Alright guys, here it is. The final chapter. You know, I'm surprised this was so short. I don't know, I guess I just thought it would be longer. Oh well. Anyway, once this is done I'll continue my work on the GZ field trip one, and hopefully have chapter one ready soon. I also have those challenges, so you can look forward to those. I also have two others in process, so just check out my profile for info. I will be accepting OCs until the first chapter of the GZ field trip is posted, and then only ghost OCs will be accepted. Alright, here are reviews real quick.

shadowrgj - Thanks, and here you go.

muney73 - Yes, I'm evil! MWAHAHAHAHA! NYAHAHA! Oh, sorry, Zant got out a bit. Anyway, here you go, the papers are revealed! And sadly, the end of this fabulous story. But hey, I've got more to work on!

Alright, that's it for reviews. Ok so thank you to those who review/favorited/followed, you guys really boosted my confidence about this. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. Oh, and who else saw How To Train Your Dragon 2? OMG it was EPIC. But why movie people? Those of you who know what I'm talking about, don't spoil it for the others! If you wanna rant about it though, feel free to PM me! I do like, nothing over summer -_- .

Disclaimer - No, I am not in any way, shape, or form Butch Hartman. I'd ask Desiree, but her wishes always go wrong.

Chapter 5 - The Beginning Of The End

3rd Person POV

Luna and Danny stared at the papers, shocked. The Fenton Phones in their ears buzzed, and Sam's voice came through.

"Guys, what is it? What are those papers?" Still dazed, Danny moved towards the Speeder, papers in hand. He held them up so Sam and Tucker could see them.

Clone Attempts 4 and 5

Subject #4 -

Mix -

80% Daniel Fenton/Phantom, 20% Luna Spearum/Spirit

Subject #5 -

Mix -

80% Luna Spearum/Spirit, 20% Daniel Fenton/Phantom


While both seem to be more stable than the others, they are not complete. Because of their unique mixture, stabilizing them would be harder. It seems the lack of equality in the amounts used has caused their lack of stability. Therefore, stabilizing these two subjects would require an equal mix of DNA.

Conclusion - Failure

As they read the information, Sam and Tucker's eyes grew wider. When they finished, they stared at the two young halfas in Danny and Luna's arms. Tucker finally managed to speak.

"Wait, so you're saying…" Luna glanced at Luke, before looking up at them.

"We thought they were our clones. That's what Vlad told us." Sam nodded, beginning to understand.

"But instead of creating two clones, when he combined your DNA…" Danny and Luna looked at each other as Tucker spoke.

"He created two children. Siblings. In other words…" Danny and Luna spoke next, in perfect unison.

"They're our kids."

Danny's POV

I couldn't believe it. What Vlad had done… He probably didn't even realize it. But that these two were actually a combination, were technically our kids? It's just… A lot to handle. And the thing about stabilizing them, that must be why they insisted on showing us now. We would have tried to stabilize them as soon as we got back, but that wouldn't have worked. I glanced at Luna, she seemed just as shocked.

We need to get them back to the lab. Hearing my voice, she nodded. We phased into the Speeder, still holding Dani and Luke, who were in their human forms. Probably from lack of energy.

"Let's go. Now." Luna told Sam, who was driving. She nodded, and we sped toward the Fenton Portal. On the way there, we started talking.

"So, you thought they were your… Clones?" Asked Tucker. We nodded. "But because of what Vlad did, they're technically… Your kids?" Again we nodded. "Ok then." If this wasn't quite so shocking, Tucker probably would've made a joke. As it was, I think we were all just stunned.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence. We finally made it to the lab, and luckily my parents weren't home. We got out of the Speeder and went over to where we had put the solution to stabilize them. I looked at Luna.

"Can you get the supplies? We have to remake the solution." She nodded and set Luke down on the table. Walking off she quickly returned, holding two needles and a beaker. She handed the needles to Sam, while Tucker backed away. Quickly we transformed so she could get our mid-morph DNA, and put it in the beaker. I set Dani down beside Luke, the two were unconscious now. Luna cast me worried glance.

"Do you think they'll be alright?" I looked at them.

"I hope so." Sam came up, holding two needles filled with red-green liquid. Blood and ectoplasm.

"Here, I mixed them. This should work." Nodding, Luna and I each grabbed one before going over to Luke and Dani. I gently took Dani's arm, and Luna took Luke's. Then we injected the mixture into their veins, and hoped for the best.

