Realistic Reconstructions


These stories each roughly follow the "plot" of a particular Legends of Awesomeness episode. However, I have made some substantial changes to both the dialogue and the subtext of these episodes as a means of improving them. Essentially, these are parodies of the original episodes, whose intentions are to poke fun at flaws I've noticed and make the episodes more interesting.

I would like to clarify beforehand that I am a big fan of the Kung Fu Panda movies and the official shorts. They are some of the best pieces of filmmaking I have ever seen. The TV show, however, falls far short in my eyes. If you're a fan of the TV show, you probably won't appreciate these stories. However, if you find them ridiculous like I do or if you like the originals but can handle some humorous criticism against them, read on!

In general, these stories should be readable without seeing the original episode first, but while I can't in good conscience suggesting watching Legends of Awesomeness, they are certainly funnier if you're familiar with the source material.

If I get a lot of positive feedback on these, I might very well write more of them, so if you like them and find them funny, please leave a review! Some episodes I had in mind were "The Midnight Stranger" and "Chain Reaction", but I might take suggestions too.