Authors Note: Yo! So…I kinda lost motivation for a while to write, but I saw The Last in theaters recently, and it reignited that spark. Hopefully it will carry me through to the end haha! But anyway, thanks for anyone who continues to read this, I was happy whenever anyone favorited or followed this story, and I hope it continues to do well. I did receive some feedback about making the story more detailed, so I'm gonna give that a shot, see what you guys think! Leave a comment, it really lets me know how I'm doing! Let's get back to it!

Authors Note Made at a Much Later Date than Note One: So I've been trying to get this chapter released for awhile now, but I have been trying to find a beta, mostly for grammar and flow. Unfortunately, all the beta's I've contacted through the site haven't responded, which leads me to my next point. If you or someone you know might be interested in being a beta for this story, please send me a PM with an example of something you've worked on or written. I'll respond shortly! Or even just leave a comment if you think I even need a beta! Much thanks! Anyway, to the actual story, for real this time.

CHAPTER 3: New Team Kakashi

"Baa-chan, you're gonna fight us?" Naruto asked incredulously.

"What, you have a problem with that?" Tsunade asked in return, continuing to stretch.

"Well, I have this thing about hitting old ladies…" Naruto chuckled in reply, jumping back to avoid a swipe from the irritated slug Sannin.

"Why you little brat, I'll…"

"Now now, why don't you save that for the training exercise Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked jovially, receiving an irritated huff in reply. "Now, this exercise is similar to the last, only you have a new member to work with, that being Obito. Not only will this show us how well you can work with people you have just met, it gives us a chance to see if Obito's skills are still sharp after all these years."

"Tch, years for you. It was less than a day for me…"

"Alright, I'll be watching the match closely. Obviously strike as if to kill, or you won't stand a chance. Good luck!" Kakashi said with a wave, before forming the ram seal and disappearing in a puff of smoke. Tsunade turned to face the three teenage ninja, her smirk having returned.

"Alright, are you three ready?" She nodded, looking at the three teens individually. Naruto grinned, settling into a low stance. Sakura pulled her gloves on and cracked her knuckles while Obito slipped his goggles on, his Sharingan spinning into existence. "Good. Then…begin!" She yelled, and was instantly alone in the clearing. Tsunade nodded to herself, before slowly walking towards the forest. 'It's been awhile since I really cut loose…those brats are in for a rough time.' She thought, grinning.

The three teens huddled together as they discussed how they would take on Tsunade.

"Ok, so what do we know about Tsunade-sama? Strengths? Weaknesses?" Obito asked. Sakura sighed.

"It doesn't look good, I know that much. I studied under her for the last few years, so I probably know more than you two. She is one of the three legendary Sannin, and for good reason. She is the best medical kunoichi in the world, has perfect chakra control and insane strength. If you get hit by her, even just once, you're out."

"That…doesn't sound good." Obito sweatdropped slightly.

"It gets worse." Sakura chuckled darkly. "She has trained extensively to avoid taking damage, meaning her dodging is top notch. Landing a hit on her is going to be difficult, and even if we do land a good hit, she can release the Byakugo seal on her forehead to heal any injuries."

"I knew Baa-chan was tough…but when you put it like that, she sounds impossible to beat." Naruto added, his face downcast. Sakura smiled.

"Well, it's not all hopeless. She does have a few weaknesses, the most major one being that her chakra capacity isn't the greatest. Capacity and control are normally inversely proportional to each other, which is why Naruto has such crap chakra control. Unless she releases the seal, we could win through a battle of attrition. And even if she does release the seal, when it runs out she'll be incredibly weak. Another big weakness of Tsunade-sama's is that her jutsu repertoire is basically non-existent, relying on her healing and strength to get her through most situations." Obito and Naruto both seemed to perk up a bit as Tsunade's weaknesses became known. The time-lost Uchiha smirked, waving the other two closer.

"Alright, here's what I think we should do…"


Tsunade walked casually through the forest, confident that the three would come for her in time.