Luke's POV

I felt…. strange. I wasn't sure how to describe it. I was slowly starting to feel stronger, whole again. What happened? Was I dead? Or, had they found us in time? Slowly I managed to open my eyes. My vision was blurry at first, but it slowly cleared. I was lying on a bed, someone else beside me. Turning my head I saw it was Dani. Looking around I saw I was in a bedroom. I slowly started to sit up, when a voice and a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Lay back down, you're fine." I looked up to see Luna looking at me.

"What do you mean?" She gestured to the others, who I had just noticed were here too.

"We read the papers, and fixed you up. You'll be alright." Read the papers? So they know. They must've gotten the mid-morph DNA needed.

"Thank you," I said, laying back down. I felt Dani stir beside me, groaning.

"Ugh, my head. Where am I?" Danny stood up.

"My room. We found you guys nearly unconscious in the Ghost Zone, remember?" Oh yeah. My memories were blurry, but I think so. She nodded.

"Vaguely. What happened?"

"We uh, read the papers, and fixed you guys up." She looked down.

"Sorry. I know it's a lot to take in." He shook his head.

"Yeah, but you have nothing to apologize for. It's Vlad and his fruitloopy plans that caused this." She didn't say anything, and Danny sighed. "Anyway, you guys can stay here tonight. Mom and Dad won't be home till late. After a little while you can stick with us." At this she glanced at me quickly.

Luke, I, I don't think we should stay. Her thought caught me off guard, but I didn't show it. Luckily they didn't know we could communicate like this.

Why not? They're our family. Technically our-

I know, I know! But they're 15 Luke! They can't take us in. And you know they won't tell their parents, because they'd have to reveal their secrets. We'd only be a burden.

Sis, they're offering. They want to make sure we're all right.

And after that? We'd get caught eventually Luke, and you know it. I say that once we're on our feet again, we leave. No warnings, no advance notice. Otherwise they'll stop us.

Dani, we don't have to do that.

Yes we do. I don't want to leave without you Luke, please. I sighed, without them noticing.

Alright, we'll do it.

Thank you. I ended the conversation, and looked up.

"How long until we're ok?" Tucker shrugged.

"You guys heal fast, and your bodies are almost accustomed to the new DNA. You should be completely stable in a day or two." We nodded. Luna smiled.

"Until then though, we have the house to ourselves and there's ice cream in the freezer." Danny laughed.

"That sounds like a plan. What do you guys think?" I glanced at Dani for a moment, and we both nodded. "Alright, I'll get the ice cream. You guys stay here." He left the room and it was silent for a moment before he came back, balancing bowls of ice cream in his hands. After handing one to everyone we all sat there, eating our ice cream in silence. Then Luna spoke up.

"So, once you guys are well enough, what do you want to do?" I was silent and Dani shrugged. We weren't going to be here, so it didn't really matter. "Well, we could go to a movie. There's a new one out that sounds pretty good." Dani and I just nodded.

Dani's POV

A few days later Luke and I were good to go. We woke up late, so we weren't able to sneak away. Our plan was to sit separate from them in the theater, allowing us to make a silent escape. After getting our tickets we sat in the top row, and the others had to sit in front of us. After sitting through the many previews, the theater darkened as the movie finally started.

Once we were sure all four of them were paying attention to the movie, we turned invisible and intangible and left the theater. Once outside we floated there in our ghost forms for a bit. Luke looked at me.

"What now? We've left, they won't have to worry about us, but what are we going to do? We have nowhere to go!" I sighed.

"We can travel I guess. It's not like we can't easily sneak into a hotel room or something similar."

"And food? Supplies?" I looked down. With our ghost powers it would be easy to get anything we needed. Luke realized this. "No! Dani, we are NOT going to steal. See, this is why we should stay. They can help us! C'mon, let's just go back." I looked up.

"Wait! No! Please, look. We can get jobs if you want. But I won't stay with them. I won't put this much pressure on them. After all we've done to them they've done nothing but help us. Us staying would only put them at risk." He stopped and glanced back at me before sighing.

"I know." It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "So where do you want to go first?"

So did ya like it? You can review or PM, reviews I shall respond to in my next story, PMs I shall PM back. Also, the first chapter of the GZ field trip may just be introducing OCs, then the actual chapter. Just so you know. Also, virtual triple dark chocolate brownies for everyone! Woohoo! Ok, I'm gonna go now, before Zant escapes and destroys the world.


Me - Shut up Zant!

Zant - No! Now let me out!

Me - No! You are stuck in my head and you will stay there!

Zant - I shall escape one day! *continues ranting*

Me - *ignoring rant* Sure you will. Hey, those of you who know where Zant is from, congrats! If you don't then you should find out immediately. Bye!


Spirit Wolf