I hope you enjoy! Reviews mean the world to me! (:
Elena smirked as she looked in the mirror. She pulled down the already plunging neckline of her red dress so it showed just a peek of the lacy black bra she wore underneath. With her lips stained red and her dark glossy hair falling around her, she knew looked positively delicious.
"If he thinks Caroline is hot, there's no way he'll be able to resist me," she thought, smiling in to the mirror again.
Ever since she'd flipped the switch on her pesky human feelings, one of the only things that brought Elena pleasure (or as close as she could get to pleasure, being emotionless and all) was making Caroline Forbes as angry as possible. Elena had tried everything: she'd teased her about her secret desires for Klaus, she'd attacked her mother, and finally committed the most criminal act of all- stolen her prom dress. Elena giggled at the memory. She'd thought for sure that would send Caroline over the edge, but she just kept coming back, trying to be "supportive", trying to get Elena to turn her humanity back on. God, that girl was just so needy.
Well, Elena was going to change that. After tonight, Caroline would never cry to her again about missing her best friend. "If she thinks having her prom dress stolen is bad," Elena thought, slipping in to her favorite pair of black stilettos, "how will she feel about me stealing her man?"
Elena giggled again, and with that she left the Salvatore mansion, heading to Klaus'.
Klaus sat swirling a tumbler of bourbon, looking in to the fire. His thoughts were on Caroline, as always. Her laugh, that pointed look she gave him, the way she looked like an angel in the white dress he'd given her on prom night. The thought had him springing to his feet and he started pacing in front of the fire as he remembered she'd spent that night dancing with Tyler.
What was it about her that drove him so mad? He was an original- no the Original- he had spent a thousand years being the single most powerful creature on Earth. He'd seduced and been seduced by thousands of beautiful queens and models, all willing to give him anything he desired, all desiring to fulfill his wishes. Now suddenly he found himself begging for scraps from a small town baby vampire.
It made him furious.
Suddenly, Klaus was torn from his thoughts at the sound of the doorbell. He frowned, turning towards it, wondering who dared to interrupt him and if he would be committing murder tonight. Klaus swung the door open and was immediately consumed with fury when he found Katerina Petrova on the other side, smirking at him. He no longer had to wonder- he would definitely be committing murder tonight.
"Good evening, Katerina," he said pleasantly, taking in her low cut red dress.
"Guess again," she giggled.
He was taken aback. "Elena?"
"Good evening, Klaus," she giggled again. He was immediately suspicious. Here was the typically plain doppleganger, standing in front of him scantily clad with a seductive smile, shortly after he had destroyed her life. He had seen this method of distraction from her posse before, only it was usually Caroline they sent to do the job. "Maybe she refused this time," he thought somewhat sadly.
In half a second he had the doppleganger pinned against the wall by her throat. "Tell me what this is about or you will find yourself dying slowly from a werewolf bite without any hope of a cure." He expected her to drop the facade immediately, he waited for fear to flash through her eyes.
Instead, she simply laughed. "Please, you'd be doing me a favor," she said dryly. "Then I wouldn't have to put up with everyone's whining. Caroline's the worst," She rolled her eyes. He was so distracted by the mention of Caroline that it took him a minute to realize what was different about her. When he did, he smiled. "Ah, I see someone has done away with their humanity. How interesting,"
Elena smirked up at him. "It's nice really, not feeling anything. I'd be able to enjoy it more though if I didn't have Caroline breathing down my neck all the time. I thought the prom dress would do it for sure,"
Klaus raised his eyebrows. "Yes, Caroline was pretty furious over that one. Fortunately for you, love, she's a very loyal friend. She forgives easily"
Elena rolled her eyes again. "I prefer the term needy," Klaus' eyes darkened. "You still haven't told me what you're doing here. I'd make it quick if I were you darling, my patience is wearing thin and you are no longer useful to me, as I'm sure you remember."
Elena smiled up at him coyly. He was still standing close to her, though he had relinquished his hand on her throat. "Well, I thought of something I could do that would make it so she'd never try to save me again,". With that, Elena ran her finger down the front of Klaus' shirt. He was so surprised, he was momentarily lost for words, so he simply returned her smile with one just as seductive.
Caroline left the banquet exhausted and irritated. Her feet were killing her from running around in four inch heels all night, trying to make up for the incompetency of others. The party had definitely been a success, but now she was ready to go home and relax in a hot bubble bath before bed. She released her hair from it's updo on the way to her car, letting in tumble down in golden waterfalls around her shoulders. As soon as she got in the car, her phone rang. It was Stefan.
"Hello?" she answered, praying it wasn't about something that would keep her from heading straight to her hot bath.
"Caroline, Elena is missing," he started, and she could hear the worry in his voice. "I went out to hunt for a little bit and when I came back the door to the chamber was open and the chains were broken. I'm worried she'll go on a rampage, she hasn't had fresh blood in awhile,"
Caroline sighed. How could they have let her escape? Again, her night was ruined by the incompetency of others, she thought exasperatedly. "Well, have you called Damon?" she asked.
"Yes, he's driving around looking for her. I'm staying here in case she comes back,"
"Okay," Caroline said, her organization skills already kicking in. "I'll call Klaus and see if any of his freaky hybrid spies has seen her,"
"Thank you, Caroline," Stefan said, sounding relieved to have her help. She hung up and dialed Klaus, but it went straight to voicemail. "Great," she muttered under her breath and headed to his mansion. When she pulled up, she was surprised to see that the door was wide open. She got out and headed towards it carefully, keeping her vampire hearing perked just in case. She wasn't sure what she expected to hear, but it sure as hell wasn't the girly giggle that reached her ears.
She stopped in the middle of the street, realizing she recognized that giggle. Elena. She was about to race inside, but the next words she heard froze her in her place, ""It's nice really, not feeling anything. I'd be able to enjoy it more though if I didn't have Caroline breathing down my neck all the time. I thought the prom dress would do it for sure," Elena said. Caroline's chest started heaving, the memory stirring the anger inside her. Her night had sucked bad enough, and now that wench was in there gloating about stealing her prom dress.
Caroline was murderous until she heard the next words, this time coming from Klaus' deep voice, "Yes, Caroline was pretty furious over that one. Fortunately for you, love, she's a very loyal friend. She forgives easily". Her heart fluttered hearing him defend her, and she felt a pull in her stomach from the way her name sounded in his accent.
Elena's next words snapped Caroline back to reality, "I prefer the term needy," Caroline gasped. It was hurtful to hear coming from her best friend, and she was somewhat afraid of how Klaus would reply. What if he agreed with her? "You still haven't told me what you're doing here. I'd make it quick if I were you darling, my patience is wearing thin and you are no longer useful to me, as I'm sure you remember." She heard him say. She was relieved for a moment, and then her eyes widened, fear gripping her because she knew Klaus did not make empty death threats. She headed towards the door quickly, expecting to see him with his hand around Elena's heart, about to rip it out or maybe a wooden stake in his hand.
What she didn't expect was the way their bodies were pressed together.
She didn't expect him to be mirroring Elena's coy smile. She didn't expect him to have his hand on the small of her back.
Most of all, Caroline didn't expect the jealousy that surged through her heart and started pumping through her veins.
To be continued..