Ozpin stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the Emerald forest as he watched/(manipulated) the Team Selection Ceremony. In one hand, he held his obligatory coffee mug while in the other he held his scroll, displaying four different camera footages. One screen showed Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee arguing over what to do next. A cute airhead with a tsundere? Those two were so moe they were definitely destined for one another. A second showed Blake and Yang walking in comfortable silence to the relic sites. The dark and silent personality of the Belladona girl nicely balanced out the bright and boisterous personality of Xiao Long. Yes, they would work. A third screen showed Lie Ren trying to keep up with the antics of Nora Valkyrie. Childhood friends? The law of anime demanded those two ended up together. And finally, possibly his favorite of them all, the fourth screen revealed Pyrrha Nikos helping the clumsy Jaune Arc down from a tree. Ozpin smiled, it was the classic tale of a teenage boy trying to survive a school he wasn't supposed to be in with the help of a powerful female love interest. Hadn't anyone seen Rosario+Vampire? It was bound to happen!

"Soon," he whispered to himself as he stared at all four screens intently. "Soon, all my pairings will become canon."

Behind him, Glynda Goodwitch released an exasperated sigh as she watched her boss indulge in his disturbing hobby. The headmaster had done this for years, matching up every student he possibly could during their time in Beacon. In fact he had become so proficient at covertly manipulating the love lives of teenagers that less than five percent of last year's graduating class walked away single. A part of her wanted to force an end to Ozpin's maniacal obsession with his student's love lives but Monty forbid if he ever turned his attention towards the Beacon teaching staff. She still had nightmares about being paired up with Professor Port.

'If only,' she though wryly, 'he had put this much effort into hunting, the Grimm would probably be extinct.' Either way, all eight students had already fallen in manipulative hands of the legendary… Ship-wizard!