'I wonder what those brats have planned…You can never know what Naruto will come up with. I know next to nothing about Obito, so the two of them should be able to surprise me.' She was torn from her thoughts by the soft click of a wire trap, throwing herself to the side to avoid the shuriken launched from somewhere in the forest. 'Tch, I can't forget they aren't Genin anymore. If I let my guard down, I could lose this.' Tsunade rolled to a stop, looking around the forest quickly. Suddenly she noticed a shadow on the ground which was growing larger by the second. Her head snapped up to see a quickly falling Sakura, hand cocked back for a monster punch.

"Shannaro!" The pink haired medic shouted, throwing her super-charged punch towards her mentor. Her eyes widened in shock as the punch was caught by a smiling Tsunade who quickly threw her across the forest, the young medic disappearing beyond the tree line. The slug Sannin's grin grew larger as Naruto and Obito both leapt quickly from the trees, engaging her in a taijutsu battle. Naruto fought recklessly, creating several shadow clones to gain the Hokage's attention as he pressed his attack, but Tsunade didn't even sweat as she fought both of the younger shinobi. Obito's Sharingan spun quickly as he moved to avoid the Hokage's powerful attacks, ducking under one sweeping arm that sent Tsunade slightly off balance. Sensing an opening, he dove for the bells dangling from her waist.

'Alright! We win as soon as I..' Obito grinned, never noticing the follow up kick that slammed into his side, launching him towards a tree. He was saved from further harm when his new blonde teammate managed to catch him in midair. The two took cover under some bushes, leaving Tsunade to deal with Naruto's clones. Obito winced as his ribs throbbed painfully. "Shit, if she wasn't holding back that would have killed me." Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, but we already took that into consideration. Just stick to your plan Obito, I'm sure it will work." The Kyuubi Jinchuriki grinned, giving Obito a thumbs up. The Uchiha huffed.

"Of course it will work, I thought of it after all." He said, feigning insult before he grinned. "Let's regroup with Sakura and move this into phase two." Naruto nodded, the two hopping away as they heard the last of the shadow clones poof out of existence. Tsunade sighed, slowly walking back into the forest. 'I can't believe Obito almost grabbed the bells. It's been so long since I sparred a Sharingan user, I've forgotten how damn annoying those eyes are. At least he doesn't have Kamui yet, or this would've been a cakewalk for those three. Thank Kami for small blessings I suppose.'


Once they had regrouped with Sakura, the three quickly moved to set up their next trap. Naruto and Obito grinned as they prepared, but Sakura furrowed her brow as she worked. 'It all sounds good in theory, but Tsunade-sama isn't a famous ninja for nothing…' Once they had set everything up, they jumped up into the trees to wait.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait long, as Tsunade cautiously neared their position. All three teens were suppressing their chakra as much as they could, hoping that the Sannin wouldn't notice them until the trap was sprung. The infamous gamble was creeping forward slowly when she noticed another wire trap placed in her path. She smirked, stepping over the wire and moving forward more quickly, knowing that the three had to be nearby. The new team nodded to each other, separating to begin the plan. Obito silently moved crept around Tsunade until she was facing away from him. He smiled, flashing through the handsigns to an Uchiha staple as he inhaled deeply.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" A huge gout of fire burst from his lips, the large fireball traveling quickly towards the Hokage. She spun quickly, eyes widening at the size of the fireball. 'Shit! Kakashi didn't tell me Obito had so much chakra!' She leapt straight into the air, managing to clear the fire attack which sailed under her. The Hokage couldn't spare any time to catch her breath however, as she quickly noticed Sakura falling from above once again, another punch launched towards Tsunade.

