Magnus had out-drank everyone in the bar. He couldn't remember having this much fun since college, the dizzying effects of alcohol tossing his inhibitions to the wind. He felt freer than a butterfly.

It had begun with a simple dare.

"Magnus," Jace's drunken slur slipped through the cloudy alcohol-induced haze of Magnus' mind. "Double dog dare y'to drink more tha' meeee." He drew out the last syllable in childish sing-song.

Magnus, already drunk, agreed.


And that was that. Drink after drink, shot after shot, until the bartender had had enough of them and shooed them out the door. Jace flapped his hand at Magnus in an attempt at a wave goodbye before stumbling towards his apartment across the street.

Magnus couldn't remember his address. He considered calling Jace back and begging to stay with him, but Clary was home from college for the weekend, and Magnus wouldn't want to interrupt anything. Long-distance was hard, that much he remembered.

He leaned against the brick of the wall behind him, eyes closed to block the glare of a streetlight. Where could he go? Magnus was sure he knew someone a couple blocks from him.

Of course! What's-her-name, the girl who dressed like a vampire. Her apartment wasn't far.

He started walking.

Several almost-falls later, Magnus was staring at the door to a large apartment building. He peered at the doorway, locating the carefully labled doorbells. His drunkenly addled brain saw only nonsense. He squinted at the words again, but still couldn't make heads or tails of it.

He sighed, looking up at the building again. He could see her window just fine, right next to one of those spiraly fire escapes. It was so close, yet so far.

Wait, the fire escape. He could just climb up to her window, slip inside, and voila!

Magnus was a genius, he was sure.

Climbing the fire escape was difficult, but Magnus was determined. He finally reached the top and crawled through the open window.

Inside, it was dark. His vision swam as he stumbled over to the couch. He collapsed on the sofa and a dark, furry thing hissed at him. He jumped.

Oh, a cat. And there was another one. Since when did she have cats? He blinked, puzzled.

Magnus shrugged out of his shirt and settled down to sleep. He was out within two minutes, curled up in a ball on the couch, shirt pillowed beneath his head.

His eyes felt like they were glued shut. Magnus could feel a pounding headache building and his throat was raw and sore.

He sat up and forced his eyes open, running fingers through his hair and rolling his shoulders. He froze.

There was a guy sitting in an armchair next to him, just staring.

Magnus stared back; the man was gorgeous.

"Um," Magnus coughed. "Not to be rude, but who the hell are you?"

"I could ask the same of you," Oh God, his voice. Magnus wondered if this was heaven.

He coughed again and rasped out a childish "I asked first."

"Yeah, but you're in my apartment." The stranger raised an eyebrow.

Magnus' brain was not fully functioning quite yet. His very eloquent "Huh?" was proof enough of that.

"Um, why are you in my apartment?" The stranger asked, brow furrowed slightly.

"Oh my god, this is your apartment," Magnus said. "Oh my god. I must've gone to the wrong window or something." He covered his face with his hands and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The other man just looked more confused. "I think I need coffee for this," he said, running a hand through his hair and standing. "Want some?"

"I'd love some, thanks," Magnus mumbled from behind his hands, face pink.

By the time the man came back, Magnus was no longer shirtless and had calmed down to a somewhat less panicky state of mind.

"I'm Alec, by the way," the man said, handing Magnus his coffee and sitting back down in his armchair.

Magnus took the steaming mug, sighing gratefully. "Magnus," he said, introducing himself. "Magnus Bane."

"So," Alec began, nodding somewhat awkwardly. "Why...?" He trailed off, shrugging.

Magnus blushed, again. "First thing you should know is that I was really really really drunk," he said. He went on to explain the whole situation, apologizing profusely throughout.

By the end of Magnus' story, Alec was laughing uncontrollably. "Wow," he said between chuckles. ""

"I know," said Magnus, grinning. "Let me make it up to you somehow, okay?"

"Sure. What are you thinking?"

Magnus looked at Alec. Really looked at him. Alec just stared back.

Magnus dragged his eyes away. "Let me make you dinner," he said. "I'm a chef by trade, so it can't be horrible."

Alec grinned. "Alright," he said.

Magnus grabbed pen and scrap paper from the table nearby. He scribbled on it, handing it to Alec. "My address. Be there at eight?"

"Sounds good," Alec smiled.

Magnus grabbed his jacket and hurried out, thanking Alec again and again.

He needed to leave before he did something stupid. Like kiss him.

The kitchen was full of wonderful smells. Garlic, onions, ginger, soy sauce all blended together into a mouth watering scent.

Magnus checked the clock above the sink. 7:39. He had just enough time to change and set the table.

He shut off the CD player, stopping Ke$ha mid-sentence and throwing the room into blissful silence. He breathed deeply, enjoying the aroma of good food.

His stomach rumbled.

Magnus jogged over to his room. He changed into dark jeans and a short sleeve lavender button down, leaving the top buttons undone. He checked his hair in the mirror on his door. He would have to touch up his roots soon, and the blue was fading at his bangs. For now, just a spritz of silver hairspray and a couple quick strokes of eyeliner and Magnus felt ready.

The table was set and the food was hot when Magnus heard the knock. He practically ran to the door, shouting "Coming" as he went. He pulled the door open and let him in.

Alec looked good. His clothes were all black, and his hair was slicked back and perfect. Magnus tried not to swoon.

"Glad you made it," he smiled.

Alec smiled. "It smells amazing," he said, shrugging out of his jacket and hanging it by the door.

Magnus grinned. "I know."

Alec laughed at him, and Magnus led him to the table.

The dinner was delicious, and they found conversation to be easy. Magnus learned that Alec was training to be a police officer, and that he had two siblings. They traded stories about their cats; Alec's were named Rapheal and Josiah. Magnus told Alec about his plans for a restaurant.

It was easy.

They were cleaning up afterwards; Alec was washing dishes and Magnus was drying them and putting them away. Magnus had finished putting away a large stack of plates when he looked up to find Alec watching him.

Neither of them looked away as Magnus stood and stepped closer to Alec. He didn't stop until they were breathing the same air, mere inches from one another. Magnus tilted his head slightly, just watching as Alec glanced at his lips.

Then it happened. Alec leaned forwards, just enough to let their lips touch briefly, then pulled back.

Magnus sighed, mouth tingling pleasantly. He smiled softly, watching as Alec swooped in again, this time more assertive. The kiss was firm and passionate, and Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec, Alec's hands tangling in his hair.

When they pulled apart, both were breathing heavily.

"Hi," said Magnus softly, smiling at Alec's goofy grin. "Sleep over?"