulls them away from the two girls. Leaving Pururu confused.
"Sorry if I'm intruding into your personal life so soon after we met, but what were you doing in Earth. Or what you can tell me about it."
Pururu looks at Natsumi, wondering why she called Pekopon Earth. "It was one of my missions to be there. I was a chief medic of the Garuru Platoon." She looks behind Natsumi making sure Giroro was out of earshot.
"And?" Natsumi asked.
"Why do you want to know so badly?" Pururu asked.
"I want to be able to go to Earth." Natsumi answered. Though it was half true.
Pururu took a step back from Natsumi, her eyes darken, becoming lifeless. "I'll warn you Natsumi, but I suggest staying away from Pekopon. Especially if your going to be Giroro's partner."
"What?" Natsumi was surprise to see this side of Pururu when she was so kind.
"Thanks to Pekopon, it ruined everything. Not only did it end our jobs, it also took our leader and our other two members lives away from us. I will never have anything to do with it for the rest of my life. If you decided to go there, then I recommend that you leave this place now and never come back. I will not let you hurt my childhood friend, Giroro, anymore. " Her eyes turned dark as she threaten Natsumi. "I once was part of the best platoon there was, and to this day I hold that title, even when its been disband for two years. I promised Garuru that I would protect his little brother from harm. Even if it means from you."
Natsumi blinked in confusion. Garuru was a platoon leader. Does that mean Giroro was in the military before? That would explain what Shivava and Doruru said on that day. Is this planet the place where ex military people go to? Natsumi wanted to ask more, but it seems she had crossed the line. Instead she nodded, looking at Pururu in the eyes. "I'm sorry."
Pururu started at her. "If I see you here tomorrow I'll take it that you made your choice." She shakes her head. "I apologize for ruining your celebration. A victory shouldn't taste awful after all." She smiled, her eyes coming back to life. "Well I should head back to work. It was nice meeting you Natsumi." She kept on smiling, but it didn't reach her eyes like the first time she said that. Natsumi watched her go and stayed there. She didn't know why she felt so nervous. What is this world doing to her?
"Natsumi!" Keroro sang as he skipped his way towards her.
"Stupid frog." Natsumi turned around.
"Thats Guild Master Keroro!" Keroro huffed. "And here I thought you would be grateful for throwing this amazing party for you!"
"And for that I thank you, but I would rather you wouldn't have done so. I am fine remaining unknown." Natsumi frowned.
"Uh uh. Sure. Whatever you say, I can see it in your eyes that you are forever grateful! But as an explore you must shine and want to become popular so you can have clients ask for your service."
"Again, you need to get your eyes checked again." Natsumi rolled her eyes. She chuckled. "But I am grateful. Thank you."
"Thats more like it. I see that you met our childhood friend, Pururu. And I so happened to hear that you have a new name, Light Angel. " Keroro smiled. "Now you should have missions flooding towards you and your partner! If only Garuru was still here, he would be proud of his little brother becoming the best."
"Yes, I met her, very nice and I can tell she is a strong person, wanting to watch over the people she cares for a lot. By the way, who is Garuru exactly?" Natsumi asked. All she knew was that Garuru was a leader of an amazing platoon and was Giroro's older brother. Who gave him a key. What other information can she get from the stupid frog?
"Why hes Giroro's older brother. Scary guy if you ask me. But I the great Master Keroro wasn't afraid of him."
"What happened to him?" Natsumi asked. She noticed that the all mighty stupid frog looked nervous, if anything uncomfortable.
"He died because of his idiotic brother." Taruru came. "By the way, Congrats Natsumi."
Natsumi looked at Taruru, she knew he had a grudge on Giroro for making is job hard. But it feels there was more than that.
"Good evening Officer Taruru." Keroro smiled, ignoring the remark he just made.
"Hello Guild Master Keroro. I see that you went over the top once again for your new guild member, regardless being the Red Devils partner." Taruru looked over at Natsumi. "Which I am amazed you are still alive and breathing. And bringing the outlaws alive as well, extra points to you. How you accomplished that is beyond me, but I will not question it."
"You just got to know what to say." Natsumi said. "So you happen to know a lot about Giroro's brother."
"But of course. I was a Senior Privet in his Platoon. I looked up to Garuru. He was the best leader someone could have. The strongest and smartest. Nothing like his trigger happy, reckless, killer, younger brother." Taruru growled. "If it wasn't for him Garuru would still be alive with two of my other platoon members. If his damn brother hadn't caused a commotion back at Pekopon then this wouldn't have happen. If that bastard never existed Garuru would-"
"Thats enough Taruru." Keroro growled. Taruru flinched. "Why are you even here? Didn't you say you had important matters to attend today?"
"Yes, and thats one of the reasons I am here. I have to report something." Taruru mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Keroro.
"Very well, Light Angel if you wouldn't mind." Keroro didn't bother looking at Natsumi.
"Yeah." Natsumi nodded and walked away. She didn't realized that she was trembling in anger. She hadn't felt this angry since who knows when. And here she thought Taruru was a decent frog. Are all the frogs from Garuru's platoon this aggressive?
"Natsumi?" Giroro asked, putting his hand on her shoulder, he realized that she was crying. "Natsumi! Whats wrong?" Giroro glared around, wondering who dared make her cry.
"Sorry, got something in my eye. Some unwanted piece of trash maybe." Natsumi chuckled as she wiped her tears away. She hadn't realized that she was even crying. Why do aliens hate Giroro so much when he's only been nice to her. Sure they had their moments but still.
"I got some news then. Zeroro and Grovovo will keep an ear out on the name Dororo." Giroro smiled. He could see Natsumi's eyes lighten up for a moment. "Though Grovovo is asking for a heavy price." Even when Giroro had all the money to spare thanks to the stupid missions he usually goes to.
"Thank you Giroro. I'm glad your here and I'm so glad I met you." She smiled. Giroro froze at the words, its been forever since he heard those words that his heart ached for a only a brief moment.
"Attention everyone." Keroro stood on the little stage that he had introduced Natsumi in the very beginning of the party. Everyone had stayed quite, wondering why they were pausing the party. "I just got some news from Officer Taruru." Keroro waited until the room was dead quite before he spoke again. He cleared his throat and stood taller, his hands behind his back, as his eyes squinted, showing that he was the leader.
"I'm afraid to inform you all, but one of the Time hears has been stolen."
A/N: phew~ That took a bit of work and editing. And It got done faster too! What is this?! Ahem. Anyway, because filler is so boring to write, but it needs it so relationships can grow and they aren't rush. Also to explain the plot holes that I am making and Blah. I have a lot of work cut out for me. Yyyaaayyy… So I will need some help from my readers to add filler to this story. If you want to. All you need to do is fill out an application for missions. (In other other words write a review.) If your mission doesn't get selected then it doesn't. Maybe because Giroro and Natsumi thought it was too good to be true, or because it sounded too easy. Or perhaps your mission doesn't make sense. Regardless of the reason don't get sad if your missions hasn't been picked. So this is what you need to write:
Filling for Missions:
Type: Rescuing, Bring Item, Catching Outlaws (Who), Escorting, Finding Item, (S,A, B, C, D, E, F class)
Reason: Help, I was blah blah blah
Place: what Floor (1-14) (I'll come up with the name)
Reward:Money (K-Money), Items
If you have original characters please add a description. Please make the missions sound realistic and doable.
Once again, thank you for reading this fan fiction and I hope you all stick around till the very end! Thanks for reading!