Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, I do not have any rights to Pokémon and I do not make any money from writing these fics.

Written For: The Pokémon Mega Prompt Challenge, The If You Dare Challenge, The 12/30 Challenge, The Mix and Match Challenge, The Leap Year Challenge, The Remi's Toy Box Challenge.

Prompts: Dying Earth Subgenre, Walt Disney, Character: Iris, Character: Scyther, hole, Write a fic exploring the theme "existence", Word amount: 314.

Saving What Is Not Lost

"What should we do Scyther?" Iris asked with a painful note in her voice as they stood on the edge of the forest while looking out at the idyllic, picturesque town that was nestled safely at the start of a new region. "Should we tell them what lies behind us? About the hole...about what is going to come their way?"

"Scy, Scyther," the bug Pokémon replied with an equally depressed tone as the human next to him. "Scyther, Scyther..."

"Yeah...with the regions behind us...those holes and what is coming out of them...this is not a Walt Disney moment. We need to act...I hope if we can find someone willing to give us a chance we can save not only this town but this region and maybe...just maybe what is left of our world," Iris said depressedly as she absent minded reached back to pat Axew only to freeze mid way as the lighter weight of her head reminded her of the absence of her long time friend. "I hope that we can stop anyone else from being erased out of existence, like Axew...and Ash and Pikachu and Cilan."

"Scy, Scy, Scyther," Scyther replied softly in what could only be a comforting tone as he patted Iris on the back in a comforting manner while being careful of his sharp blades. "Scyther."

"Thank you my friend. I know that with your help we can figure out just why it was possible for everyone but us two to be erased out of existence but us," Iris said with a small smile. "Now, let's get going, I do not want to have to create anymore graveyards where towns, cities and villages once stood."

Sharing a sideways glance with one another Iris and Scyther burst into action, running away from the forest that hid the dead part of the planet from the alive part. They never looked back.

End of Prompt.