It was a normal day for me at Ouran academy high school, my name is Haruhi Fujioka and I'm a member of the Host Club at my school. I recently had to join because I fell into Debt with them when I broke a vase that cost me 8,000. I also found out the night before from my dad that I had a long lost sister, and she was coming to my high school in two weeks.
Dad walks in the door as I finish cooking diner. "Okarei, Papa." I called from the kitchen area. "Hi Haruhi, come here for a minute I got some news to tell you." I walked into the living room drying off a dish. "Nani, Papa? You never have news for me." I chuckled a bit as I sat down next to him.
"What is it?" Dad sighed before saying. "You have a long lost sister. I got contacted by her adopted family saying that your mother secretly gave her up so she could support you. She's coming in two weeks to your school because she wants to meet her long lost sister."
My jaw dropped to the floor. "What about my club duties? Won't she freak out?" I asked dad but he shrugged. "Don't know but you better tell the boys so they don't freak out when they see a girl who looks like you on campus."
"So she's my TWIN?!" I yelled in surprise this time. "Yes." Dad spoke before I slammed my head into the table.
So that's why I'm slouching as I walk over to the club room which is a unused music room. As I opened the door everyone is already there and dressed in the newest outfit apparel, which were animals.
"Hello." Everyone said as I walked in and closed the double doors behind me. "Hi guys." I spoke with solemn as I sat down on a couch. "Dajioubu, Haruhi?" Hikaru asked me. I whined in response. "It's not my week…" I moaned in reply.
"What happened, Haru-chan?" Honey-senpai spoke hugging Uma-chan to his chest. I threw a pillow on the ground from the couch. "Dad said to me yesterday that I have a long lost sister, who's coming in two weeks… and she's also my twin…" I groaned into the pillow before screaming.
Tamaki-senpai gushed. "Sounds wonderful! What is her name? What's she like?" Kaoru leered at Tamaki-senpai. "She has along lost twin sister, sir and she probably doesn't even know her." I raised a hand up in the air and pointed at Kaoru. "He's right on the money." Kaoru hollered with joy. "I'm right for once!~" Hikaru knelt down beside me and rubbed my back. "It's ok, Haruhi."
"Thanks, Hikaru. She was with a adopted family and they went and researched for the people who brought my sister into the orphanage to give her up. They found my dad because my mom had given my sister up without anyone knowing." I said. "Kyoya-senpai, what are you doing?" Kaoru said as Kyoya-senpai was clicking on his laptop for stuff.
"Just trying to figure out who this girl is." Kyoya-senpai continued to type without looking up. Tamaki pulled his laptop off the table. "No info! I want to hear it from the source when she comes!" Tamaki threw the laptop out the window. "Tamaki-senpai! We're on the third floor!" Too late because the laptop had already landed in the fountain.
"Sir I don't think that was a bright idea." The twins said in union. "Nani?" Tamaki-senpai asked as we all looked at Kyoya who looked flustered and red as Tamaki-senpai took off running while Kyoya-senpai chased him around the room.
"GOMEN I WILL PAY FOR A NEW ONE, Kyoya!" That got him to settle down and drink tea for a while, meanwhile Tamaki layed face planted on the carpeted area of the music room his face squished against it.
"What are you anyway guys?" I asked as I noticed Honey-senpai was a Rabbit, Mori-senpai was a Dog, Hikaru was a Snake, Kaoru was a Rat, Tamaki-senpai was a Dragon and Kyoya was a Pig.
"We already got your costume!" Hikaru pulled over me a costume that looked like an onesie with more realistic fur. "Tiger? Let me guess, Chinese Zodiac animals?" Kaoru made a bell noise, letting me know I was right. "Good guess, Haruhi!" Everyone clapped their hands. "What, its bestiality now? Nice job guys." Everyone face planted at my joke. "Not funny Haruhi!" Tamaki-senpai whined as tears sprung from his eyes as I shrugged and sat at a table.