"You think you'll succeed this time Sakura? I wouldn't bet on it!" The busty blonde grinned, catching the punch easily. A little too easily, she realized. 'Sakura wasn't using her super strength? Why would she…' Her eyes widened as a puff of smoke revealed Sakura to be none other than Naruto. 'Shit, a Henge! Then where is the real Sakura?' Tsunade had little time to think as Sakura appeared in her blind spot, slamming a fist into her teacher's stomach, rocketing the blonde off towards the ground. Tsunade recovered quickly, righting herself to land on the nearest branch, before making her way to the ground. However, she was in for a rude surprise at the bottom.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto's burst from every direction, a seemingly endless number. Try as hard as she might, Tsunade couldn't defeat enough to escape the cluster, though she noted that they weren't really fighting her, so much as swarming her to keep her in…one place.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu!" Tsunade's head snapped skyward as Obito appeared above, launching small fireballs towards the frenzied group. She tried to leap free, but as she expected, the clones held her in place. Instead she raised her arms above herself to protect her head.

'The clones are just going to get destroyed by Obito's attack…I guess I can't expect them to be coordinated with a new teammate so quickly.' The Godaime thought to herself. Suddenly a pair of hands burst from the ground, aiming for her waist. Time slowed for the Hokage as she assessed the situation. Pink hair was now visible as Sakura continued to rise from the ground, while Obito fell closer to her from above. Meanwhile there were still quite a few clones clustered around her, with Naruto either among them or hatching the next part of whatever plan this was. She had to admit it…they had her. Or at least they could get the bells. If it was just a straight fight, it would be a different story, but as it stood…

"Alright enough!" The Sannin yelled authoritatively, causing the clones to stop swarming, though they eyed her carefully for any tricks. Obito and Sakura stopped their respective assaults and retreated to behind the wall of clones. They too remained wary, causing Tsunade to smile. 'Ready for any tricks, eh? I wouldn't trust me either.' Still, she surprised them by tossing Sakura the bells. "That was an impressive coordinated assault. You would've had me, and I'd prefer not to get my clothes covered in dirt unnecessarily. So, congratulations, I declare this team ready for missions!" Obito and Sakura smiled at each other before a familiar blonde Jinchurrikki appeared between the two, pulling both together.

"Alright! We totally kicked Granny's butt!"

Tsunade glared, but anyone could see the good natured smirk she was trying to hide. Obito chuckled. "I'm surprised how hard she tried against you Naruto. She doesn't go easy on her relatives, does she?" Both blondes raised an eyebrow.

"Whattdya mean relatives? I call her Granny 'cause she's old, not because she's actually my grandma." Naruto asked, receiving a sharp bop to his head from the bosom blonde. "Like I could actually be related to this brat." She snorted, causing Obito to scratch his head.

"But wasn't your grandfather the First? He married Mito Uzumaki right? So you have at least a decent amount of Uzumaki blood in ya, so Naruto would be like your nephew or something similar." The Uchiha explained, causing the two blondes to slowly turn towards each other in stunned silence. "You…are actually a blood relative of mine…Kami, I need a drink…" Tsunami sighed, running her hand through her hair while Naruto merely grinned, but was silenced by the Hokage before he could speak. "We'll deal with…that…later. First, we need to get you all ready to resume active duty. You've proven that you are combat ready, so as soon as I find a mission I think is a good fit, you'll be heading out. In the mean time…" She turned to Obito. "We need to get you all the gear you'll need, weapons, clothing, rations, and the like. Also, it would be good to introduce you to the ninja you'll be most likely to work with. Naruto can take care of that, he should let them know he's back in town as well."

Obito sighed. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to get very much…I was an orphan, so the only money I've got is what I have on me right now." Tsunade stared at him quizzically, causing the Uchiha to raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Kid, the entire Uchiha clan is either dead or rogue. Everything that belonged to them is now yours by law, including the Uchiha district. In fact, you're probably the third richest shinobi in Konoha, behind Jiraiya and Naruto. Though Naruto's wealth doesn't really count since the necklace he wears is what is worth so much…he doesn't have much real money…Obito? You ok?" She asked in concern as the boy began to sway where he stood.

"I'm…rich? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" He suddenly yelled, before collapsing.

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu = Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu = Shadow Clone Technique

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu = Pheonix Sage Fire Technique