"God it's gonna be annoying when my Sister comes, how am I gonna explain that I'm a Host to her?" Mori-senpai asked suddenly. "Where does she live, by chance?" I blinked in surprise then muttered. "Okinawa. So in a sense not far from here."
"She looks like you?" Kaoru asked once more. "She a twin so yes. I've never seen her so I'm kinda worried that she'll tell people I'm a girl so she might have to hide out here or go home before I even leave for the club." I pounder for a minute. "Why not just drag her here and make sure she doesn't say a word about your secret job." Honey-senpai replies in wonder.
I snap my fingers together. "You know that's not a bad idea. She's coming in two weeks and she'll be dropped off at my house so I'll explain to her the situation if Dad hasn't told her yet." I patted Honey-senpai on the head. "Nice idea, Honey-senpai!" He wore a cute bunny costume as he hugged Uma-chan to his chest, which was a pink bunny I've seen him holding since I first met him.
Mori-senpai just had a Dog tail tied to his waist, dog paw gloves and dog ears. Kyoya-senpai was even worst. He just had a pink outfit with a pig nose painted on his face and pig ears hidden in his hair. The worst one there had to be Tamaki-senpai who wore a traditional Chinese Dragon Costume that was meant for two people.
"That's a shameful costume, senpai." I sweat dropped when he tried to parade around me in it. I think I crushed his spirit because he was in a corner within a second pouting and gloomy.
"He was the one who made the costumes anyway…" Hika-chan replied sweat dropping at Senpai who was twitting his thumbs together before looking over at us with that puppy dog look.
"Not cute, senpai. You make Honey-senpai look like an adult." That crushed him even more because he had tears streaming down his face anime style. "Haru-chan, my own Daughter is hurting my feelings." I groaned in protest as he cries to Kyoya-senpai who was the appointed 'Mama' for our Host Family.
I don't even know when he started doing this delusional crap, because it's starting to freak me out. Soon my phone buzzed with a message from Dad. "Huh? What does my dad want." I looked at the phone and saw a picture of a girl who looked exactly like me with another woman who must've been the person who raised her.
Her hair was a bit wavy and curly in the picture was it was put up in pig tails her brown eyes sparkled with joy. She wore a length top with a few ruffles and flowers on it but was a grey top and black short with flip flops. "Nani?" Hikaru looked up at me as he caught me staring in wonder at my twin's picture.
"She looks like me." I showed the boys who came over to see. "She looks exactly like you." Honey-senpai cheered. "She's more feminine." Kyoya-senpai added which I glared at. "Oi, she maybe my long Lost sister but don't forget your place's guys. She's a commoner just like me, as you guys always say."
"Kaoru, do you think we should throw a party for when she gets here?" Hika-chan asked. Tamaki jumped up from his corner. "Sounds wonderful!" he pounced on me to see. "Damn it, Senpai! Get off my back." I yelled in his ear as he snatched my phone from me to steal a peek.
"She's a beauty, just like you Haruhi." Tamaki grinned which just made me frown in response. "Go ahead and have the party but you'll have to close for a day in order to have it!" I yelled in his glamorous face. He narrowed his blue eyes at me in response. "Quit yelling at your papa, Haru-chan."
I stomped in exchange then walked out of the music room. "Go on ahead and do business without me!"
"Chotto matte, Haruhi! What do we tell your guest?!" Kaoru and Hikaru shouted in union as they reached towards me. "Tell them Tamaki-senpai's cooking killed my stomach!" I yelled as I slam the door behind me.
Hikaru's POV
I glared at Tamaki as the door slammed shut behind Haruhi. "See what you did again, sir?" I gave him a look which he understood. His lack of sensitivity caused him to do wrong once again.
"She'll come back tomorrow." Kyoya-senpai spoke this time. "We'll talk to her in class." Kaoru and I said together. Tamaki sat back and just looked discontented as guest started to come in the music room
There it is, my first official shot for Ouran Host Club story. Hopefully this will be a big success XD hope you enjoyed the start for this story and I will update real soon